BPT discuss the mayocide in SA

17  2018-03-03 by Standard12


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Lol silly mayo! That's you didn't get the joke in the tweet either. You're naive. Shooting up schools is part of mayo culture. It is their family value lol.

Making jokes about black people, disabled people, slavery, school shootings, women, etc is fine. Just DON'T YOU DARE make a joke about white people.

Sorry to serious post but mayos who post on BPT are some special level of cretin. I remember they downvoted someone to -300 because he made a "white people like unseasoned chicken" joke.

They waz kangs en sheeeit


"white people like unseasoned chicken"

The joke here is that niggers think because their prison guards give them shitty food that white people actually eat that.

Nigger food is so low quality that the only way these animals can eat it is if it's drowned in salt and BBQ sauce.

Might as well eat ice cold raw meat of you're not going to eat your food in yummy sauce and tummy powder tbh.

lol, idiots like you chimping out are at least half the reason white people jokes are so fucking funny.

No meth today hon?

tbqh that's how this sub works

>dude mayocide lmao

yuk yuk yuk

>shit on Asians


>dunking on black people


I literally masterbate to what happened in Rhodesia. Hopefully South Africa is just as good

What will happen:

White people will move on and build up society somewhere else

Niggers will burn everything to the ground in a month

He's not wrong...

that's why old people need to die off faster. lololol. your generation of whinny lil bitches won't be missed. Bye Bye!!






lol whitey mad

Great sub you've got here. So enlightening.

Just dumbo-drop a few books and all the unassembled supplies needed enough to make some cool fireworks and colonial S. Africa will grow in size 10 fold that day and shine whiter than the light of 100 tons of phosphorous.


I mean let’s be honest. Anyone who wants to defend the South African whites because they were there should be fighting hard for native Americans unless of course they are just a hypocritical racist sack of garbage. I’ll wear the down votes on that proudly.

Here's an interesting question for you: I have no connection to South Africa but I am 94% White. I'm 6% Native American. Should I be standing up for the Blackfoot reservation more because of my heritage or less because I got those sweet oppression points?

You do what makes you happy kiddo.

You know the reason I pinged you in here was because I wanted to talk to you and didn't know the right way to approach you.

But hmu on AiM sometime, my username is JaredGayffer27.

Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.

I’m not sure what you mean by that but feel free to ask me anything other than how you’re supposed to live your life. My only advice for life is the nicer you are the happier you’ll be the meaner you are the less happy.

I appreciate your advice, but my ability to gauge social interactions is severely inhibited by my autism. I have a particularly vicious strain that is named after the allele sequence it affects: R41N-M4N.

That said, I am usually polite and friendly, though some have told me that bringing up violent crime statistics from different states in casual conversations with people I just met is something I should consider not doing.

Peace and waffles,


I'm 6% native

Aren't we all.

6% of me is really pissed at how 94% of me treated my people.

user reports:

1: it seems you should try to be less of a faggot to help with your "condition"

no hiding behind reports pls. say it to him not through me.

Thanks Ed, we fight a lot, but that's only because we care so much.


Sorry, I mistook this sub for r/circlejerk for a second.

Is U/ElodinTargaryen literally retarded? Who gave this being Internet privileges?

Probably the same person that gave it to you. Make an actual point or leave your opinions to yourself. I don’t do the keyboard warrior shit.

I think you should read before you make such a comment. Their nativism has never been in question, nor have I said they should go back to Europe, where they are actually natives of. I think what you meant is they are as much South Africa’s as the rest. Which I’m inclined to agree with. But that’s never been in question by me.

Also, I have never said that I agree with what’s happening to the Afrikaners, I’ve said the opposite actually. Facts matter. And reading is fundamental

Afrikaners aren't native to Europe. We're a conglomerate and a mutt race of different European, Malay and African nationalities. The mere fact to suggest that Afrikaners aren't native to Africa is idiotic. Afrikaans developed from Dutch spoken as a vernacular,the first book written in Afrikaans was a Quran, because the majority of the Malay indentured servants spoke it. Hell my ancestor's haven't spoken Dutch in near 200 years,even though they were French originally. Afrikaners have got nothing in common with indigenous Europeans, our history and culture has similarities sure,but if you wanna pay for our plane tickets out of Africa then you might as well pay for the plane tickets of all the African Americans to go back to Africa too.

I wouldn’t get into an argument with someone over their own nationality. If Africa is home to you and your fathers you’re African. No argument from me.

But how are Afrikaners a mix of European, Malay, and African if by laws they enacted the mixing of races was illegal. And why do you call yourself Afrikaners instead of just African? I actually hate the term African Americans. I’m just American. These two questions aren’t sarcasm, I’m legitimately asking.

Please point out where I have suggested Afrikaners should leave Africa. I never even implied it. And I would disagree with anyone who suggested it. What I did say is that I don’t like the legislature that was passed against White farmers because it was based solely on their race. I did say that I understood the sentiment of the black South Africans to want the land back the Afrikaners stole from their fathers. Making it illegal for them to own land in their own homeland. But I then said I preferred the reconciliation that Nelson Mandela affected.

Now I do have a serious question that I hope you answer. I don’t know how old you are, but if you’re old enough to have had a voice before 1994-95, would you have fought for the end of apartheid with as much vigor(and rightfully so, I do believe Africa is your home) as you scream discrimination against your people? How do you rectify 200+ years of oppression against the majority on their own land? Or is South Africa like America and just ignore the governmental racism and oppression?

Those laws that prohibited race mixing was enacted during Apartheid, for the previous centuries before that happened there was race mixing, there's and entire population group that's the descendants of those relationships. As for calling ourselves Afrikaners, that literally means African. And within the context of South Africa, everyone is South Africans but there's also a lot of different ethnic groups such as the Zulus, Xhosas, Sothos etc. I've worked with sustenance farmers in the Eastern Cape for the past year and they all had their own lab, albeit at the discretion of habing to ask the Chief if they could farm there. Since the tribal chiefs actually own most of the land in the Eastern Cape and Kwazulu Natal. I was born in 1990, so I really had no voice during that time, but I had loads of black friends during my primary and high-school period, so I have always thought the concept of focusing on pigmentation was a retarded concept. And SA is definitely not ignoring the past, they have a full on rage boner for it and demonizing a minority that hardly has any political power left.

Although we started this conversation as a combative one, I’m glad we had it. I don’t agree with the new legislation, but as a black man it’s hard to forget the suffering my people have experienced around the world. For the last three or four centuries. Our history and culture erased and/or appropriated. Especially in Africa. But forgiveness should always replace revenge and hatred. So if I offended I apologize. And I really do stand with the oppressed. No matter the actions of their fathers. With that said, I pray for you and yours and hope those in power remember Mandela and what he stood for. If he could forgive those who wronged him, then this generation has no excuse not too. Peace be unto you brother

I appreciate your candor, I'm sorry if I was seemed belligerent. In this day and age there's so much hate it's difficult to get a gauge of people's intentions and motivations these days. Thanks for the mature correspondence. I do hope that people will go beyond this race issue, and focus on working together instead of focusing on the sins of our ancestors. Stay safe bro!

No worries. You too!!! #WakandaForever lol.