Anti-vaccination mother finds out wicked stepmother had her children vaccinated. Plans to have town clinic shut down.

109  2018-03-03 by Jemima-Racktool


People that don't vaccinate their kids should have their kids taken by social se4vices. Moronic fucks are a danger to society

We should just start giving helicopter rides to retard housewives.

Helicopter rides has to be the most expensive form of execution.

Gas chamber probably has the highest initial costs, but is cheapest to operate depending on volume.

Bullets are best if you're going small scale.

But it's also the most fun method. Tbqh famalam I agree đź’Ż with u/neil_tzedakah

Most fun way is anti aircraft guns

Too impersonal for my taste, but works in a pinch

A trebuchet can use a counterweight to throw a 90kg middle-aged crazy woman over 300 meters.

a rusty hammer would be cheapest and most economical solution.

Just get a big sledgehammer attached to a rotor, and get the victims to run towards it.

As is the proper capitalist way. Are you a fucking pinko or something?

Capitalist way is electric chair, as its small scale, supports fossil fuel companies, and you can pretend its humane.

Lethal injection is the same way, except with big pharma

Helium. Few lungfuls of helium and they pass out from anoxia, no breathing reflex because the carbon dioxide levels in the lungs are too low. Also their last words are in a funny high-pitched voice. You bastards are gonna rot in hell for this...

Helium is valuable, you can’t use that.

How is a helicopter ride a form of execution??

“Free Helicopter Rides” refers to extrajudicial killings known as “death flights,”[4] in which military forces throw people from aircraft into large bodies of water. Online, the phrase is often used by members of the alt-right in jokes about executing their political opponents.

During the Argentine Dirty War from 1976 to 1983, the military reportedly executed an estimated 10,000 people, many of which were thrown out of aircraft into the Rio de la Plata or Atlantic Ocean. Additionally, the practice was also reportedly employed by Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, who ruled the country from 1973 to 1990. On June 16th, 2015, the “Pinochet Helicopter Rides and Rentals” Facebook[3] page was launched, featuring jokes about the dictator throwing people from helicopters.


Helicopters are good because they leave less evidence.



On the other hand, helicopter rides for helicopter parents as well.

Taking this much sides

Lol, i'm waiting for the followup to be her raking him to court to reduce his visitation and him getting awarded custody for not being insane.

Imagine being so whiny and privileged that the most traumatic thing to happen in your life is your kids getting vaccinated. I had never heard of /r/vaxxhappened before today, ty for the new sub.

You're welcome :) Apologies for the rage attacks in advance.

She's horrified her kid got vaccinated for polio. POLIO. You know, a debilitating disease that used to plague poor children until it was almost stamped out entirely but is making a return because of anti-vax idiots?

I wonder if kids with anti-vax parents just wish they were autistic

She's managed to cull every sane person out of her friend group. Honestly I am kinda mad, but I'm also impressed.

That or they know if they comment they'll get dogpiled so they don't say anything.

Like how her ex-husband was "with her on vaccines but did it as a power trip". Or, he said "sure, honey" to avoid a fight and then didn't think it was a big deal.

You would be surprised how many crazies are around these days. I have people in my social circle who believe in all kinds of stupid shit like antu-vaccination, the illuminati, the patriarchy, flat earth and even the literal devil. Society is in a bad place at the minute.

The minute? Present day literally has the fewest people believing in ridiculous shit in all history.

I dont agree with you. Take flat earthers for example. The myth is that 'In the past people believed that the earth was flat'. This isn't actually true. Even the Ancient Greeks knew that the Earth wasn't flat. But today, because of mass communication, people with extreme views can spread their message to a greater number of believers. Add to that the modern distrust of the establishment and you have a perfect mixing pot for woo.

We do probably have the largest percentage of people who believe in ridiculous shit against all evidence, though. Now that we know so much about the world, we don't really have an excuse like people in the past do.

But that evidence was put there by the government to control you or corrupt scientists who want to make money!

Unfortunately, people tend to believe things based on whether they personally like it. They'll never even look at the evidence, if they even know how the scientific method works.

people love to look at evidence, they just do it after they've already decided what's "true" in order to prove it. They don't seek out truth.

Ignoring the usual retardedness, how does one detox a vaccine?

You don't. It's a bunch of woo.

I'd imagine she was waiting for a "wait, how do I detox?" reply before pitching some items she bought from a holistic medicine MLM scheme.

I was hoping for leeches to suck out the viruses.

I mean, those types of people literally try to bleach the autism out of their little kid's assholes, so that's pretty tame.

That's a new one.

Unfortunately, not really

Monsters. Bleach should only be used recreationally.

how does one detox a vaccine?

You do an enema with piss

Immune suppressors


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Immune suppressors'. To learn more about me, check out this FAQ.

Dumb bot. There already is a portmanteau for this, it's immunosuppressant

They believe that the mercury or some shit in them is toxic so they would probably detox the mercury? I don't know, I have trouble getting into the headspace of that level of stupid.

this hurts my brain

Seriously, how the fuck do these apes manage to be so retarded? Literally every other country in the world vaccinates all their citizens and nobody bats an eye. How dumb can you be?

This woman is a crazy bitch and a complete idiot but the father and stepmother played a very stupid game here. Forging documents and identity theft? If the end game was for the father to lose access his kids then it worked.

He has cancer so it's not unlikely he will die soon. He found it apparently more important that his kids were vaccinated.

If it was a sort of parting gift then it's understandable. Poor kids

If it was a sort of parting gift then it's understandable. Poor kids

He should be modded for his commitment to drama.

Now that I hear this theory that he did it for the drama, I'll agree with this.

A very fine line between brave and stupidity here. Ultimately what they did was commendable but they may have just fucked themselves doing so.

That's assuming that what the crazy woman said is completely correct and she's not just grandstanding for more sympathy.

You know, it crossed my mind she is bullshitting and dad is the one with custody, hence why the stepmother could do what she did. The fact the mother is soooo much focused on the vaccines bit rather than the stepmother supposedly pretending to be the mother herself did feel odd to me.

think I'm gonna call BS here. Pretty sure polio vaccine is no longer available in most countries.

Why do I get the feeling she's living about who has custody?

She mentioned the biologic mother at some point so ya...

Wait, I'm not reading the whole thing because sanity, but the crazy one is the step mom?


bUt dey hoot