User is told that famine != genocide; REEEs over it

32  2018-03-05 by ineedmorealts


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Also an incels from his last thread posted here. Mashallah.

Hitler should be living in CURRENT YEAR.

I wish đŸ˜Ș


Eww I bet he was a sloppy twink

Also an incel from his last thread posted here

Do you mean in this thread? Who was it?

Genocide isn't just a lot of people dying, it's about intent.

An absurd example to get the point across, if the United States and Russia were to enter total war and the US carpet bombed every last square inch of Russia eliminating all life, it's not genocide.

If America carpet bombed every square inch of Russia for the purpose of eliminating Slavs, then it would be genocide.

that would be intent to eliminate all russian ethnicities tho

same as if like u knowingly bombed my house u would have the intent to kill me

Casualties of the Iraq War

Estimates of the casualties from the conflict in Iraq (beginning with the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, and the ensuing occupation and insurgency) have come in many forms, and the accuracy of the information available on different types of Iraq War casualties varies greatly.

Credible estimates of Iraq War casualties range from 150,000 to 460,000. Other highly disputed estimates, such as the 2006 Lancet study, and the 2007 Opinion Research Business survey, put the numbers as high as 650,000 and 1.2 million respectively, while body counts, which likely underestimate mortality put the numbers as low as 110,000.

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was there the intent to eliminate an ethnicity?

no, so just mass murder

Evil is a statement that requires intent and that the reader accepts your moral compass as legitimate. So, no.

Get your relavitives out of here. Killing is wrong and if you disagree, you deserve the chair.

Wrong I agree with, it was the word evil that I was disagreeing with. Wrong has levels. You can kill someone in self defense and while wrong, it is not evil. You and I might not agree with where that line is drawn, and that line is where evil begins.

lol some killing in self defense is not wrong at all & some is evil as shit

a jew killing a nazi in self defense in 1939 is dope af

a nazi killing a jew in self defense in 1939 is evil af

I agree with the first and last, I can’t agree with the second without context. It’s not ok to try and kill someone who isn’t a direct threat to you and yours. If that Jew was just trying to kill someone in the uniform and the guy in that uniform had done nothing wrong, then that Nazi is not evil.

ok retard

You do realize that the average German soldier in WWII didn't know about the genocide being committed until very late in the war. Many didn't know until after the war was over. That's why I think you are painting with too broad a political brush.

ok retard

evil requires intent but does not require u to accept my moral compass, ur still evil even if u dont understadn murdering kids is wrong n shit

By your moral compass it is (and I agree with you on this), my point was that using the term “evil” is just inflammatory and doesn’t really mean anything.


Casualties. There are still far, far too many Iraqis.

Inconclusive. Once we get all of them we’ll know for sure.

compares Indian famine to Armenian genocide then denies Armenian genocide

I think we found Cenk's reddit account.

Sometimes I think about starting a news network called “the nazi stormtroopers” but then I remember that Breitbart already has a news network.

One dimensional 52 pick up

tbf its still pretty damn fucked up either way

So what you're saying is Stalin did nothing wrong?