Dear White People

33  2018-03-05 by buttermyself

Stop shooting up churches and schools and maybe, just maybe, the nation will lose its hard on for gun control. This entirely up to white people so tell all your white friends to stop shooting up america. Thank you.


> Last school shooter was literally ๐ŸŒฎ merican

> team mommy doesn't update memes

I would disagree with you but im afraid of becoming your next shooting victim.



lol i was reading some comments on youtubehaiku. A guy said he was banned from meirl because the mods thought his comment was secretly racist. Alright. He shows his comment and was only "dindu nuffin". And the top minds of that comment section agreed he was being racist because the alternative right side of the autism spectrum uses this.

I expect you shooting some schools and screaming maga from now on, Ed boy

I expect you

Didn't expect this to come from the best lawyer in r/drama. I'll be taking my business elsewhere. Maybe even Barry Zuckercorn.

Don't ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

My name elicits the same response.



LOL ed you've already repeated the joke to everyone at the party 3 times now. You're so far into the category of cringe I didn't even know cringe levels like this existed. Non ironically, maintain your safety friendo.

Grandpa got mad. Ooops ๐Ÿคญ



Ed, ed, ed. The autism... you can do better




Im with her

(((We))) have noticed that.

Wow. Ur downvote is quite rude

I dont downvote, dummy


LMAO he was a slav you dumb shit. My god you magafags are thicc.. It's BEEN WEEKS and you're still calling him a mexican. Looks like russians truly can do no wrong in blfumpfs america.

He was a little bit of everything

Typical amerimutt-grade mayo

Didn't expect mayo apologia from a "radical centrist". SAD!!

He has some redeeming features, for example his campaign of extermination against mayos, as well as his non mayo blood.

that's a really good point tbh. 3Dspinthinking.gif

We get it, you want him to be white. Just like you fags tried with zimmerman. You're looking desperate now, sweetie, time to move on.

No the story is way funnier when he's a mexican jew that the media called white.. I like that more.

Ayy! Mod me at r/TeamEd_ButteredToast bby๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜š

Its okay not to shoot up your school.

>Nikolas Cruz

Can't shoot a gun if you keep your hand on a bottle.

Don't attack white culture pls

Give white culture an AK47 and itll shoot you in the face. Someones gotta tell these savages "enough is enough."

Without white people who would we have to run banks, gov't, the entertainment industry or do math, silly coloreds

Which is why we must take their guns away. Who will run things if we let the white people kill all the white people?

Jews arleady do all of those better than mayos ever could


It's not that they're political oppenents, it's that they're Russian trolls, or complete morons spreading Russian propaganda. It's a hate subreddit. /r/fatpeoplehate died, /r/coontown is dead, they slammed down on /r/spacedicks the classiest subreddit of all. They ban users and subreddits for far less, but T_D can break all of the rules and still be allowed.

But the OP said nothing about indie rock, incest, and tapas

Let's be honest not all whites are equal. Seriously do you see school shootings in other white majority countries? No. Americans are degenerate culture. That's that. There a bunch of pussies with guns.

/u/feeepo would love to respond to that. He's very pro mayo culture and very articulate.

No disrespect Ed_ButteredToast. I feel for the American people. I think? Most are good people. The ones that keep your country back are these MAGA faggots, Evangelicals, biblethumping, kiddie humping, degenerate idiots. You know? I dunno Not all whites are the same you know.

The ones that keep your country back are these MAGA faggots, Evangelicals, biblethumping, kiddie humping, degenerate idiots.


I fuckin love this mod.

I'll tell you what. If you really mean what your saying, post a video of yourself saying that.

If you have the balls to put yourself out there, then maybe, just maybe, your assessment of Americans as pussys is a tiny bit correct.

Until then, your the biggest pussy on the internet.

Yeah, sorry, im not that stupid

Ok, well, how stupid are you?

this faggot's user name is u/VnillaGorilla. lol

Hey, I will post a video with my face.

So you scared, huh pussy?



amerimutt detected

commence extermination

oh,oh. yes, so fucking hard right now. I tell you what. Post a picture of you with your user name and Id. I'll come find you. Then you can show me what a pussy I am.

I will, dm me

y? fuckin dm me bitch.

Oh, shit, found the bitch. You scared to talk shit when your not anonymous huh?

hey i'm busy on reddit shut your cunt mouth or better yet take one of your guns out and swallow a bullet. I think you'll be doing society a favour.

Alright, I'll stop. Don't wanna be a bully and pick on the weak.

Anytime you wanna man up and reveal yourself and your views against America, I will show myself as well.

Not counting on it though.

Anytime you wanna man up and reveal yourself and your views against America, I will show myself as well.

Try to imagine being this retarded.

I am pretty sure u/VnillaGorilla is probably missing a chromosome....maybe 2 or more. Probably why he's all about guns. How else is he gonna protect that bussy? Steroids can only take youo so far you know.

No keep going, I have to go to work now. I look forward to your response, I think others herre would also enjoy it. You took a tough guy stance and now your trying to back out. My offer still stands post your Id and user name, I'll come pay you a visit. Don't worry I don't own any firearms.

Hey dum dum, what's up?

Hey babe

post your pic/Id/User/and bussy you cowardly fuck.

Lets start with I will post a youtube video, saying who i am and calling you out.

Do you agree here in writinf you will be a man and do the same after mine?

You can post a video. Show your id and your user name (from reddit). I'll come pay you a visit. It'll be like christmas except you know violent, rapey, and bloody.

Dont tell me your bitching out. Fucking internet tough guys huh?

Well, I'm done here. I think i proved my point. Don't fuck with murica unless you have the stones to back it up.

lol wut?

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Handgun crime is already taken by blacks though ๐Ÿ˜ญ!! And I canโ€™t stand cultural appropriation, thatโ€™s why we moved on to AR-15โ€™s.

Blacks shoot up the ghetto. Whites shoot up places i like to go like cuntry music festivals and shopping malls. I want to be able to go to whole foods without getting my ass shot off by some by some crazy honky going bananas with an AR15.

It's alright fam, there's bound to be another 30 - 40 mass shootings this year and I'm sure you'll be taken out in one of them. Have hope xx

I wear body armor when i have to be around any large group of white people.

I carry a barf bag whenever I have to be around a large group of white people. Mayocide NOW!

Chill. Weve got to get the filthy cumskins guns first.

Only le 56% of mass shootings have been perpetrated by white people.

If anything, whitey is under-represented, just like in prison.

Its okay not to OD on fentanyl

It's okay to celebrate Purim.

We have taken a decision that we are going to remove the mayor of Portland. Why? Because the mayor of PE is a white man. So, these people, when you want to hit them hard โ€“ go after a white man. They feel a terrible pain, because you have touched a white man. They will be touched - donโ€™t worry. But we are starting with this whitness. We are cutting the throat of whiteness.

Get shot nerd.

Thats the kind of thinking that got white people into this mess.

I propose shooting up coffee shops and low income housing developments.

If youre picking out targets, youre part of the problem.

I thought the problem was the 'indiscriminate' killing??

Correct, picking out a soft target and indiscriminately killing everyone you encounter there is a uniquely white thing to do.

Well that is just completely false. Darkies love murdering indiscriminately as well, they just don't do it as much since they are such a minority of the population!

Darkies shoot up the ghetto. White people shoot up places i like to go like casinos and niteclubs. If it wasnt for white people larping terminator at movie theaters, etc america wouldnt have such a hard on for gun control. Stop it white people, youre only hurting yourselves.

Were you born in the 2000s or something?

Why? Did they do stuff different way back in olden dinosaur days back when you were relevant and that somehow matters today?

>Not old enough to remember all the blacks killing random people in the streets.

The D.C Sniper Colin "Black Rage" Ferguson Nathan "Cheesy" Dunlap

This is not a convincing argument for less gun control.

Who needs to make an argument, I have a gun and a piece of paper absolving my conscious of killing people for attempting to take it from me.

Its okay not to shoot up whatever public place youre planning on shooting up.

Not thank you i only murder people on private property. Prayers for you.

Thanks and i will pray for all you white devils to stop mass murdering everybody

/u/buttermyself HATES being shot ;)

unless it's cum


fucking lolllllllll this shit cracks me up like hell!

I told ya Furries r funny!


u/latiei BTFO!๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

You seem upset. ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)


This chain got really icky and problematic.


we out here goin back to school, trying to turn our lives around

lol coal's not coming back, and no one wants white male coders

enjoy your fentanyl

As a Canadian. I think we as a world need to come together and take out this global threat known as white Americans.

If we could just take away their guns i think that would neuter them enough to still be useful for baking gay cakes, dying of black lung and soaking up all this excess fentanyl.

no u

Dear White People

didn't read

Why wont the cumskins read my screed? Why are they so afraid of me?

Is it

the color of

my skin?

We could just shoot you instead

Sounds like more fun

no u

I tried working out a deal with the blacks that if they stop being so violent, we would also

They keep telling me to "suck a dick, white faggot" Guess we're keeping racism and limpdicked attempts to gut our 2nd amendment.