The Kremlin is using the NRA to lobby for lax gun laws (and cause mass shootings)

31  2018-03-02 by WeWuzKANG5


At this point what isn't a russian psyop

your mom is a whore. that’s unobjective truth

Nobody's contesting that tho


Don't think that means what you think it means

russia isn't. probably.

any political position or movement you agree with

No, those are psyops too, it's just not my fault

That's actually their gameplan. Look up hypernormalization, its a documentary about how russia operates in the age of information.


Rarepuppers maybe. I doubt russians could have come up with that.

Maybe the Russians can get the import ban lifted. I want more AKs, and to get a VEPR for cheaper.

Kalashnikov rifles are a bad meme

The commie larps sure fap to them tho

But they are pretty

meh, i'd take the M16 look over that unwieldy jutting mess any day

really, anything designed by Colt's is gonna look way better

AK74 > AR15

delet this

gross nty

RK95 > *

AK platform is so outdated that you have to spend hundreds just to be able to mount optic that hold zero l0l.

>not being content with a Mosin

Imagine being this bougie

I don't what the nugget situation is like in the US, but up in Canada we got more SKS's than you can shake your dick at. I heard those are getting pretty pricey due to the import ban.

tfw the time to buy an sks was like 5 years ago and that ship has sailed

feels bad man

TFW the Kremlin is more American than the DNC

Legal weed would cripple us, and I have a semi-serious theory that it causes trannyism so it'd be terrible if Russia convinced Trump it's the way to go.

I have a semi-serious theory that it causes trannyism

Unironically this.