PSA: there is a man in r/trashyboners photoshopping porn pix and pretending to be the women in them.

61  2018-03-01 by snallygaster



Mental retardation is a hell of a thing

Too ugly for Grindr (which is suuuuper ugly) weirdo trying to get dick pics is my guess.

too ugly for grindr This actually isn't possible.

He normally pretended to be someone named Hannah, he would make kik accounts and twitters. Communicating his various fantasies and fetishes which he never got to indulge in so now he concentrates those desires into his art. His art slowly gets better over time but I think his core purpose of creating it in the first place is also holding him back in a way but it's also the only reason he creates.

Just sad.

Wait, so he's been doing this for years? And on 4chan too?

yes, easily over 3 years. The only hard evidence being when it started to irritate people.

Do you know if there's any place discussing this? I wanna know more!

Second image is basically him talking to himself in order to get a conversation going, filled with lots of projecting and roleplaying fetishes etc.

Holy shit, this guy is insane. You should post this 4 karma.

He's done it for at least 4 years. I see him pop up every 5 or 6 months, usually pretending to be that "holly" bimbo, talking about their fetishes. Dude seems like a cuck, but by the literal definition.

jesus christ. now i want to know more about this guy.

A cuck without a hotwife, what a tragedy lol!

i love next level catfishing as much as anyone, but there's no drama there you faggot, just a single post, so i guess you should be modded or something

I guess it's kind of sad that I actually recognised that pic. [NSFW obvs] for anyone who cares.




You piece of filth /r/drama is too pure for these links.

I'm 11 what is this?

I expected him to shop his face onto the porn women, was disappointed.

finally you guys found my alt