The ATF takes a break from shooting dogs to remind Twitter who were the real victims in Waco. Twitter isn't amused.

147  2018-03-01 by IAintThatGuy


Now with added cancer!


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The Branch Davidians had it coming, and exterminating them is one of the few things Clinton did right.

Unironically this.

ATF did nothing wrong.

RIP Puppers

They didn't go far enough

First non-retarded thing you've ever said

I'm not American, but from reading the Wikipedia entry on Waco it seems pretty obvious Koresh and the kooks Jonestowned everyone when shit hit the fan. Is the prevailing opinion in the US that the ATF is responsible for the fire?

It's another one of those issues where it depends on what your politics are. If you think the Branch Davidians did nothing wrong, you almost definitely are also a Trump loyalist, live in a red state, and are probably poor (but I already said live in a red state)

I believe that the government set the fire and I think it's awesome. Nothing quite like the smell of red state tards cookin' in the morning.

They were definitely kooks. The ATF, though, blind fired automatic rifles into a church full of innocent people like the reverse of the Valentines Day Massacre. Both can be true. They can be a crazy religious cult, and the ATF can act with reckless disregard for human life.

innocent people

Is that what you call Branch Davidians?

Is the prevailing opinion in the US that the ATF is responsible for the fire?

yes, but also that everyone there was fucking crazy and definitely needed to be dealt with, the gubermint just botched it hardcore

Is it just me or does this dude look like Brad Pitt with a fake mustache?

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Bad bot

I'm seeing Ashton Kutcher

Heh I see it too now


I thought there was a 3 in there somewhere

Could be, I only watch the highest quality European crime dramas

CSI: Londonistan ?

So much better than CSI: Paristantinople

I kinda see the first boss from the IT crowd

So not the sex pants one?

i thought it was the guy from Narcos

How are people still coming down against the ATF there?

I get that a peaceful solution is preferable, but that whole thing could have been averted if the civilians involved had watched a white people version of this.

Yeah those kids who burned alive should really have been made aware of how to behave.

You’re not supposed to barricade them in your kooky cult clubhouse, either

Also you're not supposed to fuck them (in theory) but some of those 13yo are pretty darn hot.

Yeah and you know what makes them even hotter? Gasoline.

Isn't it weird how we hold government agencies to a higher standard than doomsday cults?

Retards lit fire to their own compound.

Yeah. Like why didn't the ATF have a teleportation device to safely beam the kids out of the barricaded cult compound full of heavily armed fanatics? We ought to be holding government agencies up to high standards like that.

Yeah, that's called a hostage situation. Those are hard and often end up with dead hostages anyway. However being all like "it was the terrorists who shot the hostages, they are to blame, what's your problem?" is known as going full retard.

This is why you discipline your crotch spawn with a hot iron rod

Burning your kids is the only true way to teach them fire is bad once and for all.

If you make the ATF come get you, they’re bringing an ass kicking with them.

They shoot your dog, your kids, and burn your house. That'll teach you for not welding that muzzle device properly on your 15.9 inches gun!

You know David Koresh ordered the fire set right?

He was a gud boi he dindu nuffin. Those 12yo girls seduced him, brainwashed him, then started the fire.

How is a ceazy asshole setting fire to his own building the ATF's fault?

Found the ATF shill. Kill many doggos today?

Black Jerry Seinfeld is hilarious

Don’t forget the ATF has a literal “dog team” for raids and entries, whose sole job is to kill the dogs.

Don't forget r/childfree too


The ATF is a godsend for hateful redditors.

There’s no /r/fatfree though!

Used to be, kind of. Got shoahed though.

[It's still here](r/keto), they're just more subtle about it

Are... Are you serious?

I don't think it's a specific unit ready to go at any time, it was just a team that was responsible for warding off or killing the dogs specifically during the Waco siege.

Yes. It’s common in most law enforcement groups to have a dedicated dog handler for entering a premises. No knock raids include a “shoot the dog,” step.

The ATF, to inspire law enforcement everywhere, said fuck that and said “you guys. Only job is shoot the dogs, then help with the raid. DOG FIRST.”

Which is why gun owners make morbid reality jokes about “bye pupper” if someone posts a questionable picture, comment, or story. Bc the feds will shoot the dog while serving a warrant.

What I don't understand is why this whole problem is not solving itself via gun nuts putting evolutionary pressure on the US law enforcement until all no-knock raiders are out and politely knocking raiders reign supreme?

I mean, the way they talk about it, any no-knock raided gun nut should be able to take out at least a couple of policemen, having the home advantage and everything. What happens next, whether they will be killed or proven not guilty under the castle doctrine is not even important.

My working theory is that this shit happens in two parallel universes. In one universe the police successfully raid drug dealers and sometimes random people, mostly black, who might have a handgun they stashed away and only bring out to drug dealing stuff.

In the other slice of a multiverse there are gun nuts who are mostly white and who the police talk politely to and never even think about trying to raid them, no matter how silly they are, see that Bundy folks.

Because nobody wants to eat lead in the course of service, which is kinda interesting because the no-knock raids are promoted using the same logic, except that this logic only works when the target usually doesn't shoot back apparently. Which is kinda self-stultifying.

Well in an evolutionary sense the cops made it illegal to fight back or be held accountable.

They are not liable for shooting your dog. You however are liable for shooting them, EVEN if they got the address wrong and ran into the wrong house, shot the dog, and you went “hang on a tick, fuck that noise,” and shot back.

Now if logic prevailed and law abiding gun owners could defend themselves legally from the police, then yes I think the police would be much more, “ok, baby steps, ask him nicely if we can look around.”

Reality is that no knock raids are because they have cool toys and want to play with them. And fuck you plebs who don’t want to deal with that.

They are not liable for shooting your dog. You however are liable for shooting them, EVEN if they got the address wrong and ran into the wrong house, shot the dog, and you went “hang on a tick, fuck that noise,” and shot back.

That sort of presumes that when there's a no-knock raid and they shot your dog, you're pretty sure that it is in fact a no-knock raid and not a burglary, and that you wouldn't be shot anyways.

OTOH I think that I just answered my own question. A burglary wouldn't have all those fireworks and shooting dogs (unless it's in a rural place, which is why that shit doesn't happen there), so if you hear someone loudly breaking in and shooting your dog, that must be the police and lying on the ground submissively increases your chances of survival.

There are probably very few libertarians who would shoot the police nevertheless, not even hoping much to survive or to be acquitted if they survived, to promote a more pro-social behavior from the police at the cost of their own lives.

Exactly. If people blast the door in and shoot the dog, it’s a good chance it’s law enforcement. Right or wrong you are fucked, so let them shoot the dog, hit the floor, and hope no one panic squeezes the trigger while pointing the gun at your head.

And pray no one flash bangs the baby’s crib.

It worked so well for Andrew Finch

Imagine seriousposting this garbage on /r/drama

Yeh bub, I know some folks who got no knocked....over a wrong address.

Imagine being a Trumpette.

Your friend should have gone 200% dorner afterword

Not a cop. And not black.

You really don't do Daddy's cause any good when you try to justify police fucking up.

Cop breaks your daughters arm and your friend pussies out and doesn't even hunt down a few of the cops family members execution style?

What a pussy

I know right? They're just not as manly and tough as you.

Keep yourself safe when the flashbang goes off.

I don't sell drugs from my house, so pretty sure I don't have to worry about that, friendo

he posted, not ten comments down from an article about a no-knock raid at the wrong address.

Yes but I bet that guy sold drugs. I don't. No need for me to worry

Huh, when did /pol/ weaponize literal retardation?

I mean you've got that school resource officer standing outside the school during the whole shooting when Columbine was one of the biggest reasons we have cops in schools in the first place. These guys are fucking jokes when the danger isn't some black dude on meth at the park.


Why does virtually every warrant have to be a no-knock warrant anyway?

"Oh hey how's it going what's your name what do you do?", "Well my names Tom and I work for the ATF and my job is to kill dogs."

Tom doesn’t have many friends. He tried to befriend cat people but they’re crazy. And cat people.

Wow, in terms of public relations, this is like Rain Man level autism.

Even rain man had some basic empathy.

Kmart sucks

Reminder the branch dividians poured gasoline all over the place and there are recordings of them being told to do so

Fake news.

I hope so, it would be so sweet if the government's actual plan was just to kill them all. Gotta give them a high five in that case. I think they're too big of pussies for that though. :(

I'd vote for a government with that kind of balls. "Those fuckers have been annoying us for too long, burn them".

And this ladies and gentlemen is why you invest at least some of your budget in a PR department.

The R&D dept gobbled the whole budget (they're developing a special dog killing bullet that also performs reasonably well against brainwashed preteen girls). The hardest part is that the top brass requested the round be incendiary too.

Top kek

Needs to sprinkle crack on the perpetrator.

a bit of foam around the mouth will do the trick

I hate trying to navigate shit like this, because it's one of the few times where there's absolutely no way whatsoever for me to know for sure what really happened.

Neither side is going to tell it straight. The zealot patriotism of American media at the time, and the fact that no sane person who values there career is going to speak up for a cult that just hosted a siege, means the news reports would be riding that official narrative dick hard.

There's no more reliability in the other side of the story, either, because it's a cult after all - they're just as manipulative and narrative-bending as any government G-man group is.

So as an outsider, what story can I trust? Pretty much none of them. I more or less have to go with my gut.

I hate this. It's stories like these where this "post-truth" problem has been brewing, and now it's come to haunt us.

Can you blame Americans for not trusting the CIA and FBI? MKultra, black sites, assassinations, the war on drugs, toppled governments, operation paperclip, McCarthyism, the list goes on.

While I believe that the FBI investigation of trump is legitimate and that in 2018 their (known) actions have been justified, I can absolutely understand why any American would think I'm utterly naive for EVER trusting ANY American intelligence community, period. They have consistently shown that they can't be trusted and Americans have every reason to fear a deep state.

People who think the American paranoia that allowed trump to win is stupid are incredibly sheltered. Every single iota of that fear was justified by past experience.

The zealot patriotism of American media at the time, and the fact that no sane person who values there career is going to speak up for a cult that just hosted a siege, means the news reports would be riding that official narrative dick hard.

Did you actually watch news reports on it at the time? It was pretty much exactly the opposite of that. It was still the post-Watergate era when journalists were competing to find government scandals or anything they could blow out of proportion to look like a scandal. Media coverage was hostile to the ATF. The Republicans took every opportunity to blame Janet Reno for it. And if you really want to understand the media's reaction to Waco, you have to put it in the context of a series of events early in Clinton's presidency, including Travelgate and the fiasco in Somalia, that made his administration look incompetent and untrustworthy.

Can you blame Americans for not trusting the CIA and FBI?

No. But I do blame Americans for trusting every goddamn cult leader, drug dealer, and Russian defector more than the CIA and FBI. You can't pretend that a massive bipartisan conspiracy by the government agencies and all the bodies overseeing them is just as likely as Jim Jones v2.0 burning the compound down himself.

there career


People who think the American paranoia that allowed trump to win is stupid are incredibly sheltered. Every single iota of that fear was justified by past experience.

It would be if they didn't have goldfish tier memories.

"This is highly insensitive and extremely distasteful."

The battle cry of the modern woman. Dammit I wish we could ping twitter users from here, get that hooker to come on down and defend her offense

I think we’d have too much autism.

Ever notice how Twitter tards phone a friend? You’ll hook one lolcow and get fifty.

you're saying that like it's a bad thing

Fucking hell, I knew government hiring was shit but whoever the fuck thought that the special ed student should be put in charge of social media should be fired

It’s one of their special interns, Donny.

They’re letting him try out different spots in the government. He said he likes to tweet so they gave him the ATFs handle for a day.

My biggest issue with Waco is that people survived. Come on ATF, you can do better than that.

Exactly. If the building is on fire you know the only survivors will be coming out of the doors and windows. You barely need to aim to shoot them.

The ATF is an organization that helps out thousands of young men who were too retarded to get into the FBI become special agents. Show some goddamn respect

Their motto is "at least you didn't have to join ICE".

prison guard < state patrol < sheriff < city copy