Man Catches His Girl Getting SMASHED On LIVESTREAM. . . Then He MURDERS SIDE DUDE On Video!!!

60  2018-03-04 by westofthetracks


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Why shoot the dude when he has more in common with the guy than the cheating woman? They should have both tied her up and stuffed her pussy with cotton til she got an infection then banged her in the butt. It could be a new sex move called The Bold Move Cotton

They should have both tied her up and stuffed her pussy with cotton

You misspelled curling iron


Is this how you treat your victims?

Jfc, the mong capitalization in that article makes me want to commit SUICIDE.

DANG bruh, You have got NO Chill!

Reminder that these niggers for some reason have the some voting power that you do.

I had sex with your mom

You had sex with a hot pile of dog shit?

Better than an ugly pile of dog shit.

This is a family sub 👪

Reminder that /u/feeepo has never and will never feel the loving touch of another human being.

Tfw feepo will never have a cute ebony gf by his side

/u/feeepo and /u/Terry_Two_Tokes have to be the same person right.

I'm not even sure, added together, that they'd make one person tbh.

me too thanks

Now we know you have the knowledge don't leave us hanging ed

I'm not Ed, retard. You don't have RES ???

Ah you #GOTEM'ed me


Not wrong.....

Right, like all upstanding wypipo they should be fucking their relatives instead.

Lol downvoted by salty wypipo mayocide when??

That noise at the end coming from the shootee didn't sound good.

Mmmmm dat forehead

Fucking furries!

She's got nice brows

Looks like Raven Simone before she caught lesbian aids

The pubic hair eyebrows drawn on by the Spraypaint tool from Windows 95 Paint is what Im stuck on


What's even the point of censoring it like this? Everyone knows what they wanted to say.

Bunch of nig*ers.

Like someone gave chimps a gun

