Woman finds that her boyfriend is swiping right on Tinder; she swipes him with a samurai sword.

230  2018-03-06 by Zachums




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Everyone knows Latinas are feisty...if you're going to chest on your girl on Tinder then make sure she's a basic bitch mayo Becky.

Must be into some weeb shit.

IDK she complained he was too into videogames. Weebs usually like games too. Maybe this whole incident could have been avoided if they played Overwatch together.

Do you like overwatch or ever played it even? Wtf is the deal with overwatch? So damn popular. I have yet to actually google it and see what's if about. I know some because I watch Dave2D's laptop reviews and he plays that a lot. Also. I google Dark souls earlier and got interested then watched a gameplay vid and got bored 1 min in. Seemed nice tho. So many games out there goddamn.

Overwatch is p much blizzards rip off of team fortress 2 imo.

Hmmm. Forgot about the tf tho.

tf2 is superior.

I think that as well but I'm older and I hate blizzard by default.

overwatch has too many thotty rule 34 slut characters to appeal to virgins, whereas tf2 is all goofy ass meme characters who are hilarious. also i've only watched youtube vids of overwatch, never played it, but it looks too flashy with too much crazy shit going on, tf2 was simple and hectic, yet still required a fair amount of skill to dominate with any character. also everyone's favorite part, hats.

i really miss that game and wish i could find servers in my country these days =[



It's like tf2 but $60 instead of free.

but there’s a gorilla

dae harambe lol

He's literally the worst character.

And an annoying British lady.

probably, the only dialogue I've been able to make out was "IT'S HIGH NOON"

i usually played with the sound way down and/or music on

Time to take your meds. It's important to maintain your routine

I've gotta be honest, I don't really enjoy games nowadays. I like a few but I find the whole hobby just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I don't have the time for it really.

I played it on free weekends and it was kinda fun. I'm a military nerd so I tend to prefer autism simulators but I enjoyed it a fair bit. I can see the appeal of it for sure.

Hahaha yeah I does get tiring. Tried playing GTA 5 and got boring towards the end of the campaign tbh.

GTA online is the best thing to have come out in the last 5 years though. It's absurdly funny. If you're a PC autist then we should found an r/drama crew. 😂

What's even the point of GTA online? Just to mess around?

pretty much. that and getting killed by small children who bought hacks for $20.

Who the fuck buys hacks? When I was younger we just downloaded that shit from the forums.

small children.

You have to play way too much or spend actual money on shark cards to get any of the good stuff. I used to play it a lot then got tired of the grinding so I just did the racing which is fun, then eventually got bored with it.

Dark Souls is fantastic outside of the meme difficulty. The gameplay is somewhat slower compared tl other action RPGs.

She played cyborg ninja dude for sure

If you have a qt latina gf then you know you made it life.

Taped it to the side of her bed too, which is just a sound tactical maneuver.

The only way to stop a mad woman with a samurai sword is a good guy with a samurai sword.

Swords don't kill people: people kill people. If you criminalize samurai swords, then only criminals will have samurai swords.

Katanas are for soy boys and green haired latinas. A real man uses either a sabre, a gladius or a rapier.

No that gaylord gladiator with the net and spear.

You barbarian. It’s a trident, not a spear!

a trident is a kind of spear


Claymore or you’re a bitch

Compensating for something?

Rapier? Are you some kind of fruit? We use the Epee, we're cultured here

you’re both describing toys

You know epee just means "sword" in french right?

Hahaha lmao, in fencing, typically newer fencers are taught with a foil, then you fence epee, rapier, or sabre. They are all very different, sabre being the fast visceral of the three and epee being more lunge oriented.

You mean in the pansy ass olympic version of fencing where your "sword" is just a piece of stiff wire closer to what's behind my TV than anything resembling a weapon? What's that? You were able to touch me 1/3 of a second before I touched you and so you "won" even though you made no attempt to keep my hit ftom landing? Pathetic. Go back to your LARPing we're talking real swords.

The Epee is a parrying weapon with a bell guard.

Lol "weapon"

A real man uses an assegaai and shield.

a shield

what are you, some kind of pussy?

Depends how much beer I have in me.

As my brother likes to say, after a few beers, a warm wet hole is a warm wet hole

A man of fucking culture



fuck off with that bladeless pussy bullshit

A sabre would have a bladed edge. Some rapiers would too though they'd be primarily for thrusting (which is what she claims to have done with the samurai sword, the fool).

i didn’t mean literally bladeless, sabres are still needle-class swords though. it’s basically if a rapier was a real sword.

Dude sabers are more inline with hewing tradition of the scimitar, shamshir, and tulwar than the stabbing tradition of the rapier, smallsword, or dueling sword.

man if you SAY so. romantics are always using them though, and they're usually pretty stabby

Yeah that's what happens when the French get a hold of something.

fucking frogs

America really needs to have a waiting period for all sword purchases. The lack of sword control in this country is a travesty.

Any random peasant can go pick one up at the local weeb store. It's scandalous.

Our felonious friend Dora here should have listened to Swiper.


That seems so oddly specific. Considering how personal this whole think I wonder if her boyfriend was a weeb and she thought it would be extra spiteful?

my ex attacked me with a knife when she found out i cheated, she was a mayo. insanity isn't limited to any once race.

Honestly if she doesn't at least threaten to cut you, she never really liked you.

Shame she didn't kill you.

i wish she did, tbh.

Racist fuck.

I love that she specifically went out to buy a samurai sword for the attack too lol.

Ugh, cultural appropriation. I can't even.

This is exactly why latinas are my favorite lay

Is also why I would never date a latina

He shouldn't have swiped right.

A Camas, Washington woman repeatedly slashed her boyfriend with a samurai sword after she claimed to find a Tinder dating app on his phone, police said.

That's literally how the article starts. Imagine the outrage if the gender were swapped, lol.


I'm not triggered, I hate women. I really do. Every time I look at them, my blood pressure shoots through the roof. When they're gabbing on the cell phone about Paris Hilton. When they're adjusting their lipstick and taking up my time rifling through their stupid purse. When they whine to me about their period. When they blither on and on about some artist/film director/musician nobody else gives a flipping fuck about. When they cry and expect your personal sympathy.

I know this is BAAWWWWW over being a virgin. I know that it's not morally right. But I'm posting it because every single one of you sexless retards thinks the same thing. When you watch your roommate make out with his girl, when you hear it in love songs on MTV, when you see it on the streets: know that those women are laughing at you, hating you, denying you something completely harmless, just because they hate who you are as a person. And that's their never-questioned right in this world.

I have a fascination mainly with female dominance and female supremacy as a man, that's my core kink. But its not just a silly bdsm thing, I truly believe women should rule, men are terrible at running anything, granted this is for another reddit, but the scat fetish stems from my pleasure of making a woman happy.

I never engaged in the act but want to. I am of course afraid of being exposed in the act as well. I just view women as creators... They are lucky to be able to create a human being and pass on their DNA for the good of all humanity, since DNA is really a female force, males are just a mutation of the female fetus.

I love the idea of a woman, just standing above me and dropping a huge log or diarrhea explosion on my face or mouth. Women eating turns me on, they eat and assimilate the nutrients into those divine bodies and they shit out the remains after making the food a part of their DNA, I want those excrements all over my inferior male body so badly.

where is this pasta from

'ppreciate ya.

Ohh, I was assuming pizzashill

That makes all of us

Women are usually trying to hook me up with their hair stylists or trying to convert me. Where are these women laughing at me so I may find them? I need some new hags!

Fucking Chad trying to get up on me. Fuck you.

Fucking Chad over hear, Mr.Internet Ladies Man. Fuck you!

If only you neurotypical sheep could spend a couple months in the shoes of a true incel.. Someone devoid of any validation from anyone, no signs of attraction or attention from the opposite sex which is all they really want and were told would come, especially when paired with a shitty living situation.

FWIW, I am gay. If you had a better attitude, I am sure women would flock to you. Where do you live? The South? Rebel women are easy to pick up! Women of other regions, not so sure. If you need a wing-man lmk.

what makes you think I live in the south?

can u cut the long story short?

what foods make me more incel and what do i need to eat instead

U need Kale and quinoa, bro!

slashed her boyfriend several times with a samurai sword...


Green hair.

Profile checks out.

fuckin weebs

obligatory 'anime was a mistake'

The atmosphere not igniting when the mutts dropped the first nuke was a mistake.

Green hair, samurai sword, (you know their home is full of stupid toki doki dolls)... The common west coast neckbeard knows no gender, race, or creed and is as prolific and useless as the pigeon.

What is a toki doki doll? Do I even want to know?

Toki Doki is some stupid "Japanese Lifestyle" bullshit created by an Italian to sell to dumb fucking Americans who have more money than sense.

Hold up, you mean to say there's a successful wop with more than a half a brain? What year is it, the 1490's??

The dago did have help from a Persian and an American mutt.

Oh, well that explains it. Persians are the master race.

Persians are the Mexicans of the middle east

How dare you leave out the Basque whalers who were well known to be in the new world well before Colombo sauntered on to the scene.

Basques have a high civilization advantage due to their prehistoric Neanderthal bloodline.

Well, you might say, that she got A+ from her Blade Studies..


sorry, I always wanted to do this.






meme review





Love it when he does that even if the vid isn't funny.

I never was really into PewDiePie but recently was like "wtf is he up to nowadays" and kinda enjoy some of his content now

Similar story here. Didn't understand why people likes his gaming videos. Boring as fuck. But now, some stuff is actually watchable. Plus his chair plug ins are hilarious. ONLY $399

but can you DO THIS

Think there were two events - he decided to stop "faking enthusiasm" as much and be more genuine and he his trajectory to shitlord only accelerated after the WSJ nonsense.

He ripped off thatistheplan

Oh totally. I think Fantano is cool with it though.


are you talking about PewDiePie or Fantano? bc Fantano is the one who actually came up with that meme, Pewdiepie ripped it off from him

Don't apologize it makes you look weak


No U.

While you were smashing roasties, I studied the blade.

>Pre-meditated murder of someone that sleeps next to you

>Don't care about getting caught


Women lul, you're never going to close the murder gap with this sort of incompetence

Sounds like she changed her mind afterwards - she’s the one who called 911.

typical self-sabotaging femoid smmh

It was just a little "cry for attention" katana attack

she didn't study the blade

....and Judge declares she does not pose any danger to the rest of society so deemed to be let off.

Believe me, threatening your SO with violence won't make them stay.

threatening didn’t work

Have you tried actually hit them?

That's why you skip the threat.

As usual, the Oregonian lets us down when it comes to the really important information. Was it a katana or just a wakizashi?

who the fuck has only a wakizashi

Damnit toriyama

Downvoted for not knowing that Gin from Bleach (best anime, fite me) also has just a wakizashi.

Fuck you.

best anime, fite me

I mean, that’s fine I guess

even though Bleach is SHIT

Yea but that didn't help with Goku Black did it now

Well yeah, but only bc he never saw Yajirobe’s swordsmith

The Oregonian really is getting worse and worse.

It was never good tbh.

I guess I always saw it through the lense of comparing it with my local paper, and honestly I'm not sure which one of them has more value now.

The Oregonian has always had mediocre writing and they've gone for that kind of sordid and sensationalist style of reporting (gruesome murders and sex crimes get coverage above real news) for at least as long as I've been reading it (late 90s). I don't mind it too much because it reminds me of what Portland used to be like but as an actual source for news it leaves a lot to be desired. The Willamette Week at least has some good writers but they've got their own issues.

just a wakizashi


乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚

I know my waifu Kasagi-san would never cheat on me, but if she does she will feel the bite of my superior Japanese steel, folded over 1000 times and sharp enough to cut through a tank's armor.

serves him right, he fell for the yandere meme

Tell me she slashed left.

Gussy: not even once.

Prolly cuz she's prone to sword play in the bedroom.

but that’s hot

Everyone knows Latinas are feisty.

So your taking a crazy bitch's word as proof he cheated on her?

sensibly green hair

Green hair is never sensibly green, unless you are a character in Shrek.

“A character in Shrek”?

You think you’re funny, kid? Is that supposed to be some kind of JOKE? “A character in SHREK”? You should know GOD damn well no one in Shrek has green hair, you fucking joke of a human.

You know there are people here who actually take Shrek seriously, who’ve devoted their lives to him, who’ve given more to him than you ever have to anyone. You thought it’d be funny to come in and try to upset them? “A character in Shrek”? What kind of nonsense is that?

And I bet you’ve never even seen Shrek at all, you immature little troll faggot. You know NOTHING about Shrek. There are babies, actual BABIES who know more about Shrek than you do. Don’t EVER try to talk shit about Shrek in this sub again.

This kid is done for


Everyone knows Latinas are feisty.

who are you quoting

Someone else in this thread and I put it here by mistake.


cuz its fun to fuck new pussy?

she can make fresh ones

probably not obese

Look at her arms.

they ain’t giving me much

He was so into her that he got insecure.

makeup can hide crazy. You must be new here.

wtf does that even mean

wat that means is you don't know shit about the woman till you hang out with her. All the superficial stuff you mentioned becomes moot when that pretty girl mounts you at midnight to plunge a rapier, slicing your aorta.

Her hair, on the other hand, is dyed green

But of course!

I went to school with this girl. I don't remember her, just her name, but people are saying she use to pay people money to hang out with her and apparently once threw a chair at someone in class.

I went to a school for fuckups btw, kinda surprised more of them havn't shown up in the newspaper.

Of all the things I've read so far today that I want to believe this is the thing that I want to believe the most

that's really sad

While you were swiping right, she was LITERALLY studying the fucking blade.

Of course she has dangerhair. Of course.

Please. I'm aroused enough already without you making up sexy terms like "dangerhair".

Her anger peaked Friday night when Lovell returned home and ignored her, Javier said. Around 9 p.m., she went into the couple's bedroom, where she had taped the samurai sword and two knives to her side of the bed, the police report shows.

No sexy ninja costume wtf?!?

Apparently this is actually a fetish in Japan. I learned that the hard way when I wanted to download Women of Ninja Warrior and typed in Kunoichi and got lots of strange results.

Enraged, Javier said she went to a shopping mall and purchased a samurai sword

Time to have background checks and waiting periods on swords and even kitchen knives.

She said she then spent the next week stewing and plotting her violent revenge.

Oops, there goes the crime of passion defense argument.

Javier fumed over Lovell's penchant for playing video games

Please, don't hold anything back. Video games? That's it you fucking pig.

Only marry bi girls, folks.

But has she studied the block-chain?

This is yet another example demonstrating that katanas are vastly overrated weapons. If only she'd wielded a proper Scottish claymore during her attack, this lady wouldn't be under arrest for attempted murder.

You have to understand, to kill with a katana, you don't slash, you drive it thru their skinny-fat abs. Proof

You motherfucker, I was going to post this and use it to call out a degenerate drama gussy holder.

Suck it, bitch.

Mmm, yes plz daddy

The best way to a mans heart is through the ribcage.

I was absolutely shocked when I saw she had green hair.

What an unexpected turn of events.


Some places can be too liberal for their own good

It was in Camas, WA.

That's Oregon but with sales tax.

I guess katanas aren't overpowered in d20 after all...

reasonable response.

As a woman, I must say that I find this sad and shameful. Like, how weak is she that she does not ‘simply’ confront him and break up. As if the guy is worth that trouble. She needs anger therapy.

Please read the sidebar:

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Your rational, sane, and correct reaction isn't appropriate here!

Lol she needs ten years in jail

Wait, so she called the police and told them to help the alleged cheater?? Way to botch the plan

Moral of the story: if their hair is dyed you'll probably die

Typical female. 99% of them can cheat and cuckold and it's np. But a man do similiar they'll attack you in your sleep.

sounds like you Went Your Own Way, but spend 99% of the time still talking about women. ;)

He shouldn't have swiped right.

Nice. First sentence in and they are already victim blaming. I don't need to read the rest to know it was written by some self-hating, feminazi mayo.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega.