InfoWars gets cucked by (((YouTube))).

53  2018-03-03 by IAmAN00bie


infowar links being caught in reddit's spam filter

fucking lol




Is it wrong tho?


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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"Idiot constantly screeching about free market rights finally gets a taste of his own medicine. More at 9."

AJ is anti-free market?

The market is anti free market.

if he was then how would he sell his "products"


Oh yeah, Google is free market. Amazon and Walmart too. Corporations that size only exist because of public infrastructure and subsidy. All these social justice tech companies are forcing anti-censorship laws with constant moves like this.

American totalitarianism is passive and corporate. They figured out a long time ago that it's easier to deny rights to citizens this way, while wiping their hands and pointing to the first amendment: "hey, it doesn't mean freedom from consequences."

Let me guess, it's the Jews' fault

no the social marxist jewish antifa commies

You’re retarded if you don’t realize that it really is.

Watch out guys, it's the spoopy invisi-jews coming for us!

They’re actually pretty visible.

How come I never seen um?

I guess you can’t connect the dots IDK. Big noses, weak physiques, clannishness, dark Semitic features and an overwhelming abhorrence of manual labor and an inherent need to spread degeneracy and subvert their host country? Idk man it’s there Moredecai.

The correct answer is that their scales have the ability to camouflage

Why the fuck are you changing the subject? Why don't you argue instead of being antisemitic? The poster above you made a solid point and you went right to fucking identity politics. Why? Seriously. Please explain why you needed to do this instead of arguing your point.

lol mad

Yes. Our internet is being stolen from us and you're making jokes. Fuck you.

Google banning harassment campaigns from Youtube isn't taking the internet away.


Are you saying Alex Jones is a communist or are you saying he's a jew?

I'm saying to not take it literally and look at it from a first amendment point of view, dumbass.

What about google's first amendment right to tell him to shut the fuck up?

Our internet

Sound like socialist talk to me 🤔

Great. I'm in a leftist troll farm. Fuck all of you fucks.


Check the UN, brah. It's what I do. So ban me or fuck off.

I'm not a mod retard

We don’t ban lolcows lol

We don't ban. We encourage lolcows to keep posting.

coming to r/drama expecting serious discussion


leftist troll farm.


Eks dee

Are you one of those people that don't get how the internet works at a fundamental level? Net neutrality was a much bigger issue at keeping the network even for entry over what a individual website chooses to do with their computers they allow you to access. Nobody owes anyone access to their server, they just don't and never will.

You can still watch the funny tv show Family Man on the internet! /r/familyman


Oh yeah, Google is free market. Amazon and Walmart too. Corporations that size only exist because of public infrastructure and subsidy.

  1. Google economy of scale, mong.

  2. Or are you saying that if we lived in a blessed world where ISPs properly charged everyone for their traffic, Google would have no chance to grow so big because it would have no chance to exist in the first place?

Corporations that size only exist because of public infrastructure and subsidy.

Google, Amazon, and Walmart

nigga what the fuck is wrong with your brain??

Is that link supposed to make your case? Might as well link stormfront

I'm not making a scientific case, I'm prescribing you to not talk like a pavement ape. But if I were, you just made a logical fallacy anyway

lol ur triggered xD

You could have just said “I’m retarded”

I have a 144 IQ and my dick is over 6 inches when erect. Which it is now.

psssh that’s not even over the “further testing” cutoff

Were you born tarded?

Their chemicals in the water got them.









What did they do? Was the strike earned? What youtube rules does InfoWars break?

too jwoke

Well they have been cracking down on.... information warfare.

They kept pedaling Stoneman Douglas conspiracies, calling the survivors crisis actors. YT told them to knock off the retardation. They didn't, so they got benned

I thought they just said they were being fed lines by media outlets

I don't think they ever actually said they were crisis actors

Yeah they claim it was a false flag/crisis actors thing. Retards didn't learn their lesson after Sandy Hook

incorrect, they claim a possible false flag but not the crisis actor thing

the students are actually 5th-dimensional aliens using the outrage of the attack to regenerate psychic energy that they previously gave to hollywood elites

AJ is a fucking retard, no need to play devil's advocate here buddy

fucking retard


Don't argue with u/mg87 he's non ironically retarded



Let me know how your plan to take down the anti Trump subs goes.

Okay, that explains Infowars, but why are all the gun channels getting taken down or demonetized?

how would i fucking know, alex jones ain’t invovled with those

prolly has something to do with all those kids who got shot

How dare they repeat facts instead of the false.narratove we're told to believ

It’s 2019: America’s darkest hour following the right-wing social media purges. The last remaining torchbearers of conservatism are the op-ed pages of all major newspapers, the police, the military, the wealthy, professional sports, and all three branches of government.

Conservatives have no more power beyond government, law enforcement, military, economically, and most of the entertainment business; we are doomed... doomed without their youtube videos.

and most of the entertainment business

🇮🇱 Come again? 🇮🇱

I'm trying to but I have a dead pixel on my monitor and its throwing my stroke game off.

most of the entertainment business

wokeasaurus rex right there

Fucking lizard people and gay frogs man.

i mean like half of the channels are World Harvest Television analogues with my cable plan, so

Delusional doesn't even begin to cover your ignorance.

You are either using delusional in the wrong context or ignorance, I cannot figure out which one.


What sort of moronic reply is that?

the sort that replies to LIES

I'm still in constant flux about him believing his bullshit or just upping the fleecing.

deliberately spreads misinformation


stalks and harasses victims of mass shootings


reports /pol/ posts as objective news


I Ed, you were on here defending Antifa and posting and commenting all kinds of anti conservative shit yesterday.

Pointing out that you're clearly agenda posting on drama doesn't make me a fucking trump supporter or consumer of Info Wars. I do find AJ hysterical tbh.

Don't agenda post, get called on it, and then blame others of doing what you are. You used to save your partisanposting for strictlybutters. You're suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome so bad you're not even pretending anymore.

calling it a meme


Pick one. I want them to go to gulags for vacation too. But hey, nice try!

commenting all kinds of anti conservative shit yesterday.

Name one sensible conservative view point that most liberal are against it. One.

conservatism is a joke. Especially in America. Love conservatism? Go to bumfuck Pakistan or Saudi Arabia lol.

Pointing out that you're clearly agenda posting on drama doesn't make me a fucking trump supporter or consumer of Info Wars.

Never said you were. Is this the reason you think I pinged you here? Lmao

Also if "Antifa is a meme" opinion gets people so assblasted then you better count your dollaridoos that I'm gonna keep saying it for the glorious meta drama.

Don't agenda post,

Will do if it causes meta drama

get called on it,


and then blame others of doing what you are.

I don't go crying from thread to thread complaining about agenda posters. This sub has quite a few unironic foreign daddy supporters who are also goobergaters. I don't want them to stop agenda posting. Then where will we get out meta drama from. I do the next best thing, shame them for it. Lol

You used to save your partisanposting for strictlybutters.

Unironically thinking /u/StrictlyButters is my alt. See this is why you're so stupid and stupid people are the most easily assblasted. "Muh Ed alts kek" meme doesn't work if used unironically. Try harder.

You're suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome so bad you're not even pretending anymore.

If it takes a 70 yr old tv show host who whines like a lil bitch on Twitter to showcase then problem in American politics by all means. Trump is the reason people now know how fucking stupid the average American voter is that they vote for the other guys just to "stick it to the libshits".

I pray to Allah (s.w.t) that he's elected in 2020 too. If it seems he's not gonna, hell, even I'll drop in a vote. Trump is doing America a YUGE favor.

Sorry you unironically get mad at r/drama users for drama posts and comments. Says a lot about you. You should try to care less and just enjoy the autism. You don't see me complaining now do you?

America has elected a meme president now you have to deal with meme posts and comments. We're gonna milk it dry

Plus if it wasn't for our glorious God Emperor, we wouldn't have drama and autism for

  • TD

  • CBTS_Stream

  • unironic white genocide screamers

  • non American daddy lovers

These are the best years for drama, take that stick out of your ass and learn to enjoy for once in a while. Ignore my comments like "antifa is a Meme" if it raises your blood pressure lol. I'm the retard so who cares lol

Alright Ed, you win. I'll just delete myself now.

Just when I thought I couldn’t love you anymore you go ahead and bully an even worse version of /u/captainpriapism (imagine that) to do the only honorable thing and shoa himself. 😍😍🙌🏼

I made him delete his own account lmao. RIP /u/Sophistrycated

Just when I thought I couldn’t love you anymore


Please stop with the alts, Ed.

We don’t yield to terrorists!

unironic white genocide screamers

Mayocide has never been ironic or autistic. It has always been the right way.

Sirat al-Mustaqim

aṣ-Ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm (Arabic: الصراط المستقيم) is the Arabic term for the straight path. In an Islamic context, it has been interpreted as the right path, has been variously translated as "The Middle Way" and as that which pleases God.

There are five obligatory daily prayers in Islam. During every cycle of each prayer the following phrase is included:

Ihdinā ṣ-ṣirāṭa al-mustaqīm, Ṣirāṭa al-laḏīna anʿamta ʿalayhim ġayri l-maġḍūbi ʿalayhim walā ḍ-ḍāllīn

Show us the straight path, The path of those You bestowed favor upon, not anger upon, and not of those who go astray.

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Don't bother with Ed he ironically pretends he's not retarded by pasting others thoughts but when you corner him he sperges out to the point that no other conclusion can be drawn -- he's retarded



I didn't delete shit you inbred retard

If I were talking to you, I'd say "you deleted your comment you pussy".

Fucking old people. Never should've been allowed on the internet lol. I mean this a new low, even for you.





Why the fuck am I responding to you on my day off?

Why the fuck did I install reddit on my cell phone?

What the fuck am I doing with my life?

These are the questions one raises after getting into the mind of /u/ed_butteredtoast

I like Ed, don't you? 😉😏



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He probably just couldn't handle the browbeating you gave him. As a mod, you should go easier on people.

The big move to take down the tip of the spear of globalist resistance has begun.

They can take the tip of my spear down their throats

Deep state is finally stepping up its game! Was wondering how long it would take them. You gotta admit, for the all-powerful overlords of the world, letting Alex Jones go on and on exposing all their inner secrets for this long was a strategic error. I wish the Jews and illuminati well in their more assertive stance to the nationalist white males clinging to their freedom. Have they thought of importing more Muslims to?

capitalism is good and companies should be free to do what they like


companies censoring their platform is against free speech

TIL Logan Paul was a victim of the deep state information warfare. This dummy is still railing against net neutrality too, that's really not going to help when you can't ride on the inevitable youtube traffic prioritization or zero rating train.