/U/TransexualWeiner continues his habit of writing essays when not asked, this time because someone accused him of playing too many videos games

24  2018-03-06 by Pragmatic_Shill


This drama sucks the other person is being nice to him. Boo OP.

If you want to see him sperg hard just call him an incel. It'll take like four posts before he's bragging about how much he gets laid.

/u/transexualweiner how do you respond to these charges?

d-amazo has actually called himself a virgin in several threads here, i get laid more than him.

only took me one post this time, so i showed him.

i work out most days and know how to cook

Beating your meat to loli tentacle porn is not working out and microwaving a hungry man dinner is not cooking.

well i wish someone told me that earlier.

Pretty tame for now but has potential maybe