Blackpill dropped in r/izlam

108  2018-03-04 by SlavophilesAnonymous


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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Not accurate bruh. Give me a dark beauty any day πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Muslims men (~800,000,000)

not accurate because i don't follow that trend

/u/traderfour is that your best defense? That's some Barry Zuckercorn tier lol.

Lol, u really like Barry don't you? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

He’s very good

Bob Loblaw >> Barry Zuckercorn 😊

Hey! You should be the lawyer!

And if a 300k salary is a fantasy situation for you, I think 4 is definitely unsustainable.

Poor fags. smh

Most of these are from shithole countries so that's not surprising

Can someone round it all up and explain what we are hating Muslims for now, please?

I think this is mostly the usual incel hate, just with an added Muslim flavor. Once you remove the Arabic words, it's pretty much just a guy complaining about how women only want Chads (or, I guess in this case, Chadhammads).

Chadhammads...that's funny dude

in this case, Chadhammads



Muslims can’t be Chads bruh

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and his companion(RA) were chads spreading the word of god. One the main reasons they spreaded islam easily was because of their looks. Khalid bin walid, Omar bin khattab, and uthman bin affan were gigachads. Bilal was a Tyrone. Together they were unstoppable. May Allah grant them jannatul firdose..... Ameen.

What about the fact that muslim women only want 6ft + men with beards that connect and have done hifdh of not only the Quran but Bukhari, Muslim, Iluum ud Deen and Aqeedah Tahawi as well and have a melodeous voice, while also simultaneously being a doctor, lawyer and engineer at the same time making atleast $300 000 per year? Oh and multiple wives is an absolute no no that is literally worse than shirk despite being a sunnah.

What does this comment even mean? I just saw a bunch of word salad in there.

Here's a translation:

What about the fact that muslim women only want 6ft + men with beards that connect and have (studied a bunch of Muslim books) as well and have a melodious voice, while also simultaneously being a doctor, lawyer and engineer at the same time making at least $300 000 per year? Oh and multiple wives is an absolute no no that is literally worse than (being a pagan) despite being (something Muhammad did).

What is this sub? Is it r/islam for people kicked out of that sub

It's basically a meme sub for Muslims. Pages on Facebook like "Muslim Memes" were popular with Muslim kids back when I used to use Facebook, /r/izlam is basically the reddit equivalent of that.

so it's the arch-enemy of /r/bakchodi then?

I think that would be /r/chutyapa.

Those colors are code words for age.

All muslims are pedophiles.

Said the white trash that elect Roy Moore. Nice try.

Why aren't republicans trying to convert?????

The world is just not ready for devout Muslim incels, this is a combination with terrible implications.

What do you think ISIS were?

what do you think ISIS is?

A group of salafist furries.

They didn't stay incelibate, did they?

It was the ultimate incel fantasy come to life. They got to rape all the roasties

Results, my friend. Results.

bunch cowards with guns, basically the middle eastern version of the NRA

ISIS arent even muslim you moron

I remember seeing a lot of them back when /r/incels were around. The admins seem to be on a quest to eliminate every lolcow farm, though.

If you look at Muslims like retarded Christians the world makes a lot more sense.

No, it's the other way around. Muhammad performed all of his miracles and the kufr still don't realize he was the prophet smh.

Slaughtering Jews is a miracle?

Splitting the moon is a miracle

Surah Al-Isra [ The Night Journey ] Verse 90:93

And they say, "We will not believe you until you break open for us from the ground a spring.

Or [until] you have a garden of palm tress and grapes and make rivers gush forth within them in force [and abundance]

Or you make the heaven fall upon us in fragments as you have claimed or you bring Allah and the angels before [us]

Or you have a house of gold or you ascend into the sky. And [even then], we will not believe in your ascension until you bring down to us a book we may read." Say, "Exalted is my Lord! Was I ever but a human messenger?"

That never happened you dumbfuck as Mohammad couldn't perform any miracles. Try reading your own scripture, retard!

I don't care what you say, you're apparently the sub's pet retard so nothing you say could be worth reading.

hey he slit the moon!

lol no. Here's a verse from the Quran

idc you're a retard

That sounds like REEEEEEEEE!! I bet you're a curryfag who reads it in Arabic and doesn't understand it. That's why you don't know shit about beliefs you're will to die for (what you say to yourself)

You were screeching when I was talking to that paki so I'm just gonna assume you're a paki lmao.

hey he split the moon!

lol no. Here's a verse from the Quran

idc you're a retard

That sounds like REEEEEEEEE!! I bet you're a curryfag who reads it in Arabic and doesn't understand it. That's why you don't know shit about beliefs you're will to die for (what you say to yourself)

You were screeching when I was talking to that paki so I'm just gonna assume you're a paki lmao.

/u/shallowm you weren't wrong btw

I'm not a pakistani

Sure buddy. Sucks to be you lol. My condolences.

He is even worse than a Jew, he isβ€”may Allah forgive me for uttering this wordβ€”an Albanian.

/u/Jihad4Freedom thinks this is an improvement lolol. He really has self esteem issues here. I bet he's even lying.

Still committing to the Islam meme Eddy? It's getting boring faster than your emojipastas

Ask me if i care.

The whole "Ask me if i care" thingie would work better if you didn't spend the majority of your waking hours constantly posting to this sub

not getting the point.

Not surprised either. The "point" is that I don't care what you think or are mad about. It's r/drama ffs. Nobody cares what you think lol

Really impressed by how much autism you can pack in so little text

Me too but the it's amount of "anger" you can shove in there. What's bothering you lately huh? Come on! Talk about it. I'm no stranger.


But ummmmmm

The moon wasn't split

Checkmate, Mohammedfag

the kufr

You're Muslim and you don't even know Arabic, wow. How are you going to understand the Qur'an in its original form?

You're Muslim and you don't even know Arabic, wow. How are you going to understand the Qur'an in its original form? As we all know, you can never truly understand the Qur'an from translations, because it's so miraculous that it's impossible to translate.

I'm Albanian, but you might be shaming me into getting on duolingo to learn arabic.

Imagine being Muslim.

Like LOL

Like seriously nigga put the book down and go outside or something πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

/u/NamekianCaliphate don't bother engaging with him, he's a retard.

Cry harder, muzzie. But not hard enough to blow yourself up.

Ed, there's really no need for that sort of language 😒


/u/NamekianCaliphate can confirm this kid rides the short bus

Imagine being so buttblasted that you came to the sub again for round 2. Hey there lll man!!

I mean not having electricity for hours can make you bored. I can see why.

you know your life is shit when you have to keep using pajeet lines.

Bro I make more money than you and fuck a better looking woman than you, imagine escaping from your nowhere life and spend time with a bunch of other faggot lads on /r/drama




bro imagine actually living your fucking life where you shitpost on reddit all day, i can feel your loneliness across the internet LOL

I wonder what the odds are you legit kill yourself within 10 years

Why are all curries like this? We've had r/drama from r/Pakistan before and tell them how hilarious the shithole they live in is and oooooh boy all that salt and screeching lol

But I mean, if I didn't have electricity to watch TV or use the microwave to make something for myself, I'd be buttmad too. Imagine having this happen everyday lmao. You guys really need to step man. Shit's pathetic.

Is she pre or post acid bath?

Is your girlfriend pre or post inflation

He had 7 [all 3 of sons died very early] children from 2 wives

Actually, it was one wife and one concubine. Maria al-Qibtiyyah wasn't his wife, she was a concubine (slave) of his. He had three to four concubines (scholars aren't sure if Rayhaanah bint Zayd was his wife or a concubine of his).


What about the fact that muslim women only want 6ft + men with beards that connect and have done hifdh of not only the Quran but Bukhari, Muslim, Iluum ud Deen and Aqeedah Tahawi as well and have a melodeous voice, while also simultaneously being a doctor, lawyer and engineer at the same time making atleast $300 000 per year? Oh and multiple wives is an absolute no no that is literally worse than shirk despite being a sunnah.

Just get a concubine, lol. She won't require you to meet all those standards. It's sunnah too, and the prophet (pbuh) explicitly allowed it.

Concubine? Even better! See, this guys complains to much. Just enslave one and pop out children like back in the good old days.

Mohammad was monogamous till the age of 50.

Yeah but wasnt Mohammad relatively older (like in his 40s) when he founded islam. He was illiterate and a trader, he wasnt exactly a prestigious person and powerful enough to have multiple wives until he became a "prophet" and founded his Caliphate/Kingdom.

Oh and multiple wives is an absolute no no that is literally worse than shirk despite being a sunnah.

Imagine unironically complaining about not being able to have multiple wives lol.

the last alpha males

When the last moon is cast

over the last star of morning

and the future has passed

without even a last desperate warning

Then look into the sky where through

the clouds is formed a trail

look and see him how he sparkles

he's the last alpha male!

How many people do you really think are going to get a Last Unicorn reference on r/drama?

I just want to make America great again.

America (band)

America is a rock band formed in England in 1970 by Dewey Bunnell, Dan Peek, and Gerry Beckley. The trio met as sons of US Air Force personnel stationed in London, where they began performing live.

America achieved significant popularity in the 1970s and was famous for the trio's close vocal harmonies and light acoustic folk rock sound. The band released a string of hit albums and singles, many of which found airplay on pop/soft rock stations.

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There is so much insecurity in that thread tbh

lmao muzzies

/u/NamekianCaliphate when you are still a virgin at 30 will you blow yourself up at an ariana concert?