El Goblino was able to shoot up the school because of an Obama policy that prevented MINORITIES from being arrested so they'd stay in school

73  2018-03-07 by eva_unit_hung


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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lmao btfo by a bot

bad bot

You got fucking smoked by a bot. Lmao.

it happens to the best of us. snappy's our treasure.

You are the best of us eva

thx bb i try


Wew lad

Even Snappy got fed up with eva's retardation. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

No,you're all just partisan Democrats pissed that someone dared criticize Obama.

This place is just /r/politics at this point.

Nah. Nikolas Cruz was able to shoot up a school because a 19 yr old who couldn't legally drink was able to buy an assault (🎣) rifle. Proper background checks and all that jazz too. People might worship him but his foreign policy says a lot about him. All these richfags don't give a shit about the American lower/middle class.

Whisper that sweet sweet Centrism in my ear Daddy. 😍

I get the meme, I really do but I meant what I said by heart. These millionaires just don't know the struggles of the average American. They couldn't care less.

It's not a meme tho. I don't want to get into the divide and conquer theory, but both sides care 0 fucks about anything but money and power. Their base are fed bull to keep them at bay.

You are aware of it most people don't want to be.

They're in a giant club and we ain't in it.

Well the "meme" does have truth to it. Plus people should divide through economic lines rather than ideological/racial. They'd be surprised how much they share with each other.

Rednecks and ghetto blacks have more in common with each other than Trump or Obama. The former have to worry about putting food on the table/sacred of getting hurt or sick due to the medical bills, the latter, are insured for life. Not one of their hair on their head will turn grey because of it.

You make my panties moist Ed.

Ayyy then this will dry the fuck outta them in an instant.


Jazz is the best!

Gas the right, mayocide now.

ISIS wouldn't have been able to hold Mosul if we hadn't pulled US troops out of Iraq in 2011. This was Obama's biggest fuckup.

Suck-start a pistol, faggot.

This was Obama's biggest fuckup.

I think that letting the NSA exist is a much bigger one. Who care about dead sand people?

Let's be real, there are multiple candidates for Obama's biggest fuckup.

Personally, I think dropping the public option and hamstringing the ACA right out of the gate set back healthcare reform in this country decades.

Well, at least he wasn't Bush. That's in and off itself a big success.

Being not-Bush is entirely why he has a Nobel Peace Prize, so apparently so. Despite him continuing most of Bush's controversial policies.

Despite him continuing most of Bush's controversial policies.

He didn't invade another country and destroy it under fals pretense.

ISIS and all that shit only existed because of the "freedom" bush brought.

I'll give him credit for not putting boots on the ground but replacing it with a drone policy that sounds like something Dr. Doom would come up with isn't much better. Plus I'm pretty sure Bush never extra-judicially killed an American citizen and his children during the invasion of Iraq.

Obama's greatest accomplishment in terms of foreign policy is putting a new coat of paint on the Bush Doctrine and getting the American left to approve of it.

I'll give him credit for not putting boots on the ground but replacing it with a drone policy that sounds like something Dr. Doom would come up with isn't much better.

True enough.

Because muslims before the invasion weren't literal cave people and weren't killing each other. It was Bush who turned all sand goons into death worshipping lunatics.

I think that letting the NSA exist is a much bigger one.

The NSA is pretty important

Who care about dead sand people?


The NSA is pretty important

You are allowed to be wrong.


You need a better hobby.

I'm sure the dead sand people appreciate your concern.

and here I thought his biggest fuck up was being born half-white. disgusting.

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that doesn't sound like a groveling apology.



I'm waiting on you guys too

I'm pretty sure that /u/eva_unit_hung is actually full-blown retarded. Telling him off therefore is a hate crime.

nah try again

Are retards even people?


They have more chromosomes than the average person. Just food for thought homie

So are they basically the next step in evolution, like living gods, whoa

Now you're gettin it

I'm 100% positive he's like 15.

That is an insult to 15-year-old.

you cant be far off, this is him https://i.imgur.com/2PAacSM.jpg

he it himself lmao

pure 27-year old masculinity right there baby

Such low T you're stuck in a prepubescent body.

no like I said, it all went to my dick.

i'm 100% serious right now.

If you guys saw my cock you'd understand why all your shit just bounces off me like nothing. You cannot hurt the feelings of someone with such a nice pen0r.


Michael Cera could have a donkey penis and no one would fuck him.

I'm sure your tinder inbox is full of ephebophiles

well I think that's objectively not true, he's not explicitly ugly and has money.

also, thankfully I'm at least 2 face points out of 10 higher than he is.

he's not explicitly ugly


Woman here...I want to see this giant cock you keep talking about. I'll be the judge here.

no like I said, it all went to my dick.

i'm 100% serious right now.

post proof or gtfo

27 years carrying baby fat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

skinnyfat low-t incel manlet leaf centipedo, i mean whats not wrong with you?

like I already said, my face and cock

u be jelly bout it 😘

If you're really 27 and you have a body like that, you need to see a doctor. You must have an endocrine disorder or something. It might explain the retardation too.

i was standing weird to be in frame with muh accessories

i gots a good flex bb trust

i gots a good flex bb trust

We already know you're not Eva Brawn

You're 115 but trying to pose like you're 125. Dude, there's lots of resources out there for you if you're suffering from an eating disorder. You just have to take that first step to ask for help.

i'm 150 but was 128 three years ago

so maybe I did, but not anymore.

lol 150 with a bird chest and skinny arms, why would you even brag about that

imagine being this autistic

If you don't post the cock you don't get to brag about it

Hahaha r/drama literally begging to see my cock, got emmmm

I mean I'd prefer the bussy normally but I'm absolutely sure yours is sloppy

Telling him off therefore is a hate crime.

So... encouraged?

Well. Yes.


Did we read the same article?

pls sticky, this shit is hilarious.

elaborate and embarrass yourself

or apologize

I am sorry eva.. I am so so sorry that you are so stupid you are virtually isolated from anything approaching reality.

I am sorry that the American education system has failed you. I am sorry that you were conned into supporting an ideology that aims to KEEP you as stupid as you are. I am sorry you do not have even a 3rd grade reading comprehension, and I'm sorry you you cannot experience the richness of life that comes with a basic understanding of the way the world works.

Truly you are pitiful.

I am sorry that the American education system has failed you.


LMAO you are a canadian. That's just all the sadder.

well, no argument there.

muh daddy is a dual citizen though, so one day I'm capitalizing on that shit

Ya I think daddy secretly has a Russian passport, like Steven Seagal, for when the whole operation goes tits up.

not trump daddy, my literal father


You mean Obama had a policy that was more consistent with the Second Amendment than Trump's?

wtf I hate the second amendment now.

oh look I didn't even have to tag you but you can eat this cubano crow too

cubano crow

eat crow, yknow, the expression.

but the guy is a cubano creatura

i'm okay with it

Hes not cuban, he was ADOPTED by by cubans. Look up adopted on a dictionary.

hahaha oh look I already have a post in response to this from three fuckin weeks ago


Lool up Replika. Its an AI program that can be your virtual gf, so you can chillax yo butt.

Lool up Replika. Its an AI program that can be your virtual gf,

wanna tell /r/drama how you know what that is?

because I think we can already guess

Sure. I waa browsing the Doki Doki Literature Club subreddit and saw it mentioned. I look for more info on it afterwards.

And remember, every doki is okidoki.

deec game tbh

You're still arguing the fucktard wasn't a mayo? He even had the characteristic inbred mayo look down to a t πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

i didn't even have to tag you

tfw /u/ComedicSans doesn't live R E N T F R E E in yer mayo "brain"

But I do 😎

what part of underage cubano criminal fits into "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"

this guy was a threat to the security of the state, not an asset

therefore, his shit can be infringed

nice try

Lmfao. What part of the average American citizen fits in "well regulated militia"?

You're supposed to ignore that part, you're a bad Republican!

the average non-criminal citizen with a gun can join one if shit goes down, obviously.

gimme something hard

So a militia is something you join by just existing? Lmfao.

Guess what, the little dude was a non-criminal citizen too.

is it not obvious I meant they can legitimately be recruited by and join an actual militia in the event of civil war? or form their own?

they have the POTENTIAL to be a militia, not by existing, but by being a non-criminal citizen with a gun.

and he only was because of this policy, and it got 14 people killed, who you guys were so happy to blame on daddy or muh nazis or whatever else you fags tried.

now it's my turn

The second amendment was drafted when the US didn't have a standing army. Guess what? The US armed forces are the well-regulated militia.

that's your interpretation, not fact. I don't really have a problem with it though.

and guess what, the conditions I named makes them qualified to join the US armed forces.

so thanks for proving me right

Hey man nice shot

What do KiREEEEES know about having an army anyway

They certainly don't know how to lose wars against Vietnam, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Al Qaeda, or random Mexican drug-lords. Ayyy lmao.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Sure, but when your win/loss ratio looks like the Cleveland Browns', maybe you should rethink things.

Even the Browns have fans

... From fucking Cleveland.

Cleveland has a world class Orchestra and a top-tier research hospital.

Its also perpetually grey and has an unnatural amount of snow each winter, but at least its not Britain.

I assume Cleveland's hospital specializes in bullet wounds and that its orchestra constantly plays Adagio for Strings in the hospital car parking lot.

More suicide attempts than murders, but you do get some bullet wounds mixed in there.

I suppose suicide is the better option over living in Cleveland.

Cleveland is a better option than Toledo. Toledo is just Cleveland but even sadder.


If you're going to seriouspost at least do it right

You were correct that the "militia" part doesn't matter and u/eva_unit_hung's argument was retarded

District of Columbia v. Heller

District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), is a landmark case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held, in a 5–4 decision, that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, and that Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban and requirement that lawfully-owned rifles and shotguns be kept "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock" violated this guarantee. It was also clearly stated that the right to bear arms is not unlimited and that guns and gun ownership would continue to be regulated. Due to Washington, D.C.'s special status as a federal district, the decision did not address the question of whether the Second Amendment's protections are incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states, which was addressed two years later by McDonald v.

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Tbh Heller was a political decision and the US system of political appointee judges, including the Supreme Court, is fucking retarded. In any other common law country the result of that case would be the reverse.

God Bless the USA

What does not convicting criminals have to do with the second amendment?

πŸ‘ guns πŸ‘ for πŸ‘ anyone πŸ‘ without πŸ‘ felony πŸ‘ convictions πŸ‘ unless πŸ‘ I πŸ‘ say πŸ‘ so πŸ‘

Indeed, criminals should not have guns.

πŸ‘ nanonan πŸ‘ can't πŸ‘ read πŸ‘

All I see is a chinese real estate lawyer spamming emojis.

Chinese? Are you too retarded to know there are more countries than the USA and China in the world? Daddy strikes again!

You mean you aren't an Aussie law talking guy?

Wrong again. Throwing darts blindfolded?

Well I guess so.

Ia eva even white?

Probably not. He’s probably French Canadian

nah but Quebec city is kinda beautiful

So you admit you are not white? But even worse you are frog? What hypocrisy is this Eva. Your mother is gonna kick you out of her basement if you keep lying like this.

where did I say I am a frog, i just like the architecture in one frog city

I'm Italian/Scottish

Northern Italian. Friuli-Venezia Giulia

No, the Moors never got to rapin' there.

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Friuli-Venezia Giulia ([friˈuːli veˈnΙ›ttsja ˈdΚ’uːlja]; Friulian: FriΓ»l-Vignesie Julie, Slovene: Furlanija-Julijska krajina, German: Friaul-Julisch Venetien) is one of the 20 regions of Italy, and one of five autonomous regions with special statute. The regional capital is Trieste. The city of Venice (Venezia) is not in this region, despite the name.

Friuli-Venezia Giulia has an area of 7,858 kmΒ² and about 1.2 million inhabitants.

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Wait..hahahaaa.., πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

You’re a Slav!

Mon tabarnak j'vais te dΓ©cΓ’lisser la yeule, cΓ’lice.


such a beautiful language

when the day of the rake comes he goes to the back of the oven huh?

pls no doxx

No way........ Nigga is straight up r/beholdthemasterrace material. Eva you are a pudgy ass bitch.

pudgy? I was underweight like 90% of my life.

What do you think I weigh now?

What do you think I weigh now?

However much skinnyfat weighs. You should think about eliminating soy products from your diet.

He can't. He needs his Brainforce tm products.

but I did...

I'd be more inclined to believe you if that picture weren't taken on what is clearly a soy farm.

I believe the clinical term is "skinnyfat"


why isn't this a pic on the side thing


Lookin ripped!



β€œHe had a clean record, so alarm bells didn’t go off when they looked him up in the system,” veteran FBI agent Michael Biasello told RCI. β€œHe probably wouldn’t have been able to buy the murder weapon if the school had referred him to law enforcement."

Wait wait wait! So the new angle is that Obama policy made it easier for Americans to buy guns?!


made it easier for criminals to buy guns

i honestly like your spin attempt tho

So any kid who gets into a fight in school should be banned from buying a gun?

Your Canuck is showing, snowback

enough fights to be considered a violent problem child who would otherwise face expulsion if not for this policy?



Jesus christ can you be less american? WHAT ABOUT THE SECOND AMMENDMENT?




t. Soyboy who's never been in a fight in school

Everyone should be banned from buying a gun

Trayvon went to a nearby school with the same idiotic policy. He had been physically assaulting people, robbing people etc.

If he had been taught that violence has consequences when committing his first few crimes, he probably would have grown out of it, and not attacked that brave Latino man.

That's just the facts.

The simple solution is banning all non-whites from owning firearms.

Then banning non-whites from becoming US citizens.


The simple solution is actually gassing all retards, so they stop shooting up schools. I can see why hick mayos such as you heavily oppose intelligence-based culling though.

I agree, hick mayos are dragging America down.


You're not funny.

If you were funny, you would've said something like "okay big guy, you think some fake little website is evidence mayocide is a bad idea? Well fuck you, u/jaja10. The mayocide yields to no man."

You're not funny

This isn't a comedy show. End your life you fucking retard.



More school shootings

Why did any white nationalist group even let a bandito into their club anyway

that was a proven LARP weeks ago

keep up

What about all the Swastikas on the ammo?

Gonna ignore that story?

Pics or it didn't happen.

Also this clearly proves he's not even white, so why the fuck do I care what his personal aryan LARP fantasies are

He's 99.9% Spanish even if he was Cuban which he isn't.

You're literally more Goblino than him.

I'm not wasting time looking for stuff that you'll dismiss because (((they))) reported it.

hail victory

Spanish White

Pick one

on the internet nobody knows you're a dog

Beggars can't be choosers.

they didn't, but sometimes they do if there's enough black people around to make everybody else seem white

oh look its the town idiot failing at agendaposting

"wtf why don't my shitposts ever get selfies, pls teach me senpai"


Lmfao. We also give the Asian incel guy sticky posts in the hopes he'll Keep Himself Safe right there in the thread.

keep hoping

Are you retarded? I'm one of the ones doing it.

i meant the keeping safe u dumbfuk

You're pretty stupid, it might have escaped your notice.

You're not bright enough to figure out how to self-harm tbh. A plastic safety-spork in an electrical socket wouldn't work, and your handler has probably put safety pads on any sharp edges.

weak bantz, you have officially lost my attention

"I'm too illiterate to keep up but that's somehow your fault"

no it's just suicide is pretty fuckin easy

step 1: step off of high place

step 2: dead

If it's easy, why haven't you succeeded? πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€”

0 deaths attempts

Warning: PewDiePie or whatever the fuck his name is.

Literally a retarded teenager

no it's just suicide is pretty fuckin easy

Statistics disagree with you.

and also with everything else he's ever posted, but it's not like it's ever stopped him before

ur gay

"The bill is sponsored by Sen. Stephen Wise, R-Jacksonville, and Rep. Jennifer Carroll, R-Jacksonville, is the House sponsor." - Thanks Obama!!

I wish I could post this to /r/politics.

Given the spergfest by the Democrats in here, it may as well have been.

This sub anytime someone get angry at an anti-Trump post: 'LOL, look at all the stuid trumpkins getting butthurt."

This sub whenever someone criticizes a Democrat: 'OMFG, HOW DARE YOU!'.

It's disgusting how partisan this place has gotten. There are no trolls here, just Democratic operatives.

I want you all to take a moment and imagine being this upset.

Democratic operatives

I'm not gonna lie: if I could get paid to piss off the Daddy Defense Force on the internet, I totally would.

Where do I sign up?

is this pasta

You’re interpreting this incorrectly. You, eva, and feeepo post dogshit content which gets pinned ironically because you in-house lolcows are easier milk than the outsourced ones. Outsourced lolcows have enough self respect to fuck off after a while

I mean... you can

No this domain isn't in their whitelist.

huh, really? i thought realclear was all covered

I already tried posting it there.

lmao, the buttered_Toast brigade is very angry that this got posted here.

/u/ComedicSans /u/buttermyself /u/StricltyButters

Look at how much I'm saving on the rent these days!! Also, i guess I'm leading a butter revolution now Β―\_(ツ) _/Β―

Rent free in a 45,000 square foot estate in their heads given how much they OBSESS over you. I enjoy it sooo much. ☺️

Libcucks express anger by laughing. How about you suck my dick while i call them faggots, thatll really trigger them.

Oh wait which felony-level crime did they have evidence for they ignored? You don't get guns confiscated in my beautiful state unless you have a felony-level conviction.

Terroristic threats, assault,

I don't think you understand, they need evidence to hand out felonies, particularly to the mayokind. His assault charges would have been a misdemeanor at most, even if there was evidence. There were no terrorist threats by the law, you have to target something specifically. His online presence was too vague (otherwise all of t_d would likely be in jail by now).

They could have Baker acted him. 3 days in the loony bin, no questions asked.

Not really. I work in juvenile mental health for homeless/displaced/runaway/addicted teens and young adults, a baker act was never quite warranted with this kid. Particularly since the neighbor lady walked back her statements to the police the one time she might have been able to do something (this was after the adopted mom had died).

haha oh real-


kiss thy sister eva

It's a real clear politics sister site dummy, click the banner at the top

no :)