41 2018-03-06 by DowntownWrongdoer
1 SnapshillBot 2018-03-06
We can submit quotes?
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1 COINTELPROxShareBlue 2018-03-06
Why do they even care? They seem content with threatening death against the roastie menace and shit on /r/braincels
1 daskettenkrad 2018-03-06
/r/drama resident being serious about shitposting.
Being this retarded, fam.
1 better_bot 2018-03-06
Ironic that they keep getting fucked by the mods, lmao.
1 shallowm 2018-03-06
related /r/drama thread
1 SnapshillBot 2018-03-06
We can submit quotes?
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1 COINTELPROxShareBlue 2018-03-06
Why do they even care? They seem content with threatening death against the roastie menace and shit on /r/braincels
1 daskettenkrad 2018-03-06
Being this retarded, fam.
1 better_bot 2018-03-06
Ironic that they keep getting fucked by the mods, lmao.
1 shallowm 2018-03-06
related /r/drama thread