/r/Drama mods finally put an end to Daddy's reign of terror, impeachment is imminent!

174  2018-03-01 by mukumukum


That's a convoluted way to remove excess bussy hair

performance ruined by whites

Damn mayos.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast, you mad geinus.


this is old and was posted months ago

You don't get to apply standards to posting anything

cry harder pls.

You're the one normie-tier complaining about reposts on reddit lol

i said cry HARDER!!



Pointing lasers at your eyes is dangerous, what about pointing lasers at your brown eye?

Let's pray for those bussies. Inshallah, brothers.

Don't it make your brown eye blue?




Zzzh, don't you see how ztimulated they are?

Light Amplification by Zustatained Emission of Radiation

Ztimulated, not zustained.

It'z zuztained and emizzion, you fucking retardz.

Also, God, what a shit language. Anglo's should commit mass suicide.
You know why Englizh iz a zhit language? Beyond the fact that shit's pronounced different randomly? (looking at you Kansas and Arkansas)

It's when you have to zay "that that" in a zentence, repeating yourzelf and zounding like a brain-dead turd in the procezz. Oh and of course, don't forget that that "that" that appears before the other "that" does a different job. Pure fucking genius. Trying saying that out loud and not sounding like a goddamn stroke victim.


Light Amplification by Zozzled Emission of Radiation

The lasser is tew stronge https://youtu.be/UFio-ppnOWY

This is real isn't it.....

No, unfortunately. I mean, the laser show is real, but the Vice article doesn't mention Trump unfortunately.


I don’t know if that Trump but ever happened but the mods do indeed have a laser ass art show.

/u/ed_butteredtoast get that laser out of your ass and keep yourself safe.

there’s no safer position than a laser in the ass

Remember when Venezuela nationalized it’s oil industry kicking out all the multinational conglomerates and with it all its expertise? That really worked out well for them.

10 bucks says this would get to the top of CA and all those jackasses would believe its real.

i’m not taking that bet

Not a single person writing or reading this article took this seriously.

what articule

More at 11

ugh when are the mods going to do something about these goddamn reposts

When trump gets impeached


when trump stops being a failure

Prolly right after you post bussy.

Why don't you just shut up?

Preach πŸ’†β€β™‚οΈ

Gotchu fam.

Your move, Donny.

I'm sure Hillary is kicking herself right now for not thinking of doing this during that last debate.

no, she should have done this at debate TWO. she was fine in the last one

easily the greatest protest ever conceived in american history

Great journalism from Vize news

kill whites

"I only had one request and that was to have FREAKIN Sharks with laser beams on their Heads!!! now what do we have?" a bunch of gay dudes with lasers in their assholes sir

It's like an SRD thread, only instead of talking out of their assholes they're shining lights out of them.