Its okay not to shoot up your school.

13  2018-03-05 by buttermyself




So brave🙇

I thought maybe the same people that need to be reminded that its okay to be white might also appreciate the reminder that its not okay to shoot up a school.

This is so politically humorous!

I dont think its funny either. Its okay to be white and its okay not to shoot up your school. White kids need to learn the basics.


Its okay to be white

No it's not.

Its okay to be white

No it's not.

Dont tell them that while they still have their guns tho.

wew lad

The brown kids would certainly shoot up their schools if they ever attended.


pls no cruz us

Ed when you kill yourself can you do it live on periscope and give a heads up? I'd like to make popcorn and get somewhere comfy.

lol mayo is enraged. Too bad you can't shoot up a subreddit

This sub, this planet, was better without you. Consider that the next time you're contemplating suicide.

that's what Nikolas "dindu nuffin" Cruz thought. I see school shooter potential in you.

Also, those tears, delicious (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

I'm home schooled and dad keeps all the good guns locked up.

Ok Cruz.

Ed what'd you do before r/drama? Mutilate small animals? Rape the elderly? Catfish people on

sitting all alone in an encrypted flash drive

Uh oh they the SRS boys are upset


It’s not ok to be white.

Its okay not to shoot up your school.

What kind of crazy talk is this?