Drama when troublemaker disrespects Stable Genius in r/CBTS_Stream

18  2018-03-04 by j1l1l1


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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u/Reba64 What's your take on this?😉

Also tell him about all those golf trips he just loves and shitposting on twatter at 3am. Totally a guy under pressure from working hard would have such a time table.

People give presidency way too much credit anyway. Same happened with Obama lol. "But he works sooo hard!!! 2 terms!!"

A lot of the lower staff works much much harder. With a lot less benefits. That's the real sacrifice.

Are you talking about the Anonymous Post on 02/28/18?

Are you talking about the Anonymous Post on 02/28/18?


Also did you finally upgrade to Windows 10?😊