The totally Democratic Socialists of Chapotraphouse condemn the Afrikaner Kulaks. Mayocide moves along

91  2018-03-04 by ToughScientist


I love how when places on reddit make fun of them they come in and claim they are just your regular Dem socialists but can't resist creaming themselves over the possibility of Kulaks eing murdered.

I'm a demsoc, pls no murder

I'd make that deal. But if bullets start flying who's side are you goin to?

The term here is succdem.

I'm demsoc tho

confiscation of stolen land is not murder lol

ye i know that is why i support the Bantu people getting their land confiscated as well and given out to all the people they had wronged in history.

The land needs to go back to the truly indeginous people there and not be owned by the whites or the Bantu.


Lets pretend apartheid never happened and colonialism was done 400 years ago when the white people were settled in.

Oh my god end yourself you fucking waste of space.

The day after the land has been confiscated I'm sure you will give up the idea of "giving it back" to the white people am i right?

How do you know who owns it in the first place? Besides, private property and private land is theft anyway.

well in descriptive terms they obviously own it bc they have conttrol over it. in the same wat tyat someone who steals ur watch & gets away with it owns it

private land is theft tho, so it should belong like to the ppl who work it

I mean the people who own it now are the people who work it. Can 'the community' own something collectively without a strict way of deciding who is and is not part of 'the community'?

But yeah, it's not immorwl or murderlol, ur rite

is that actually true?

If you don't know, maybe you shouldn't support violently removing them from their (heretofore legal) homes and property?

no its still stolen either way lol but i dun think what u said was actually true that would be bazaar

chapo did a thing


the clocks have been reset!


Oh wait, this isn't ResetEra.

Oh please. Chapo drama is the worst because people newfag alts come here and link entire threads. It's not even complaining. I'm just here to make fun of people who think this is drama worthy.

Chapo drama is the worst

They're guaranteed to be retarded, so it's the least risk of me looking stupid when I confront them. This is basic military doctrine. You don't engage the enemy unless you've got overwhelming force on your side. Especially when you're drunkposting.

check OP

I love you Ed bb but I'm not gonna do that much emotional labor for you. Maybe we should get some couple's counseling or something. I WANTED THIS TO WORK! YOU BASTARD I TRIED SO HARD FOR YOU!!!

I love you Ed bb but I'm not gonna do that much emotional labor for you. Maybe we should get some couple's counseling or something. I WANTED THIS TO WORK! YOU BASTARD I TRIED SO HARD FOR YOU!!!

Ayyy lets get a divorce pls. REEEEEEEEE

An interesting thing about human psychology is that if we do things on a regular basis and meet people often, we can often tell when people are having problems before they themselves know it. The gang at the diner can tell when you're spacey or not fully on top of your game, for example.

That said, lately you have been more annoying and hormonal than usual. Something's bothering you, Ed, tell us about it. We want to help (well at least I do).

Ed either post some fresh drama or don't complain.

Like OP? Sure!

Here! Some random links from there.

Go watch a starwar chapotramfuck drama.

Sorry my account couldn't be 4 days old like that of OP lol

No bb I'm talking about good drama, not this trash.

Is having socialists the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a socialist. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a tankie for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by a corporation. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little socialist - reading her Capital at bedtime, making her go to mental gymnastics practice, making sure she had an unhealthy diet, miseducating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the corporations that will eventually exploit her in every hole.

Raised the perfect socialist? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random small business who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who hires her. It gets to exploit her tight labour every night. It gets the benefits of her kind and sweet work-ethic that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a socialist, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a socialist for another corporation to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck.

Think about it logically

This is a serious issue affecting real capitalists. Your attempts at diverting the discussion and dropping a pathetic excuse for a humorous comment are distasteful and insensitive. But you can sit on your commie ass and make lame remarks just for the upvotes as this subreddit and website in general conveniently enables your bratty behavior. It is completely tragic and shameful that real problems that call for real discussions on this website get watered down by cruel, heartless people like you who live for jokes and memes.

Go discuss socialist shit on a socialist thread. Trivializing problems faced by capitalists who live in a more regressive and dangerous society than you'll ever experience doesn't make you someone who drops cool banter, it just makes you a twat.

The fact that this stupid comment is the top comment shows the state of this sub. Absolutely pathetic. The people who upvoted you should be ashamed of themselves and so should you.


EDIT: Keep on feeding me down votes, you little brats. Maybe, just maybe, one day all you immature, coach potato fanboys who think your edgyness and apathy towards challenges faced by capitalists is COOL AND ALPHA will come to your senses and the world will be a much better place.

You are no different form the beasts who attack these capitalists. You are the enablers and you are just as bad.

Urriytana's Farbandmalask: A ritual to greatly enhance orgasm on your own

הִתכּוֹנְנוּת (PREPARATION RITUAL)

Follow these instructions before you continue.


Take a deep breathe, inhale deeply through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth, repeat, repeat, repeat, done.

Absorb this literary sigil, read it thoroughly, do not skim

In proof of these things, and witnessing faithfully are the Universe, the Year of time, and Man himself, the Microcosm. He fixed these as testimonies of the Triad, the Heptad, and the Dodecad; the twelve constellations rulers of the world, the Dragon (THELE) Tali which environs the universe, and the microcosm, man.



Today I will be showing you a spell a ritual that can greatly increase the intensity and volume of your orgasm, regardless of gender, sex, orientation, and personal preferences. It is through a specific entity named Urriytana that such a ritual was divulged to me and given to me for the benefit of sharing it with you. It will connect you to true lust and to the true inorganic and to greatest pleasure that will defeat the moral busybodies who regulate our genitals and tell us to stifle ourselves.

Keep in mind that this is mainly geared towards a solo experience but you can do it with friends as well just have them do the steps along with you This how the ritual must proceed. When you want to do the ritual take off all of your clothes all of them that aren't actively a part of what you need to survive and perceive. If you wear glasses hearing aids implants or contacts and need them to see keep them on they don't count. This also applies to biohacks.

Get yourself nice and relaxed roll your shoulders let your muscles be loose as can be make yourself comfortable in your proper nude form. Then begin to gently stimulate yourself. If you happen to have a cock gently cradle it in your fingers and squeeze and rub it a bit. If you have a puss gently finger it in the way you like. What is most important is that no matter what privates you have you gently do to them as you want just to sort of warm them up.

Now this is the juicy part where it gets good. It is time to gaze at the Seal of Farbandmalask. It will be the trigger for your orgasm and the conduit for its intensity.

The Seal of Farbandmalask

This is the image.

Continue to gaze at it while you stimulate yourself as much as possible really feel the image give it all your attention. Begin to stimulate harder and harder with more passion more vigor as you gaze at the image. The mood will soon strike you and when it does begin to moan and jut your hips. Don't be afraid to do it loudly do it as it feels natural to you just act act on impulse don't regard the moral busybodies do you feel the pleasure within you this is only a taste.

Keep gazing at the image I guarantee you'll feel it if you've truly let go Urriytana should be moving through you now intensifying it all. You will soon cum but don't fee like you have to rush it just feel the pleasure feel what your experiencing feel Urriytana. Moan louder squeeze and rub as hard as you want. Keep gazing and let the image burn into your mind. If your nude and you have completely let go it will work this is easy.

When you do inevitably orgasm feel the energy flow through you the wave of immense and intense pleasure. Let yourself relax and the vibrations move through you. Take a deep breathe and let it out and once you are satisfied, give your thanks to Urriytana and to the Demiurge.

You are done and let it be done and let it be pleasure.


אלף אורגזמות

Is that a calamari?

Cuttlefish.Maybe an octopus. ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

I have many questions.

That's very irrational. You take care of your socialist because xe is your socialist. Then xe goes off on xem own because xes a human. You don't get jealous over your socialist, its a different relationship than your capitalist/corporation.

Did you just assumed xer's species, you homosapiens-centric bigot?

thats the same cucking anyone gets lol

This is from incels no? anyone have the original?


/u/c0pypastry, your pun game is so awful, so wretched, so miserable, that I legit am worried for your safety.

Is that supposed to be like "Crackers"?

Because that would be great. It's always been my favorite "racial slur" out of all of them

"Fuck you, slave master, you used to literally own my people and whip us whenever we got uppity. lol what an insult. It's devastating. You're devastated"

To each his own. I'd much rather people think I'm a secretive global power-broker who starts wars and controls interest rates through blood magick.

I am but a humble goyim, I submit to your Chosen wisdom

I'm sofa king psyched for Apartheid Round II. It'll be the opening salvo of the tangible mayocide

Shoutout to /u/Prince_kropotkin for being the relative voice of reason in crazy far left circles. We miss you here buddy, come on back and argue with us. For old times' sake.

He has forsaken us 😭

Shoutout to /u/Prince_Kropotkin for being the relative voice of reason in crazy far left circles.

This is like congratulating someone in a mental institution for not shitting and pissing all over themselves. Sure, they're relatively clean, but they think they're Napoleon (or Jesus) and everyone around them smells terrible.

Napoleon and Jesus were actually pretty awesome in their own ways. PK imagines he was on the barricades with the Paris Commune of 1871. He jerks himself off to the losers in some war nobody gives a shit about.

I’m the new /u/prince_kropotkin

bad public policy to be sure but the continent is constantly rocked by bad public policy and it's incredibly difficult to believe that "bad public policy but this time affecting white people" isn't the sole reason why I'm hearing so much about it.

/u/Prince_kropotkin the reason you're hearing so much about it is because you hang out in r/cth. I haven't heard a word about it anywhere else. Maybe you ought to get out and breathe some fresh air and mingle with normies every now and then.

What a total shitshow of a thread. I love how all the tankie soy boy's immediately down vote an actual South African calling them on their bullshit and criticizing the totally not racist policy of seizing land from white farmers.

lol at the tankies there screaming "But those filthy kulak's deserve it" in 2018. Communists never change.

Communists never change.

Seriously, and yet i'm surprised and their stupidity every goddamn time.

The same stupid commies who will swear communism wasn't responsible for famines will once against shut down successful farmers and then act completely surprised when famine hits again.

Commies: "Ok it failed 50 times, but it wasn't REAL communism"

Also commies: "Let's do the exact same thing we tried the last 50 times, what could go wrong?"

literally the best thing you can say about the Holodomor is "It could be a bit of a stretch to call it genocide." So, the best thing you can say is that the system killed millions of people out of incompetence rather than malice. Well, fuck me, I'm sold on the Communist dream now!

It's almost like its an ideology fueled by bitter envy of successful people and isn't concerned with improving anyone's lives beyond getting revenge.

The entire continent of Africa should be nuked.


What most news fails to mention is 8% of the ethnic population owns 72% of available farmland

now where have I heard this kind of rhetoric before?