Should I [21F] be concerned about this girl [20'sF] and my boyfriend [24M] of 2 years, or am I just being paranoid?

8  2018-03-01 by AshamedReception


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I want to start off by saying that I had major trust issues, sometimes I still do. I feel like it's gotten better this past couple of months. Like yesterday my boyfriend was talking about a girl we know and he went on a bit about how she was nice and instead of freaking out and thinking the worst, I agreed because I do in fact think she's lovely and that was that.

My boyfriend works with this girl who's always trying to speak to him, to get his attention etc. When she barely knew him, she messaged him on facebook as a way to open a form of communication (outside of work) between them. I don't know how to explain it but it's just this gut feeling I have that this girl isn't a particularly nice girl. She apparently talks shit about her boyfriend to my boyfriend very often and to other people too. I concluded that if she does do this then she's not being a very good girlfriend and my boyfriend argued with me that that's not enough to judge someone in a relationship and defended her like crazy and when I said that was alarming, he said he has these moments where he'd do that about anything which is true he really does.

She works in a very male dominated sector so my guess is she loves the attention. She was talking about a belly piercing she had gotten to my boyfriend and to Jim and she had to lift her top up to show them - really unnecessary and she didn't even have a ring in.

We've had so many arguments and so many discussions about her because honestly I am truly worried. In high school I watched my very close friend at the time, manipulate guys into getting what she wanted (I swear she did this with like 6 guys and it worked every time) and I'm afraid because I don't trust this woman. She could be doing the same thing. Also, before my boyfriend didn't believe my concerns because he thinks I'm just being worried and he 'doesn't think she's like that' and then the next time, we spoke about how she was behaving and he said he understands why I might think the way I do and that if it was a guy at my work behaving the same way, he would definitely be worried. He told me he'd be careful not to get too close to her but to what extent is this? He said he'd be professional with her when they have to discuss work and stuff and have small talk and brief chit chat but that's all. I don't know if he's saying this to comfort me or if he's actually following through with this. Should point out that in his previous relationship, when he and his gf were going through some issues, a girl had kissed him in a club and he didn't do anything to stop it. He just let it happen .. which kind of adds to my concerns - will he do something to stop this kind of behaviour or just let things happen? Still don't know ..

Also, there's no chance of switching departments (it's a really small company) and we both agreed that talking to her personally about it may be a bad move as things might get awkward after as they have to continue working together and also, she may just play the whole 'I don't know what you mean, I'm just being friendly card.'

One more thing I feel I should add, when I asked, my boyfriend said he doesn't find her attractive and when she comes into work he actually thinks she's ugly without makeup and with makeup he said 'oh at least she's making an effort' and looks 'decent' and 'what girl doesn't look ok with makeup?' I don't know if he's saying this to reassure me but he's told me this. Also, I looked her up on facebook and I think she's really pretty, which made me feel really insecure.

I don't know guys. I'm looking at this post and thinking over things and I know they email each other shit that isn't work related and definitely talk about it too .. but do I have a reason to be concerned? Should I be worried that they'd get really close and something could happen? We're both tired of speaking about it but should I bring it up again or wait and see if something is/will happen between them?

Sorry if this post jumps from one topic to another and is all jumbled up. Thank you in advance for any responses.

tldr; boyfriend is working with a flirt. Should I be worried?

Naw, make him worry. Fuck the girl!


Am I better than /r/relationships at advice giving, or what?