Pornhub says no

4  2018-03-02 by InsaneHuckleberry


I mean if her face showing is the only thing stopping her, why not just get a mask?

/u/lmakemilk, hi! Sex therapist here. Sorry to intrude on your post but I saw it was linked here. It looks like your husband is showing acute signs of hypersexual mania and may have a past of self-destructive decisions. You don't have to tell me but ask yourself these questions:

  • Has your husband ever chosen pornography over personal responsibilities?

  • Has your husband ever recalled any past childhood issues with his mother?

  • Are his parents divorced? If so, did they remarry and did those relationships also dissolve?

  • Does your husband have a past of using alcohol or other depressants such as marijuana?

If any of these questions resulted in a positive response then there may be clear signs that your husband may have self-destructive tendencies and lower level hypersexual manic disorder. However, there is no need to panic. All of this can be fixable if he is willing to try. Suggest couples counseling and have him see a psychiatrist as well. If he would like to find out more he is free to contact me.

/u/HodorTheDoorHolder is undoubtably one of the best Reddit counselors I know of! If not for her efforts Ed would have died sad and alone. Now he’ll just die alone!

/u/imakemilk you should consider having your husband contact Hodor. He will really make sure things work themselves out.

I'm gonna pm you

Okay I’lll look for it today.

A relevant comment in this thread was deleted. You can read it below.

Hey, no worries. He actually wouldn't contact you because he's very against outside influences having an input on our relationship, but I do think he would goto therapy. I think he likes porn just as much as any guy and he doesn't seem to have a problem with it and he doesn't choose it over me. He is a little ridiculous with what he wants me to do, I didn't post all of the info and tried to just make the post vague. [Continued...]

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