A journalist published an interview he did with deceased rapper Lil Peep. Some users of r/hiphopheads think it's appropriate to bring their opinions about him and his drug abuse, basically calling him a nobody before his death. White knighting ensue, leading to some comments getting -100 karma

27  2018-03-03 by ltedt


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backpack wars

Lol I'm glad I wasn't around back then.

As you guys? I can't

Replying 11 hours later as to avoid being bullied

So brave!! <3

Not on Reddit 24/7 lol you really think I care what some dude whose on Reddit 24/7 thinks? If I was afraid why would I make my comments at all. I stand by them. Lil peep is a legend

Yeah sure. That's exactly why that is. I believe you.

Lil peep is a legend

nice meme lmao

Not a meme. You don't even have the right artist lmaooo Lil peep is a legend. His writing ability amazing. Try and listen to the right artist next time (;

I said it's all the same. Fuck me because I actually know the difference even tho it's the same garbage.

Not a legend. I'm sorry. My condolences haha

He's a legend. Your only counter argument were lyrics that aren't his. Weak

my argument


It'd be funny if you said that Quoting liens that aren't his as evidence of him being bad LOL


music to my years tbh!! RIP lil peep (lol).

Again wrong artists. Can't imagine how bad your life is to say rip lol I pity you

You do realize I'm generalizing trash rap (which I'm sure lil peepee is a part of)

"Skraaaaa" is meme lol. You're fooling no one. Just drop the act. Lil Pepe is a fucking joke lol

Sucks all you got is memes. If I had no life either I'd probably just stick to those too. You have no argument tho and you're really just showing your ignorance. Lumping an artist into a group you never listed to Sad

You know what? Fuck me but I'll listen to it. Name me 3 of his "good" songs lol.

Very tough to narrow it. Star shopping The way I see things Lose my mind Life Tonight 16 lines

What kinda music or sound you like bet he has something for you

He is Just cause you wanna pretend you don't know who doesn't take away from his greatness

hope you'll get professional help.

Hope you become more accepting and open minded. That's something that requires help. Not musical taste



That's not music.

That's lil pump. I'm talking lil peep. Is that where your confusion was?? How's you get that far off.... so you never really listened to the songs otherwise you would've noticed Yea this is done here you had no argument and didn't even listen so you were really just being close minded and weren't gonna budge no matter what.

It's all the same thing. I knew he wasn't that. Look pal. Accept garbage for what it is. Lmao

Ignorance at its finest. No you didn't. You're talking without any idea of what you're taking about. You a joke homie

A'ight fam!!

But seriously tho, he's not a legend. He's trash lol

He's a legend An amazing artist you're really missing out


Hiphop is a faggot genre

said the newfag

lol @ all the people in the thread talking about how it was cool he did drugs because they inspire creativity. Yeah man oxy is definitely the sort of drug to inspire creativity

HHH actually isn't too wrong about this one. Lil Peep rapped about taking dangerous drugs and then proceeded to die from them. Definition of playing the stupid game to win the stupid prize.