A baseball coach said sometime ago he wasn't accepting recruits from Colorado because weed is legalized in said state. He was swiftly fired today because of this. Some people on r/baseball discuss and disagree about it.

22  2018-03-02 by ltedt


It's not fair for the kid, sure. But from the email, it seems like they were responding to his request to be recruited. They didn't owe him anything in the first place.

College has every right to fire him for interjecting his personal political views into this recruiting letter sent to a student.

People only have an issue with doing this type of stuff when it's views that aren't left leaning. I had two professors who included direct jabs at Senator Pat Toomey in the syllabus , yet nobody had any issue with that. I had countless courses where all we discussed were topics not related to the course description, but rather intersectional feminism, Marxism, and racial politics, and the professors had no issue with guiding the entire class with their personal subjective opinions.

u/palerthanrice, just stop. You lost this one bro.

Why are you dragging me over here haha? The thread is locked anyway.

I've had professors say way worse than what was said in that email, politically speaking. He said that he's had trouble with recruits from Colorado passing drug tests so he doesn't even bother anymore. Unfortunately, the nature of recruiting means that you must determine which areas are worth recruiting from and which aren't.

I don't even agree with the guy, or the fact that you should drug test for marijuana in the first place, but it's such a crazy overreaction to fire this guy and strip him of his source of income just because he wrote one politically charged sentence in an otherwise normal email.

If he just said, "Sorry, we don't recruit from Colorado," nobody would give a shit. He had to get political, which was dumb, but it's not a fireable offense. If it was, the vast majority of my professors would've been fired for irrelevant political statements.

If I was a baseball coach I wouldn’t let you on my team because you are retarded.

But imagine if you could channel all that tard strength into their pitching arm?

I bet he could throw 95 macaroni

“You wouldn't recruit from a gang heavy area if you've had trouble with gang activity from students from that area in the past, would you?”

Ummm u/palerthanrice Urban Meyer would like a word with you.