/r/politics agreeing that a man having sex with his wife was a worse decision than invading a country

89  2018-03-04 by Pragmatic_Shill


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Having sex with a woman is always a mistake.

I'm pretty sure that /r/drama is making me unironically gay.

Post bussy

Or maybe you were just suppressing it, and our logic war against Gussy has opened your eyes

u/NO-STUMPING-TRUMP has been red pilled.

I'm not, but I think I wish I was.

wtf i love the iraq invasion now

scooter libby did nothing wrong

He got caught.

It's really children running amok.

It's literally schoolyard bully approach to resolving conflict.

Afterwards, they piss gold at each other.

It's literally schoolyard bully approach to resolving conflict.

Sort of explains their hard on for the Iraq invasion.

You’re my new favorite best friend lol

People were comparing Trump's trade tweets from yesterday to the Iraq war over in r/worldnews earlier. The funny thing is almost no one was willing to point out that hundreds of thousands of people died in the Iraq war without begging not to be downvoted for pointing it out first. Priorities

Way to maintain perspective. This is some real first world privilege.

/u/CirqueDuFuder way to wooosh over a goddamn joke. Coincidentally, morons are crying over trump's joke with the Chinese president.

Horseshoe theory strikes again!! سُبْحَانَ اللّهُ

Lol at you thinking Politics isn't a 24/7 REEEEfest of seriousposts. Not surprised you would defend that sub though tbh.

defend that sub

A sub that I've almost never commented in and have it filtered? Boy if you aren't grasping at straws.

Lol at you thinking Politics isn't a 24/7 REEEEfest of seriousposts.

You're REEEing at a joke that whooshed over you. Take that stick out of your ass and learn to laugh at a joke once in a while.

Are you this angry 24/7? You seed sad af lol.

You defending a sub filled with people that act like you doesn't change just because you filter it. People also know how to use alts especially when drama gets singled out all the time as a problem place to have in their history.

I know you are bothered because you looked like a bigger retard than usual yesterday, Ed. This is why you continue to ping me. Take me off your ping list and you can continue autistically pinging other people like /u/erictrumpismywaifu /u/lemonscore and others like a lab rat high on cocaine mashing the the button for another hit.

Keep me the fuck out of this, /u/ed_butteredtoast's retardism is NOT my fault



^ ^ ^ see what I mean u/CirqueDuFuder


Nice try grandpa! You can't escape your own memes!

> be me

> troll the fuck out of /u/ed_butteredtoast

> he gets so butthurt all he can do is copypasta my superior comments



Btw that's the sound of the Grim Reaper's clock 😉

I just tagged you because it was the easiest way to autofill and spell your name right.

Heh well ed's obsession is like a social disease, so.... ahem... enjoy

The good news is he's easy to get to sperge out. Just intentionally botch pasta or link a 1 image imgur album instead of direct linking it. Gets him wound up every time

You weren't like this before /u/spez cucked you. No you're just mad at everyone and not fun at all. Whatever the fuck happened there to my favourite old timer on this sub. sad.png

I doubt /u/spez cucked me, more likely the meth head admin. What's her name?

a meth head? Which one is that lol.

You know the one. Mentioning their name is (puts on sunglasses) taboo


your meme level is way higher grandpa. I don't know the name. Shouldn't have deleted your account as you can still log in after perm suspensions.

You can log in so what? And you know who I am talking about, just username ping her... come on... do it feggit

nibba pls. I don't why you're so excited but the only (((admins))) I can name are


-that "known/pop corn tastes good guy"

  • landoflobsterbags (?)

That's it lmao.

even u/ed_butteredtoast is afraid to username ping her and reference the previous AMA where they admitted to being a meth addict.

So far everyone who has finds themselves spider banned within hours.

Try it fegget. Seriously. Try it.

even u/ed_butteredtoast is afraid to username ping her and reference the previous AMA where they admitted to being a meth addict.

Sorry grandpa for not keeping up with fucking meta Reddit drama from back in your time. Lol

LOL memeing as a retard today?

You seriously expect us to believe you hvae pasta from 10 years ago but you don't know about this pasta worthy post by an admin

Yeah. Right. Okay.

I swear to Allah (s.w.t). Is there any kind of proof that will satisfy you?

Is that true? About the banning?

Yes, it is. Hasn't come up in a few years so I'm not sure anymore and I'm sure if you're part of the liberal circlejerk you get a warning but I knew several based people who got spider suspended based on referencing that which shall not be discussed.

What do you mean by spider suspended?

They suspend your account, then they suspend every account which has ever logged in from your IP address, then they suspend every account which has ever logged in from the same web browser.

Ah, so like the kaalaaaa treatment.

You defending a sub filled with people that act like you doesn't change just because you filter it.

Show me where did i defend that sub. Oh wait, you can't because you're grasping at strawmen. You're just embarrassed because you got called out for REEEEEEEEEing at a damn joke lmao

People also know how to use alts especially when drama gets singled out all the time as a problem place to have in their history.

I'm proud of it. You implying I use alts to post in r/politics is hilarious. Keep deflecting from the main topic.

It wasn't a joke.

proof? Sounded like a joke. It wouldn't be a joke if you're wearing a right tinfoil hat

That place is 24/7 serious.

It also got removed.

Kinda proves doesn't it? It was not a serious comment. A sexual natured joke hence removed by the tight ass mods. Way to disprove your own point sherlock!

I know you are bothered because you looked like a bigger retard than usual yesterday, Ed. This is why you continue to ping me. Take me off your ping list and you can continue autistically pinging other people like/u/erictrumpismywaifu/u/lemonscore and others like a lab rat high on cocaine mashing the the button for another hit.



FTFY. Pings bother you? Boo hoo! I love to crawl under your skin because you're fragile af and looking from your comment over there, you don't know how to take a joke. I'll ping you whenever I see drama worthy stuff you post lol.

All this anger just because a "should've pulled out" about daddy made you buttmad. You're no different then the stupid liberals falling for the Trump joke

🐴👟 confirmed!! ✅

You've literally chased me through threads where you've posted like 5x as much as me and I had like two comments to say shit like "wow you are all over this thread are you le triggurred?!" You've also chased comments of mine like 6 days later.

Get help you retard. No one believes the pretending to be retarded shtick. You actually are retarded. You rant and rave and hide it with emojis and "shitposting" any time politics comes up.

Face it, you’re both colloidal faggots.

I don't follow people around with my autism or "pretend" to be joking while raging. I would take 100 pizzashill's to Ed.

don't follow people around

You got got pinged from drama linked thread where you were unironically mad at a joke. Is that your best defense? I mean if you don't sperg out at jokes in other subs linked there then maybe no one will ping you. Seems plausible.

None of that makes you any less of a colossal faggot.

I don't care if I am one though.

I don't follow people around with my autism

Wow, way to work against the spirit of /r/drama.

It is just too much to handle. I do my best, but with this one I'm legit scared of catching it.

🐴👟 theory strikes again!!!

You've literally chased me through threads where you've posted like 5x as much as me and I had like two comments to say shit like "wow you are all over this thread are you le triggurred?!" You've also chased comments of mine like 6 days later.

FUCKING LMAO!!! I hope i did both of these things because it seems it touched you in your no no place assuming from your anger. I really hope.

Get help you retard.

I'm not the one who can't differentiate between serious posts and jokes

No one believes the pretending to be retarded shtick.

Hahaha nice but the thing is, I'm not pretending here. Lollll

nd hide it with emojis and "shitposting" any time politics comes up.

Nah not really. You don't see it here. Not even in that thread.


Are you don't have any other defense that you were unironically mad at a shitpost removed by r/politics for being a joke?

Lol you're all over the place putting up strawmen and calling me a retard but the fact is that your got assblasted by a joke about daddy. Says a lot about you tbh that's why no will believe what you have to say. You're hysterical :D

Tell me more about how you aren't triggered right now.

long comment

lol ur triggered

C- for the effort.

You're looking at the person that isn't mad at the "trump's dad pulling out joke".

Yeah, but I only meta-unironically support him.

merely pretending to be...

Here we go again!

That would be meta-ironic. Not at all, I'm an enthusiastic meta-unironic Trump supporter and proud of it.

So it's terminal? Got it!

I'm perfectly healthy, but thanks for the concern.

I don't have the medical qualifications to deal with Ed.

It wasn't a joke. That place is 24/7 serious.

Let's solve this once and for all.

/u/AlfredoJarry Do you think that Fred Trump not pulling out was literally worse than invading Iraq, or was it just a joke?

/u/CirqueDuFuder you still have time to use the ol' "i was just pretending to be retarded mad"line of defense.


u/Ed_ButteredToast never pungs me anymore ;-;

Your boring and unfunny. Trying being like /u/EricTrumpIsMyWaifu. He's like r/drama's very own Creed.

But then I'd be unironically retarded and an acolyte of yours. Plus, then I'd be all booty blasted and shit. I refuse to not maintain my strong independent salsa traditions

nobody's gonna buy that. Nope.

Taps mic and clears throat


clears throat

You mean sniffs?

The only thing I'm sniffing here is that bussy

This is like complaining that your cancer has gone into remission.

What if I told you that I'd be happy to be yet another contribution to the mayocide?

A sub that I've almost never commented in and have it filtered?

0% chance you don't have like 5 alts, and 0% chance one of them doesn't seriouspost in /r/politics

0% chance

0% proof.


If you want someone to believe your lies you should put a little bit of effort in.

Says the guys who couldn't disprove me with .... *gasp* ... FACTS!!

link something. Link an account. Try harder lol

I never tried to disprove you moron, I just said you're a terrible liar.

how do you know that i'm lying you Sherlock? was it meme magic? dumb mong lol

Your denial for one.

Not an argument.

Again, r/therewasanattempt

I'm not making an argument, I'm just telling you how it is.

Your transition from autistic pasta emoji shitposter to regular poster to autistic seriousposter is fascinating




I miss the old u/Ed_ButteredToast

I miss the old u/ed_butteredtoast, straight from the go u/ed_butteredtoast, chop up the soul u/ed_butteredtoast, set on his goals u/ed_butteredtoast, I hate the new u/ed_butteredtoast, the bad mood u/ed_butteredtoast, the always rude u/ed_butteredtoast, spaz in the news u/ed_butteredtoast, I miss the sweet u/ed_butteredtoast, chop up the beats u/ed_butteredtoast, I got to say at that time I'd like to meet u/ed_butteredtoast, see, I invented u/ed_butteredtoast, it wasn't any u/ed_butteredtoasts, and now I look and look around there's so many u/ed_butteredtoasts, I used to love u/ed_butteredtoast, I used to love u/ed_butteredtoast, I even had the pink polo I thought I was u/ed_butteredtoast, what if u/ed_butteredtoast made a song about u/ed_butteredtoast called 'I miss the old u/ed_butteredtoast' Man, that'd be so u/ed_butteredtoast. That's all it was u/ed_butteredtoast, we still love u/ed_butteredtoast, and I love you like u/ed_butteredtoast loves u/ed_butteredtoast.

I love that bot!

He was never real. This is the true feelings and actions coming out.

AlfredoJarry121 points 15 hours ago 

Fred Trump not pulling out and cumming all over her thigh was the single worst decision ever made.

The 1000% accurate comment in question. That mayo should've be spread out, not tucked inside

/u/AlfredoJarry /u/MuellerIsAKnockin what is it like to be bootyblasted 24/7?

It was

Shush, you. Shoes don't get to have an opinion on morality when they crush thousands of innocent ants each year.