Typical pizza and child abuse drama in /r/yesyesyesyesno

36  2018-03-05 by Ultrashitpost


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Woo, a thing I wa spart of got onto /r/Drama

Remember, don't stab your babies on the side of the head for cosmetic purposes people!

Fuck you it's my baby, i can do whatever i want with it


(Please note this is a recording of a woman beating a man upsode the head with a child, don't watch is easily upset. Just thought it matched the comment pretty well)

We need to ban assault babies!

To hell with that, make suppressors mandatory!

Great tag team!

Hitler was onto something.

Kid got off easy. It should have been thrown on the ground and stomped


Imagine being such a little bitch that an ear-piercing that has no permanent effects and poses no danger to the child given that you don't take them to some hick parlor and clean the pierce site prompts you to start touting how morally superior you are.

Have you considered cutting excess soy out of your diet?

Imagine thinking thinking you have the moral high ground for thinking it's okay to poke holes in babies, exposing them to the risk of infection, and all in the name of aesthetics.

It's okay if you're too afraid that you'll forget to clean your baby's ears, just hand her over to the bull and I'm sure he'll be able to take great care of her.

Well considering people are removing foreskins because they can't be arsed to teach their kids to wash under 'em that's not too far a reach there buddy.

Uh-oh, he invoked foreskin in the children's consent argument, now there's no way he can be wrong! Quick, tell me about how I need to purchase gender neutral toys or else I'm a bad parent so that I can cumđź’¦!

Idgaf about gender neutral toys. Just leave your kids bodies intact and let them decide what to do with them when they are able to.

Oh, so agency matters when we're cutting off foreskin but not when we're submitting our precious baby girls to the patriarchy by giving them dolls, huh? Pig.

By the way, how's the foreskin restoration going? Does it make you feel any more like a man?

Still have the one I was born with, thanks for the concern though.

you two should just fuck each other already. Lol

You’re actually not supposed to wash “under” your foreskin, so I mean no wonder people keep having to get them removed. It was probably because of all the infections caused by telling people “pull that skin back and get the soup right up in your one eyed monster”.

You don't wash under it until it is no longer attached to the glans. Jesus christ, a simple google search would've told you that. Just use a mild soap and water. I can't believe I just read that. Fuck me sideways you're dumb. I'd say uninformed but considering you could've fact checked yourself in less than a minute and chose not to I'm going with dumb.

get the soup right up in your one eyed monster

Should I use clam chowder or minestrone?


I was on a fence for few comments but now I can say with certainty, a lolcow is born.

Huh, I learnt a new word. Glad to be of help.

Same feeling, I presume, when Einstein was told he's a genius?

More mild amusement and a slight, momentary smile.

Yeah, exactly.

all in the name of aesthetics.

What else is there to live for?

Pizza. Would explain why the kid looks so sad.

exposing them to the risk of infection

Seriously? That's what you're going with?

What if it's white?

I fail to see how colour comes into this.

I fail to see how colour comes into this.

Oh no bb

Go easy on him. Yuropoors don't know any better.

Pierce their noses and nipples instead? You sicko!

Maybe those guys were right about soy turning people into whiny little bitches.


It amuses me when people say ear piecing was better for them as a baby as they “don’t remember pain, etc”. Ear piercing doesn’t even fucking hurt. Do these people think their parents saved them from some life changing, earth shattering agony?

Yes, they do.

ear piercing hurts at first but it largely is numbing i got some nose piercing and that hurt more simply because i was not prepared for it that and lip piercing but that again i was not warned ahead of time.

Use sentences friend.


Wow, the lolwut pear gallery. There's a throwback.

I'll give my premie a Prince Albert if I want to. It's my fucking baby and this is America.

Until the age of 5 children should be considered the property of the parents imo, with legal status similar to a domestic animal

Same but for women of any age tbh


Lena Dunham was pretty ugly as a baby too. Also explains her radical views.

Her sister on the other hand was a sexy kid

So sexy lena got a piece of that.