
1  2018-03-02 by fuckyourcontext


Hi. Also looking for advice on the break up and how to get over her- especially since she’s in town this week and I still secretly love her. Apologies for the long post but there's some back story here including cops almost getting involved towards the end of our relationship 5 months ago.

The long and short of it is that my ex used my card (probably auto populated on her computer from previous purchases we made) to buy dominos in January and again yesterday. I know it was her because she goes to school in the same town as the dominos in another state.

I noticed yesterday and am pretty mad about it. I have been contemplating telling her "hey, X I don't know if you did this on purpose or by accident but please stop or else i'll have to get my card company and cops involved" OR having my sister tell her to stop and send her the money ($40). I don't care for it but my sister thinks it's a matter of principle and wants the ex to venmo her the money. OR My friend thinks i should call the cops of that town and get her arrested for fraud which is pretty aggressive considering she's going to law school next semester. OR Call her father to tell him what she's done.

Here's our back story - met summer 2015 - we both thought it was a fling at first and then just realized we were crazy about each other. She goes to school (undergrad) 3 hours away but we managed to see each other almost every other weekend throughout the entire relationship and during her breaks. I even visited her in Europe while she studied abroad.

We had our fair share of issues with other guys and girls confessing their love for us and one girl even tap kissing me on the lips. I told her about it- probably shouldn't of because it made the relationship worse. She's a very attractive blue eyed blond and i'm a hispanic guy which she's very attracted to because she's taken 10 years of spanish and speaks it fluently and is even going to law school next in Miami which I introduced her to on an anniversary trip (still bitter about it since I had introduced her to courses that helped her LSAT scores go up after she didn't do well her first time).

Earlier 2017 and we both blacked out on separate occasions - said mean, rude, and hurtful things and broke up with eachother. Neither of us remembered breaking up with one another and the relationship became sour but we still loved eachother.

Fast forward to September, she finds my reddit account i've had for 4 years and sees two comments I left on gonewild "nice tits" and "are there any more pics". She felt like I had cheated on her. We went on a break for 3 weeks before she finally broke up with me over a text. She told my friends girlfriends I was some sort of online perv having relationships with women on the internet. (I'm still great friends with all of them and they all put it in the past and believe my side of the story). I was livid that that's how she chose to end our relationship. She ignored me for days until she eventually texted me to move on and said she cheated on me with a guy that was a problem in our relationship. I told her i'm not surprised and she's just like her mother (huge blow because her mom walked out on her family after cheating on her father). She deleted me off every form of social media. She later emailed me saying she was joking about it and it was just to get me mad. I pleaded a little bit more to stay together but gave up that night. Fast forward 3 weeks and a girl messages on facebook to let me know my "girlfriend" was cheating on me with her boyfriend. I told her we broke up months ago. My ex immediately called me to yell at me to stop talking to this crazy ex of the guy she met after the break up. I believe her because the guy lived in my state and she said they met over her winter break.

A month later i sent her dad a godfather dvd I had gotten him for christmas months earlier since I knew he loved them along with a nice little "thank you for everything" letter. Her step mom called my mom to tell her i'm being crazy and that she thinks i sent them a bomb (the stepmom never agreed of our relationship because of the age difference- the dad was kind of understanding but not fully onboard either). She told my mom that my ex didn't feel safe and that they would get the cops involved if i try contacting them again (her stepmom is a pathological liar so i'm sure most of that was a lie). This was in November. I ran into her at a bar in January when she was back in town for break. I saw her leave and went to say hi and apologize but she looked at me said "wow" and got in her uber. Haven't heard or seen her since.

I've slept with a few women since her and have traveled abroad twice for a week each since the break up but still think about her EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I picked up hobbies like hitting the gym and meditation and listening to podcast but it only helps so much.

I'm not sure how to proceed. It's infuriating to have her come back into my life in such a shitty way. I see she used my card a few days after that encounter in January and again 2 days ago. Which was my birthday.

tl;dr: ex behaved shitty during the break up. really broke my heart and drove me mad. now she's using my card. May be an accidident. May be her playing mind games. I could ruin her or let this go..

[27M] dating [21F]...

So what is wrong with OP; disfigured? Autist? Social retard?