Chicago Tribune author is jealous of all the attention mayos get when they get shot up in school

27  2018-03-04 by ThumYorky


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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That's because white people are more valuable than niggers.

Fuck off, asshole

/u/feeepo for prez 2020.

They hated Jesus /u/feeepo because he told them the truth.

There's so many of these articles that I see being written that piss off the entire reader base. It makes me wonder if these publications put them out just to generate revenue from clicks

I'll confirm that they do

BLM is so 2015.

I was wondering when this idea was going to start being tossed around

And you know what, their's a kernal of truth to it. Thousands of blacks are shot and killed each year, mostly by handguns, but a few dozen white kids get shot by a black rifle with a pistol grip and all of a sudden assault rifles are the scourge of American communities.

I agree but the kids getting killed in Chicago are criminals with no future but more crime.

It's the idea that a school shooting can happen to "my kid" in "my neighborhood". Gang violence in the south side of Chicago doesn't really affect most Chicagoans up north so they don't think too much of it because it's so removed from their lives. Same reason why so many citizens in peacetime nations are apathetic to war and death in other nations. It just doesn't affect them.

Not to mention how that one officer waited for 4mins. Suddenly politicians were talking about how cops need to be better trained and take responsibility.

It isn’t that they want to take any credit away from the courageous young people in Florida

For a moment there, I thought they were totally deaf to the reality that they want credit and attention taken away from dead school kids