Which way, r/drama?

84  2018-03-06 by CHAD_THUNDERCUCK


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Aw. I was hoping for "This but unironically" or "The Jews did this".


it's actually even better, snappy is making fun of the typo in "menstral blood art"

my way

When your biases turn to delusions #justpolthings

the "aryan" dude is obviously a fucking subhuman slav - just look at his skin tone. the girl is a race traitor, she should be shot

Wtf I want a qt 3.14 Nazi girlfriend now

Not even Nazis will date you

That is by far the highest production value work I've ever seen on anything white nationalist in nature.

Oh you spend a lot of time looking into nazi propaganda, huh?

Only the low-rent, white trash stuff. The high quality, in-depth stuff is usually jihadist in nature.


I mean I subscribe to /r/Drama

Delete this homie. Are you tryna get our "crypto" status revoked?

Definitely a step up from /pol/ redpill graphics

I love how it features Carl the Cuck, did this guy killed himself already?

I thought it's making fun of White Nationalists too.

I thought that only the degenerate girl being depicted with visible lower teeth was a nice touch.


Both are incorrect. All white girls are usually busy fucking dogs because all men are done with their bullshit

I'm pretty sure the dog at the bottom is retarded. Like, way too retarded to consent.

Why is the left depicted on the right side and vice-versa?

Asking the real questions.

Because the Nazis were leftists and the USSR was fascist

Downvoters 😩hate 😑the πŸ˜’truthπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

We live in an interesting fucking time

I thought you knew that we are radical centrists here.

Given that the artist is Emily Youcis, I'm wondering if she had to restrain herself from drawing a big ol' veiny dogdick on that German Shepherd. This chick is fucked up.

A woman drew this?!? I was almost sure it was a neck ears.

Alright, that's it.

Whose up for Jonestown, Round 2?

Jesus the music was the most offensive part about that

Now this is white culture.

/pol/ women might actually be crazier than /pol/ boys, somehow.

they've sunk lower


Don't kinkshame

You know what they say about crazy women tho *wink

Both /pol/ girls I've known were massive degenerates who slept with a ton of dudes including darkies. Women who are attracted to the alt-right/pol are gonna be less tradcon and more like the insane degenerate males that inhabit the place.

It's a tale as old as IRC- undesirable, histrionic girls hang out in communities full of men because they can't get attention elsewhere.

I'm no expert on this but you think bpd or other attention seeking disorder is common in these individuals?

From what I've seen, yeah. Some of them seem to just be insecure and looking for validation, but a lot are DEFINITELY Cluster B. In the former case, their online presence is usually just benign 'tee hee I'm a girl on IRC and I'm not like the other girls!' shit, but in the latter they're usually very good at tearing apart online communities and/or ruining individual members' lives.

Slightly related: From what I've seen on bpd forums(these are to drama what Everclear is to alcohol) the most striking feature is the sheer amount of rationalizing that goes on. Even to the point where some argue they are just superior empaths compared to normal people. There's a also a lot of "I didn't mean to start those shitstorms, I had good intentions" as well.

Kinda fascinating but also scary.

It makes sense since nobody wants to seem like a bad person. If you're doing a lot of very bad things then you're probably gonna do a lot of rationalizing.

True I guess. Kinda of a no duh when you put it that way.

Ah, Emily Youcis...

The pure mayo queen who fled to South Korea after losing her job as a peanut vendor.

The thin pale duchess who makes Ren and Stimpy level cartoons about how she was very obviously molested as a child.

The vanilla vixen who's like a less successful Weev who's gotten less dick.

god i love wasted talent

true art

Mayo women being fucked by black dudes are more natural than mayo women being fucked by mayo soyboys.

It's good of you, as a mayo soyboy, to admit that

Cucks can't be soyboys.

You take that back



Who will run the banks on the dyson sphere?

Keep around some of those anti-semite Jews I guess.

Lol let's sit calmly and discuss genocide

dating white women

You already fucked up


This but ironically

My favorite detail is from raising a family panel where two bottles have wine written on them and the third just pinot.

mine is the facial expression on that dog in the last panel

Apparently the two choices are mayocide or ethnostate. Which will it be, r/drama?

why do you even need to ask

Not mutually exclusive terms. Why not have both.

User reports

  1. Sex negativity

Now that is fucking spicy

Nazis like dogs and dislike cats

Yeah, sounds about right :3

Looks like most of the sub choose degeneracy, "unironically"

The mayocide is inevitable, deal with it.

I looked her up and now I'm not sure if I should just jump off the nearest cliff or take a long drive to the furthest cliff, to think about things, before ending it all.

Oh I thought this was a joke the last time I saw it. Hm.

Which type of centrist are You? Will you not take any side of the picture, take both sides of the picture or the best side: mayocide.