Anarchists smash up people's shops, some other anarchists say this is a bad thing

103  2018-03-05 by Wild_Hunt


What happened to anarchists? Didn't they used to be the cool leftists? Why are they such pussies now?

nothing's changed. anarchists always were pieces of shit.

the internet happened

Didn't they used to be the cool leftists?

Yeah. Anarchism was pretty great when they actually did terrorism. Now it's just boring, broke a store shit.

Who care. Bomb the government ! Kill the prime minister ! Assassinate the archduke ! Now we are talking.

Lol they were incompetent and terrified of violence just as much in the early 20th century.

Gavrilo Princep only managed to kill the archduke and his wife after a) one of his comrades had already fucked up trying to bomb their parade, and b) the archduke coincidentally had his car stall right outside the cafe where Princep went to have a beer and sulk.

And that anarchist did something. Current day anarchist would just post a tumblr rant about the archiduke instead of gunning him down.

The welfare system.

Too much trannyfucking.

Identity politics took over and changed every leftist group, anarchists are no different.

Now they need to be pumped full of estrogen, dig up their 1/14 native heritage and watch their trigger words.

Like other 19th century ideologies, e.g. marxism, liberal democracy has more or less rendered these ways of thought obsolete because people aren't starving in factories anymore; at least in the west. Now people that unironically call themselves anarchists in 2018 are just looking for a "special" in-group to call their own. These groups attract very similar people; the poor and privileged aren't joining your local anarchists/DSA chapter because let's be honest, its a clique for middle-upper middle/rich white college students.

You want a laugh sometime go on Twitter and find pictures of the Uptown Manhattan/ Bronx DSA chapter events.

I have to say what you described matches what I've seen in the left wing movement perfectly. The DSA chapter in my city is almost entirely comprised of people who fit exactly this description. Mix in a couple older Marxist and the occasional genuinely pissed off union worker and that's about it for one of the only leftist groups I know and have physically participated in. At this point if it wasn't for their size and ability to potentially do some good work if they set their mind to it I would be completely out of their.

Don't let this be your definition of what the left is! These groups aren't the only ones. Granted I think this problem is pretty prevalent in any openly left wing org there are many left wing groups that are doing real work and not just trying to gush over how radical they are. The left has powerful political potential and is especially important in this day and age and shouldn't be overlooked.


They haven't been cool in 100 years.

What happened to anarchists? Didn't they used to be the cool leftists?

You stopped being 12 and you aren't allowed within 1000 feet of the skatepark anymore.

It's almost as if there' is not leadership to tell them what to do or think.

SirBrendantheBold coming so close to becoming self aware.

It scares the shit out of the gentrifiers, and the fact that the pigs couldn't do anything shows that they aren't safe. It scares the shit out of the gentrifiers, and the fact that the pigs couldn't do anything shows that they aren't safe.

/u/cryaboutitthen I honestly can't wait for the day you guys smash up some young black dudes franchise buy-in and he protects his property with the vigilante justice you love so much - via bullet.

It's going to be amazing.

Even without bullets. Just a handful of grown adults who can throw a punch can do a lot of damage to a mob of college kids with the physique of 12yo kids on female hormones.

One nationalist in Spain successfully fended off 100 Antifa.

Anarchists aren't a threat until they start embracing Days of Rage bombing tactics again.

This video sucked.

This owns.

“Good night right side” lmao

Spanish Civil War 2.0: Return of Franco

You know with me being 140 lbs. i understand my limits this lot seems to think they will be there to see their dream rather then the first of the dead.

I know a few 140 lbs people who could realistically hold off 5 or 10 random grown adults. But they're like boxers and martial artists who have trained a lot. A good featherweight boxer can knock a grown man down with a light punch (and they can throw a lot of those in a very short time).

I during a paranoid panic attack did a good number on some family and they are not lightweights, people understandably underestimate peoples size.

Exactly. Crazy people will have incredible strenght. And then you have trained fighters who use a mix of crazy and rehearsed technique. Those dudes scare me.

I during fight or flight go for fight granted I am tiny little thing so its not hard to restrain me but before that I can do some damage not permanent but you know damage.

You never want to fight a crazy person either. Because in most fights, you can hurt someone enough to make them comply or flee. But someone willing to get hurt will almost always be able to hurt you real bad even if you put them down (even a trained fighter can't take that many bites to the face or fingers to the eyes).

Cryaboutitthen's entire post history proves she/he/it is either mentally unstable or a POE.

I can’t wait for the day that /u/cryaboutitthen is kicked out of his parents house after high school

/u/Lamont-Cranston how does it feel when even your sub refuses to believe false flag rationalizing of retarded anarchist violence?

Go back to your containment board.

But this is it, comrade.

You mean /r/anarchism?

You know perfectly well which board that is and you need to go back there. ps: your waifu is shit.

How do you feel about catgirls?

I think you mean....

The Shadow Knows

How does an anarchist choose a wealthy playboy as his pseudonym?

lol are you genuinely afraid to say /pol/? They aren't the boogie man bro.

Stale meme bro

Whoa too far with that ps

Ah it can't even banter.

2D will never replace 3D.

Ugh you're like a robot reading a script

no u.

/u/PhysicsIsMyMistress is. He'll suck your bussy.

Why are white people so violent? Smdh

You'd think people advocating for anarchism would be at least able to hold their own.


Are you triggered?

wow he said the meme

Lol I’m from ck, you should see how much /pol/babbies hate capitalism, you can make a containment thread by saying anything good about an established brand

where do you think you are

What did he mean by this.

He was inquiring about the location you think this exchange is taking place.

Anarkiddies are a bunch of losers who can only lash out violently. You belong in jail tbh.

Are you afraid of answering?

Are you afraid of your mom not serving tendies?

So still afraid of giving an answer?

tfw no answer

Don’t downvote this guy, you animals

"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE we live in poverty!"

"Hi. I'd like fix up this neighborhood."


When you hear your neighbor drilling something and you burn the whole apartment building including your own apartment just in case he was trying to renovate something.


The people destroying the property aren't actually the people complaining about poverty.

The community should have beaten their ass

depart parents' house comfortable middle class neighborhood

meet up with your mayo comrades to ninja LARP

smash up property in poor neighborhood

tfw ungovernable

get arrested

call parents for bail

Just another day in the tireless struggle against bourgeois hegemony.

More like "Hi. Were here to fix up your neighborhood and then price you out of your shit poverty housing so we can flip it for a huge profit now that your neighborhood is so nice and property values are on the rise"

🎵Smashing up a branch of Starbucks We film it with our Apple products We're rioting along, singing this song We're walking in an anarchist wonderland!🎵

what kind of GARBAGE IS THAT

oops my anarchy symbol

[–]koraedo 8 points 41 minutes ago


oh my god fuck off

/u/koraedo Welcome to our home. You belong here.

already is 🅱

lol I knew you had to be!

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer, Intersex, i officially run out of what those letters mean.

they could have just said "mentally ill" and covered everything quite concisely.

"2" is probably Two-Spirit, but what the feck is "S"?

I think 2+ means more than two people. As in Poly people. I have no idea what the S or I are


It scares the shit out of the gentrifiers, and the fact that the pigs couldn't do anything shows that they aren't safe.

What's the over-under on /u/cryaboutitthen being a college grad living in a trendy up-and-coming neighbourhood? We have met the enemy and she is me!

Having lived in nicer areas of Oakland, I can almost guarantee this person is exactly like you described.

Sick Pogo reference.

Now, I wasn't there personally, but

BREAKING: reddit lefty doesn't actually do anything

have anarchists ever done anything important?

Caused businesses to move out of an area after riots, increasing poverty?

Historically, they earned us a lot of rights and freedoms. Today, they ain't what they used to be

Everytime they shoehorn 'praxis' into a sentence, I feel like they think they're really, really smart. But they're not.

Isn't that what libertarians say when whatever they're talking about defies math?

"Praxis" is interesting because 99.9% of the time you can substitute "practice" with no loss in meaning, while also making your intention clear to a much wider audience. At least with some jargon you can argue that there really are no equivalent terms which everyone already understands. "Praxis" literally only exists to signify that you've read the introduction to a book on leftism, and keep the uneducated masses from understanding your meaning.

I disagree, if someone has some kind of "practice", could be political, could be anything like working out etc., they might accomplish something. But if I hear of "praxis" I know nothing is being accomplished.

The Hamilton Anarchist book fair finished earlier that day, and the last workshop? Gentrification, LGBTQ2SI+ Communities and Modes of Resistance.

LGBTQSI2+, oh my god fuck off

/u/koraedo, it's not often I praise an anarchist, but you're doing God's work

It scares the shit out of the gentrifiers, and the fact that the pigs couldn't do anything shows that they aren't safe.
/u/cryaboutitthen I came from a poor neighborhood that my family was one of the first gentrifies, It was great because eventually when enough gentrifies moved in, the city gave a shit a paved the cracked road and repaired the broken sidewalk, now we have our annual night out where we have a big BBQ with the police, and recently a whole foods type story opened up 2 blocks away. Gentrification is awesome.

So given the odds are you're probably some dumb NEET, I want you to try and live for a week in the lead paint lined inner city houses with broken side walks and shit roads.

This article is amazing. The only reason those people got away with throwing rocks at cops is because it was the UK and the cops couldn't shoot back.

> Hamilton, Ontario

> UK

Meh, I saw cops without guns and assumed UK, you think I actually cared enough to know exactly where it was?

pal it doesn't even say the cops didn't have guns. and cops in canada usually do have guns.

Pal pretending I know what I'm talking about without actually knowing what I'm talking about is my favorite past time at work.

exactly the kind of low effort posting I'd expect from a wagecuck

hey /u/spez, why is /r/anarchism not banned?