Snowflake students claim Frankenstein’s monster was ‘misunderstood’ — and is in fact a VICTIM

2  2018-03-07 by shitpost953


The "snowflake students" are entirely correct.

hot take, libtard

Why did you invite me to moderate a sub I'm already moderating

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Wasn't that the whole point of the novel?

excuse me, calling dracula evil is sex-negative and anti-semitic

Right now I just want to hold someone close and let them drink up a never-empty supply of milk from my taut, heavy breasts; while my throbbing cock fills them up with an endless stream of cum from my huge, churning, swaying balls >/////<


Wow they finally got the point of the novel.

Colleges will really let anyone get a degree nowadays

imagine being so dumb you dont get that frankenstein is a tragedy

british tabloids really are some next level shit

Did any of you retards actually read the novel? That was exactly the point of it. Illiterate dumbasses.

I mean it is britain

That's the whole point of the book. The real monster was Dr. Frankenstein and the villagers. Because they're mayoscum

Frankenstein was a jew. How many non jew steins do you know?

A lot of Germans. The golem angle makes a better case, fam.

You're thinking the movie.

They're not wrong, has anyone at The Scum actually read Shelley? Or were they too busy slandering dead football fans?

They literally hunted him down to the North Pole....

I bet if the students realized the monster was made out of white male body parts the student would think the pitchfork wielding mob was justified. They probably think the monster was made out of minorities' body parts.

Either I'm misunderstanding you or you think the students are wrong? Frankenstein being misunderstood is literally one of the main points of the book

I'd suck its dick either way

you slut