Cartoonized braincels meeting 2018

29  2018-03-05 by DowntownWrongdoer


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Hundreds of years from now the Chinese will look at this archive and understand the sudden and complete decline of the American civilization.

Russkies will use it in their propaganda posters.

Someone please explain this.

Yes. Please/

It means nothing. There is no significance. It signifies nothing. It's a Waluigi - it exists only as a warped reflection of a warped reflection, a torturous metashibboleth shitpost that serves only to crust over valuable brain cycles with shit

🤯🙀🤯🙀 MIND BLOWN 🙀🤯🙀🤯

I really wish a chad would got to an incels meetup and when they get upset he can just say "I CATFISHED YOU, I CATFISHED YOU."

What did they mean by this?
