Guy gets committer privileges on a repository, merges shitty code, replaces all the owner's email addresses with his private email, then writes a harassment "open letter" to get ownership of repository while insulting the owner and publishing details of his personal life. (xpost /r/pcj)

84  2018-03-05 by UnluckyImp22


I wish that PL in your username wasn't an indication of my home country, cose you're a disgrace, politely put.

nazis gonna nazi

[this user is now eligible to be arrested in poland for above remarks]

You must be this degenerate to commit on github

Look at his github history. Fucking lol.

>Working the we

>So little in the way of commits.

Toppest of kek.

That's the profile picture of someone you should never trust.

git clone && cd phantomjs

sed -i 's/@ariya/@pixiuPL/g'

git init && git add *

git commit -m "OMG this was so much work now give me full access to the repo I am the top #1 contributor, see?"

Holy shit, nerds melting down is always amazing. This should be stickied.

Imagine publicly posting evidence of how toxic and hard to work with you are, with your face attached, to a website potential employers will probably comb through to check you out. Wew!

Man polacks look so fucking weird

Can someone translate from nerd into normie?

You should have changed the name to your /u/

Guy wanted to work on a project. Wanted to contact the project owner. The owner, possibly because the guy was annoying or possibly just because he had a life, didn't respond to two skype calls and three emails. Guy writes the whiniest and pettiest open letter complaining about this fact and ragequits.

Don't forget the part before that where he removed and readded an entire section of someone else's code with 0 changes, then claimed to have written the whole thing.

I used to work in an open source project. The amount of drama is truly magnificent. So much autism all together in one place

It takes a handful of keystrokes to fork the project and create your own variant. Yet it's always the same, try to parasitically leech off someone elses success while doing absolutely no coding of your own, just bullying your way into controlling the community.

Nigga he isn't in charge of the community. most people there think he's an idiot. He's agreed to create his own fork, seeing how he's been thoroughly dissected.

I know he wasn't, he desperately wanted to be though.

It'll be hilarious if his future employers saw this.