I'm deleting my Reddit

2  2018-03-04 by ruiluth

I'm tired of arguing about politics. I'm tired of being insulted and judged without anyone even trying to understand my point of view. I'm tired of not being able to say anything about issues I care about because the entire world is against me (might be exaggerating that one a little). In short: I'm tired of the internet.

I'm keeping my account because I'll visit periodically, I'm just deleting the app on my phone so I stop visiting here aimlessly in the wee hours and getting sucked into debates with shitheads.

Anyway, I just wanted this on my post history and this seemed like a good place to put it.


Where is that pasta from?

I don't know how adequately express my rage and disgust anymore. I have run out of words to express my being so unfucking surprised that something else insanely embarrassing and confounding that is still in itself surprising because it is so goddamn infuriating has happened due to this orange buffoon and the spineless cohorts of the GOP.

Fuck him. Fuck them. Fuck this. You're cool. I'm out. Just done.

Can you delete everyone else's too?

This is a good idea.

When you start to take anything on the internet seriously, it's time to take break.

Don't tell me you're gonna delete Reddit, and then just delete the App like pussy