Is forcibly removing white farmers from their land okay? Is salting the land genocide? SRD debates

178  2018-03-01 by CucksLoveTrump


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Then why is the land rightfully owned by Black South Africans?

My leftist perspective: It isnt. The land is rightfully owned by nobody.

(Different person than you responded to.)

Is this the most useless comment of all time?


/u/Lieutenant_Rans who fucking CARES about your perspective lmao stay safer than mandela at Robben Island

He wanted to show off his leftist credentials, good for him.

A liberal muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

”How old is this rock, pinhead?”

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian”

”Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The same tears liberals cry for the “poor” (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving job creators. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, DeShawn Washington, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist liberal professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned against them!

The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

Semper Fi.

I read this whole thing.

I want the minute of time wasted on this back.

trying to say you're owed reparations?

You took a whole minute to read this?

I show off that I’m intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor.

Autistically centrist, I can dig it.

Manifest destiny!

I feel like you’re very purposefully ignoring the socialist motive here. It isn’t just “take land from the white devil” it’s “take the means of food production from the white colonial capitalist”.

just “take land from the white devil”

Who needs more tbh?

Yeah, it's like, keep your politics out of my mass whitey murder, dude.

Alternate comment:

Why do people always try to bring politics into race wars?

As a whitey, I would much rather the bullet come from a jackbooted black panther with a red armband than some Communist pansy. Please kill me Führer Sharpton!

jackbooted black panther with a red armband

weren’t like 85% of those guys commies

Yeah but they were friends with the American Nazi party at the same time

i think you’re thinking of NoI?

Yeah I got confused because I have gaps in my brain and I’m mentally retarded

well, they both hold up their fist!

Just two socialists having a good time.

I hope that /u/FallOutTubes gets ass cancer immediately. Racist scum.

You can't be racist against white people.

In context, they're a minority without political power. So yes you can, even according to SocJus.

Counterpoint: whites are subhuman

Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Can't argue against that.

Username checks out

Only America counts lol. So black people are minorities even in Africa.

Americans aren't white though.

What you said doesn't make sense. It was literally about black people retard.

Wow can we please stop with this ableist language?

Got me thers

they don’t fit into any majority or minority. They’re like animals. Can you be racist against animals?

Hey at least PETA will give more of a shit than the West.


Wait are we talking about blacks/gypsies now? Stay on course

Oh shit eva is on a new account now

Are you calling me a leaf? How dare u

Excuse you, racism = racism + privilege. They own the land and therefore have privilege.

racism = racism + privilege

If I solve for privilege in that equation, then privilege = 0

Checkmate SJWs.

It's just proof that math is an invention of the patriarchy.


ASAP tbh. We clearly failed at this “making a country” thing, just end our misery.

with 35 fucking points. At les 35 people are absolute retards

/u/fallouttubes You have a very interesting perspective on this, can you teach us the leftist perspective on this?

He’s not leftist. He’s a white sub human.

Same difference

It’s great how u/FalloutTubes is a two weeks old alt account with more karma than my 2 year old account. Hey u/FalloutTubes, serious question: in your mind, do you really believe yourself a great revolutionary or accept the reality that you are in fact a deadbeat?

So every argument in SRD for South Africa actively supports Hitler's reasoning. Good to see the crypto hate camp is growing.

Fear not. This is just the long bend in the horseshoe that will lead back to radical centrism!

What was Hitler's reasoning exactly?

Something about dogs and architecture.

That the majority of banks, wealth, media & whatever was being stolen by jews and they needed to siezed and returned to Germans.

Basically Hitler-ing is OK when woke or brown people do it.

There's no way this doesn't end in an ethnic cleansing and it probably won't be just white people either.

Congrats to SA for starting the mayocide though.

They aren't white people, they're Dutch.

1 German = 3 French

1 French = 1 Pol

1 Pol = 3 Dutch.

Goddamn Swamp Germans.

Excuse me bitch. They're actually Afrikaans aka pseudo-blacks.

And who do the Afrikaans descend from?

The swamp donkey Dutch.

Ewww. As soon as your feet touch the continent of Africa, you become a black in my book.

The Dutch have been black long before it was cool.

el abamO

1 German = 3 French

Imagine considering the krauts people.

idk, aren’t there still mayos in zimbabwe? they’re tenacious lil fukkas

majority of banks, wealth, media & whatever was being stolen by jews

where's the lie

Jews have too much power and control with their tiny group up top.

The Jews might still get to keep their house in a country full of people that want them dead.

To be honest if white people can mass-murder other white people, it's pretty racist to say that black people can't mass-murder white people.
I mean, we're all part of the same race, where's the equality you goddamn (((nazis)))? Why can't we just peacefully kill other groups of people?? smh

white "people"

Sorry sweetie but nobody south of the Alps is "White" (◠‿◠✿)

It's just reparations!

/u/MemeMeUpFamilia nigga u can't even leave your mom's house yet you think forcibly stealing someones property and only livehood is ok?

His username is an overload of cringe. Has to be a mayo guy named Sean.

Mod of r/LateStageCapitalism...

Amazing lol. Of course. What a shock the things you can say in SRD when you are on the left especially after seeing Jebus at work.

mayocide when?

Soon, it appears.

I usually hate making the slippery slope argument, but the is the slippery slope to white genocide in South Africa, and it's very concerning. Usually when you hear about this it's fat white neckbeards whining about blacks and Latinos dating white girls.

u/MemeMeUpFamilia i hate to be the bearer of bad news but nobody really lived in the area until the mayos came and made it nice. Of course like clockwork the basketball people came and are returning it to 3rd world status and the cycle continues

People live tgere the african Zulu just killed or sold them all before the Dutch got there

I can't stress enough how unironically i mean this: we should go house to house and shoot anyone with any communist sympathies.

this, but unironically

Esto, pero unironicamente

Esto, pero en serio

Esto, pero srs es algo que quiero hacer.

Esto, pero de verdad lo quiero hacer

Esto, pero debes ser mi novio.

Esto, pero en un helicóptero.

The Russians won the cold war, just look at American college kids. Marxism and communist propaganda is perpetuated by college profs that have never lived in the real world.

Is it actually


Bitch, Russia is a shit hole and has not won anything. This is independently derived degeneracy.

has not won anything

Yeah, I mean according to the recent leak, the upcoming election in Tula will only have a turnout rate of 40%...

They used all their resources to win the war. Poor and desperate but won.

Lmao, their leadership steals billions from the country.

Mayo go home

mayo go home to gulag

This but ironically

This but semi-ironically.

wow this

If only it was a just world for this to happen.

get over it bich

Make me fag


Ok I take it back 😉

Please note white South Africans are about 10% of the population and own about 75% of the farmland. (Actually down from 84% owned by white peoplein 1994). There’s very much an issue there.

this stat is like the complete inverse of a certain stat relating to race and american crime but if you bring that up and say "hey that's an issue" you get called racist. but hey wypipo are discusting so this is okay.

/u/FalloutTubes if you’re gonna be redistributing the labd anyway, why wouldn’t they just seize ALL of it to begin with? that way they could do it evenly

this would be like breaking up only the banks with Jewish owners

So all of them, then.

Jamie Dimon is Christian Orthodox.

I'm sure (((he))) would like you to think that.

"Take their property for the crime of being mayos"

Zimbabwe tried it, but then they wanted mayos to come back.

What crazy mongoloid would ever travel TO Zimbabwe or South Africa when black people are in charge and think mob rule by animals is actually good.

Any reasonable person would get the hell out of there.

most of the smart ones -- at least the ones with any resources -- did a while back.

those who truly believe in the mayocide

Zimbabweans can pull the victim card because Mugabe was a dictator.

They democratically advocate for mass violence.

mugabe was the dude going easy on white people at the beginning when he was elected though. Of course, he was still a terrorist so they should have seen it coming

They figure it out real quick when all of their infrastructure breaks down and nobody knows how to repair it.

Women can't even make it through Survivor much less run society.

Women can't make it a month without bleeding out of their demon hole.

Old ones can.

Someone to experience the joy of GILF bussy

Women are for fags no matter the age.

Rhodesians never die.

Ugh. Commies are just the worst.


So, if you lose your land how do you live on it? Tell me how you can seize assets but it isn't ethnic cleansing? The leaders of South Africa even pointed out ethnic cleansing isn't off the table for good, just "for now".

Definitely a racist decision functionally, but ultimately, this is a propagandist move with economic motivation. This happens all the time in history: a minority that has more than the empowered majority gets their belongings redistributed. Sucks, but this just happens to societies like South Africa.

This is kind of like "We outnumber you, so we can take your stuff if we want", but dressed up to try to sound dignified.

This is a false equivalence. The difference is that a ruling Jewish class didn't force millions of white Americans off their land and into ghettos in the mid 20th century. Shut it down

This is a false equivalence. The difference is that a ruling Jewish class didn't force millions of white Americans off their land and into ghettos in the mid 20th century.

"Shit. Okay, it's not about a majority restoring property wrongfully acquired by a minority, it's about punishing the whites for the sins of their forefathers."

The Mayocide has begun

Let's get this right: It's ZA, not SA. When referring to South Africa, its ZA.

They don't even need to salt the land, Africans will fuck up those farms within a decade.

You have to salt the land a little if you want your dirt biscuit to taste okay.

can the srdines

Jews make up a insignificant amount of the American population but own a large amount of news, entertainment and banks.

Would it be acceptable for whites to nonviolently seize the means of productions from them in America?

This is a false equivalence. The difference is that a ruling Jewish class didn't force millions of white Americans off their land and into ghettos in the mid 20th century.

No...they did it in 2007 lol

Aww shit son.