21 2018-03-02 by SPEZ_AKBAR
Here I'll expand and say what happened in detail
enter meeting room at library
people chat about the weather ask how they're doing and stuff
finally people take their seats
leader, some old lady, introduces me to everyone
asks me what my favourite books are
say I don't know
well what was the last book you've read?
Jane Austen's Emma
hear distinct "pppffff"
hear some young college dude "overrated, totally overrated."
old dude in a leather jacket: "oh yeah, her and Dickens are the two most overrated writers in the english language."
I-I like Dickens too
"pfff no you don't"
I-I think he has a lot of lovable characters and-
dude wearing heaphones: "characters are just made up of words man" (??????)
old dude again: "He was a longwinded hack. he was paid by the word you know?"
try to say that's actually a myth
he gets really mad, turning red, and says I'm full of shit
ask him what he's read by him
"Nothing, I don't read garbage."
try to say then his opinion doesn't matter
college dude notices and says "Anon, there's nothing stopping anyone from talking about books and that includes weather they've read it or not."
another person tells me I'm young and I'll understand when I grow up
"understand what?"
he just sighs and looks away from me
get upset and leave
And then here's your cue to say "didn't happen bro" "you're the real asshole" well fuck you you're probably one of the snobs or pseuds who acted shitty to me there
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-03-02
Da faq you going to a library for?
1 Starship_Litterbox_B 2018-03-02
Poorfag detected, amirite
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-03-02
Either that or they got a fetish for various body fluids from homeless people.
1 Redactor0 2018-03-02
In Portland, you go to the library because it's the only place where the homeless are actually polite and not threatening to stab you all the time.
1 loli_esports 2018-03-02
but like why go to the library if you got powells
1 EricTrumpIsMyWaifu 2018-03-02
Look at this faggot reading books.
1 Starship_Litterbox_B 2018-03-02
Next time replace Anon with something else like your screen name
1 SPEZ_AKBAR 2018-03-02
1 Starship_Litterbox_B 2018-03-02
Big if true
1 Che_Gueporna 2018-03-02
1 choriposting 2018-03-02
Honestly if you read anything besides Eastern European translations of My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist and Playboy articles you should maintain your safety.
1 Trannypostingaccount 2018-03-02
Kafka and Hemingway sre actually the retards' intellectual. Austen is just token femoid
1 Redactor0 2018-03-02
Saki should be the official writer of r/drama. A snarky gay guy who has an edgy twist to all of his stories. And he dies in WWI as a glorious centrist fighting to keep the Boche menace from destroying civilization.