A toth in r/amiugly inquires on whether her ass has an overbite. User brings up how it's her 14th time making the same thread, an euphoric gentlesir rushes to defend her honor.

44  2018-03-05 by mukumukum


begone thot

Totally standard looking for an Indian woman, which isn't saying a lot. Zing!

l'm willing to tell her she's pretty (she truly is) every month if it helps keep her in a better place

This is the single gayest comment I’ve ever read on this site

Can incels be gay?

Not pretty, Still fuck her, not my proudest but better than the band of the hand....

I am making this observation from the thumbnail only...

/u/unicornjellysandwich 100% of your post history is begging for compliments from neckbeards. Why are you like this?

Odds are it's just a neckbeard that's using some rando's pictures and wanking himself to the comments.

She breath' and therefore a THOT.


Indian chicks are pretty hot

Do they normally have that overbite lots of them I've seen got it going on


This is new

Inb4 shitting streets joke