251  2018-03-03 by DowntownWrongdoer


MGTOW backwards is Way of the Grown Man. So a slim roman who doesn't wear a flat-billed cap or cut-up underwear wifebeater and puts his hands down by his sides was always basically the gold standard, we just lost sight of it sometime around the early 90s.

I'm beginning to realize that half the human race is literally garbage. They have no souls. They are driven by base animal instincts and they lack the higher cognitive functioning that allows us men to reign in our impulses. They contribute nothing; they take everything. At best, they're useless; at worst, they're terrorists. Mostly, they're parasites.

How have we allowed this to happen? Is it inevitable? If we refused to coddle these animals, would they be able to become human like men? Or are they fundamentally broken?

Helicopter fathers.

I'm beginning to realize that half the human race is literally garbage.

No matter how low she is on the totem pole, there is a man who will fuck her. She, however, has standards and will absolutely not fuck the lowest value men.

These people literally don't know what women are like not on social media.

There really isn't much of a difference.

Basically the same except a lot more shouting β€œwoo!”

Only the half???πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ More like 90%.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

Gussy is a lost cause

i’m confused, this reads like pasta but everyone’s responding to it like it makes sense in context

It's pasta.

TIL half the human race are gingers.

πŸ’ŠπŸ˜πŸ’ŠπŸ˜πŸ’ŠπŸ˜ CYAN(IDE) PILL πŸ’ŠπŸ˜πŸ’ŠπŸ˜πŸ’ŠπŸ˜

Wish it were /u/feeepo's fav kind :(

Rent free Ed.

feeepo being a r/drama meme

r/therewasanattempt :)

Obsessed and assblasted


Goddamn πŸ΄πŸ‘Ÿ theory strikes again!

πŸ΄πŸ‘Ÿ theory

LOL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

There's πŸ΄πŸ’¦ theory too πŸ˜‰

He tried to take the black pill, but it was too big and he choked.

it was too big and he choked

hot af!

A man pill in his mouth works better in this case.


Sounds tasty

Try it. You will like it. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘



Men r grows, but at least they have bussi

This country won't rest until all men are castrated figuratively or literally.

This on us men that allowed this, not even the shrill SJWs. The beta-male pansies who supported this are to blame primarily in my view. Their balls dropped off somewhere, and it's a fucking shame. The betas and cucks that go along with this are worse than the shills themselves in my opinion.

pfff subpar, you have competition and this is your submission? this is almost an insult


Not an excuse. I guess the toast gets crushed under pressure. Hmm. *scribbles in notebook*

Not an argument.

Castrate your country I don't give a fuck, because Reddit isn't a country you cunt. Rip USA cuck central.

r/atethepasta 🍝🍝🍝

Fuck you Ed you cunt. I love u. But seriously fuck you.

I wish ugly dudes could just bone other ugly dudes without having to do all this whining about women in the middle.

So, trannies.

This is America, dicks on or dicks off, it is up to them. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

That's just reddit.


the bull is HIV positive

i've been rock hard since i found out. i talked to my wife and she promised that he'd always be wearing a condom. my wife is currently pregnant, and the idea that only a thin bit of latex prevents his supercharged POZZED load from infecting my wife and my baby daughter is the most erotic thing ever!


Nothing like a good POZZED LOAD to wake you up in the morning

If this isn't progress, I don't know what is.

My baby daughter

Time to slam meth and diddle some kids.

I fought the urge to kinkshame.

Wew lad

The sooner cloning tech can be rolled out the better, Dolly had two mothers, and so does the human future.

groce grills

All told, girls are pretty gross.

Its their vaginas

forgetting the Iron Pill

Is that the one with the cool helmets that kills Commies in Eastern Europe?

no it’s basically super enlightened racism that says regular racism it just a tool by the blue-enlightened (NWO) used to distract mayo degenerates, but that it’s trivial anyway bc living beyond the NWO is super easy if u got good genes

Red pill That physique

I don't think so

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

Hawt! We're doing our best with the suicides and what not. Might even start a war or two. But I gotta say, more than anything else the fact that after ~200,000 years of modern humans, it took a man to invent the tampon should be a relevant insight into this coming era. Wish you all the best!

This hits on every subconscious homophobic insecurity that these guys have. And all the ludicrous implications and fears they have. Bravo.

This turned me on so much!

Firstly, the fuck is the black pill?
Secondly, bogpill is the true top tier pill.

Firstly, the fuck is the black pill?

Men who never leave the house discussing about how there's no point in leaving the house anyway because even morbidly obese women will only come within 10 feet of Chad

I thought those were incels...?

Black Pill: REEEEE

Red Pill: REEEEE

Blue Pill: REEEEE


no u



The opposite is true, of course. Get more guns out there. I wouldn't even oppose publicly available gun bins. If you don't have one, just take one. But Trump will come around. He has been anointed by God, so he will be advised accordingly.

But for now, get as many guns out there as we can. I don't care who gets them, I really don't. I can't stand how even some so-called conservatives are talking about withholding guns from the mentally ill--first of all, who determines who is mentally ill? And then, once we deny firearms to the mentally ill, we have a convenient clause for denying them to everyone. No. More guns, guns for everyone.

Drama Kweens: Bussy over Gussy

Blue pill isn't about decent human behavior, it's about being some woman's bitch.