Young coffee drinker is supposedly cringier than the guys posting it and upvoting it

15  2018-03-06 by mandathor


Pls no linky to cringe anarachy

it was a decent sub until the alt right trumptards took over

Yep. You're a genius, and everyone else is retarded.

did i say everyone? no. i only said trumptards. practice your reading comprehension before getting triggered and spazzing out.

I'm not spazzing out, spaz.

You guys are giving me a headache with all this screaming. Cut it out.

Like with most sub, the name is a good descriptor of what is happening in the comment.

Drama, drama, cringe anarchy, cringe anarchy.

The exception to this rule being of course the default subs. Exemple, funny.

pics is pics tho

No, it's just shops all day long.

half of it is pictures of signs though.