/r/drama is clearly full of color cowards

14  2018-03-01 by Booawee


So my Dad recently did the whole 23&me thing and found out he has Viking blood. He was making a stupid, sexist joke over WhatsApp about taking a boat trip with all our wives chained up in the boat. I floated a strong warning that the implication of wanting to chain up my African-American wife in the hold of a ship is offensive, he replied with a picture of fuzzy handcuffs.

I like this guy’s dad. Sounds like someone to have a beer with.

Writes out “African-American”. Makes sure to capitalize both As and includes a hyphen. This guy has issues

Black isn't a color.

Blacked Attorneys of America BTFO’d!

u/The_Alchemyst you obviously have psychosexual issues relating to your father and/or your closeted gayness. White men marry black women because they're the only women that are bigger and stronger than them and make them feel like the twink they always wanted to be.

I’m black, 5’1 and like 110 lbs. I’m not stronger than any dude...like ever lmao

Imagine being so unappealing that the only "woman" you can marry is a nigger.

shut up feeepo

Imagine being actively downvoted on r/drama because no one appreciates a good retard anymore.

I don’t get the thing about saying black women aren’t women. Do they not hav tits and a vagina? So confused

OH good, a boost in toxicity, I really won reddit today

Be honest.

How much soy is in your diet?

You've got a bussy. It'd be rude not to post it.

Where does your dad live? I want to buy him a beer.

Are you sure you weren't adopted?

Your dad was making a joke about Vikings' treatment of women. Not the African slave trade. Not everything that ever happens in your life involves racism. If you realize this you and your wife will have a much happier life.

Please repond to /u/AsianGinger

I mean...you do get the irony of you, a white man, saying that the term "color brave", a term coined by a black woman, is a "bad term" for people of color and their allies to categorize talking openly and honestly about race, right?

⬇⬇⬇ SUCK IT DOWN ⬇⬇⬇

Am i color brave?

Look at me! I'm progressive! I have a black wife! I even get offended on her behalf! I'm one of the good ones!

My father is racist in a different way than me, how do I make him feel inferior?