Leaked image of how /r/the_donald manages to delete so many comments so fast.

102  2018-03-02 by O5-8


Those look like Jewbots than Russian bots.

Is The Donald run by Lord Soros?

Donald trump is basically the face of new-york,

This really shouldn't surprise anybody.

After he’s done with it, it’s gonna be New-New-New York.

They're going after ANYONE who posits a different point of view.

Taken from one of their threads bitching about YouTube nuking conservative points of view.

To be fair, one is a single subreddit on one site. The other is a massive multi-billion dollar corporation, running a monopoly on video sharing websites.

The sub that spends the most time whining about triggered snowflakes and safe spaces is ran by the triggeredest of snowflakes creating a safe space 2x and SRS could only dream about.

Are we talking about T_D or CBTS_stream? Because I can’t tell anymore.

No real drama here, just another Shareblue shill spamming their nonsense everywhere.

Those mothafukkas are real organized and fight for a non-mayo genocide like their lives depended on it tho.

Does that mean shareblue is supporting antisemitism now?

You're not really giving good incentive to not become a shareblue shill here.

let the Nazis take your guns

I survive off the political agony of america, my country may end up in the political sphere of china which is literally a totalitarian police state but at-least they arent smug cunts.

... Except they are? And it's even worse because they are chinky manlets while smug.

Fuck that subreddit! Fucking cry babies I hate them

/r/politicalhumor is leaking.

Wait until /r/politicalhumor goes on a nuke spree,

Then it'll swing the other way.