If a tree falls in the forest, can /r/news make it about Trump?

126  2018-03-05 by IAintThatGuy


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Everyone on reddit is a sentient russian bot.

Even Snappy.

sentient russian bot

To be fair, I'm not even sure most russians are sentient, so it might be their elite.

Searle's Chinese Room with more vodka

You didn't post a pic of a cure animal at the end of your comment. Odd

You're forgetting how much people shit on Obama here

Obama was the greatest president in the history of Sweden

yeah the left-wing criticisms of Abamo are a lot louder than usual here, and then there’s a whole RIGHT wing

  1. Rightwingers don't use computers or the internet or post on Reddit, you've been deceived by Russian bots

  2. bitching Obama only the greatest Democrat President ever instead of the greatest socialist President Ever is like complaining that you had to ask for Steak sauce on your Dry Aged Bone-In NY Steak

Why does a "NY steak" mean quality? Id think the cows would be tastier coming from a wide open place. You wouldn't your salsa from New York City, why would you get your cow meat there?

It's a specific cut of meat.

Why does it have to be done in New York City.

(((You know who))) dominates the steak industry as well

I didn't know your President had so many tenticles. Impressive

Can't see link, on mobile. Why do they have to do it in New York City?

New York isn't in the name because the meat comes from New York City, it's in the name because that specific cut of meat was popularized as a dish in a restaurant there.

Similar to how Belgian waffles don't have to come from Belgium, or how Buffalo wings don't have to come from Buffalo, NY.

Similar to how Belgian waffles don't have to come from Belgium, or how Buffalo wings don't have to come from Buffalo, NY.

Somebody's poor.

WTF. Next you'll say Coney Island pig anus or Norwegian Sheep Brain or Bankok Greyhound is inauthentic if sevrved in Sbaros.

Kink shame elsewhere plz

I don't even care that there's not much drama that title is gold

I'm too lazy to make links to every pocket of drama, so I chose a representative comment. I shouldn't have assumed /r/Drama users would be less lazy than I.

I swear I could have posted a link to the /r/news thread without reading the contents, and be sure there would be comments like that.

that one’s less deranged though

at least at top-level
