Roof koreans hit the front page of /r/pics.

113  2018-03-07 by IAintThatGuy


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Have you seen that one movie where the King of Joseon is gay and having an affair with one of his advisors or something? It's got a Song Ji-Hyo nude scene in it, but trust me, it's not even worth fast-forwarding through to watch it.

I'm not familiar with asian gay porn (unless you consider traps are gay), do you have a link?

I learned from this that porn isn't very good when you've got competent actors who are trying hard to show that they're not enjoying the experience.

The porn aspects don't seem that great, but they have fight scenes so why not.

/u/relaxlu What do you think of our sentient meta bot?

Skynet can't come soon enough.

I came here to post this. Even had the same title in mind.

Here's a juicy debate in the comments over whether a Korean woman murdered a small child:

Dylann Roof should have identified as a Korean shop owner.

I came here to post this.

Me too, except the title would have been "Thread left locked and looted after brave rooftop Koreans defend themselves from zerg rush of racist posts."

Latasha beat down an old woman to the ground. Video proved it. That's why she got only probation.

+295, despite the fact that right below is a reply including a video demonstrating that this is a blatant lie.

I can see why the Russians used Reddit to push propaganda.

If she was legally buying in a liquor store, how is she a teenager?

Which bring up questions like why aren't asians shooting up schools? Why are white people shooting up schools and black people shooting up their own neighborhoods?

u/Spitfire_Akagi on his way to discovering the ultimate truth: the only way to stop mayo violence is the mayocide.


We've had enough of mayos culturally enriching high schools. DAY OF THE BUTTER KNIFE WHEN?

It’s “Day of the Open Jar”, as you well know. Cultural appropriation much? I wonder if you’re even devoted to the cause of spreading the mayo menace once and for all.

how dare you question my devotion to this holy cause? damn normies trying to undermine the mission.

Day of the Flocculation you plebs

I think asians are shooting up people at comparable rates to whites (given that they have a smaller population). Cho Seung Hui (V-tech) was ethnically korean. But then it also depends on how you count people like Elliot Rodger.

He was a haapa, a rare breed of Asian ruthlessness and mayo butthurt faggotry.

No race wants to claim Elliot Rodger. Let's just call him a mexican, he kinda looked like one.

Honestly though, as far as mass shootings, no race is wildly out of proportion other than apparently Native Americans, and surprisingly Latinos are hilariously low relative to their population:

for some reason it's the norm to sensationalize all school shootings into being a roaming active shooter going full columbine/Virginia tech, when most of them are your standard "fuck my ex" bullshit, not the fun suicidal fuckfest there to take out his teachers and peers that we make it out to be.

And then as for school shootings: pretty much white and black, the majority races, but the sample size is pathetically fucking small, I don't know how it's always such big news, when you go through wikipedia (it's also lot of college shootings, which are fairly different and largely weighted in favor of whites and asians) it also doesn't help that race statistics of college st, you find out half of them are 0 fatalities or some teacher's partner coming to work to kill them both or just suicide. And then lots of these actual high school shootings, you can't really find out because the suspect is a minor.

I think gang shootings might see much underreporting too. Even in some European cities, it's become usual to hear gunshots in the distance (failed drive bys don't get much attention because nobody calls the police on those).

The most deadly school shooting in American history was by an Asian...

That's another thing they do better than us Mayos

u/Akincomer that's awesome, but explain this. Why do all the conscripts in Korea these days insist on having access to makeup and skin care products? (I know it's true because I read it in Chosun Ilbo and they would never exaggerate.)

It's because their bunkmates are less violent to them during sex if they make efforts to look more like women and keep their skin soft.

Lmao everyone in there is so mad.

White people yelling at minorities, seems kinda racist 🤔🤔🤔

And now it's locked and /u/relaxlu is posting gifs of "nazis" getting punched. Since we can't do mean username pings anymore, all I'll say is it's totally what we'd expect from a /r/pics mod.

luv u 2 bb

Now the alt right needs to start /r/UncensoredPics.

They censor a lot of shit though. As bad as Reddit mods usually are, the_donald ones are a special kind of retarded.

I'm glad that I'm only normally retarded. I knew I could get a compliment out of you.

That's the beauty of reddit : there's always worse than whomever you dislike at the moment. And if all else fails, you can still hate on the admins.

Btw, if you're looking for racists it's not hard to find some over at /r/uncensorednews

It's something.

Unfortunately, reddit is filled with racists everywhere. But we don't ban people for what they do outside of our sub.


Unfortunately censorship.



You got it

I commented "drumpf" in an anti trump sub and got banned.

From where?

T_d. They said to post something from my profile to prove that I was a t_d regular, but I stopped browsing it months prior and really couldn't care less about getting unbanned

Meh, don't sweat it. The t_d mods are snowflakes with itchy trigger fingers.

You probably commented "ironically" while you should have commented ""ironically"".

I only comment (((ironically)))

The _Donald does not claim to be anything other than a 24/7 Donald Trump rally.

Post the saltiest user reports from that thread over here for posterity?

You're telling the racists to "keep going so we can ban you."
How can they do that if you locked the thread?

Pics is a big sub with lots of unlocked posts. Or you can make a racist submission. It makes it even easier if you report yourself after making a racist comment. Or you can just mod mail us with the title "I want to be banned". Or you can make a racist submission.

Come on, let your fantasy run wild and be a little creative.

Imagine being so jobless you ask other jobless fucks to spam you

People who read modmail and people who write to modmail get the bullet too.

do you get a chub every time you have the ability to use what little pathetic power you have?

A chub? No, it's a full stiffy.

Lol you are sitting alone, possibly in your underwear, just seething mad

...Gasp How did you know?!

Lmao delusional faggit

Blacks are genetically predisposed towards violence. Koreans are a largely very agreeable people. Come at me, /u/relaxlu

No, thank you.

Wow just because he doesn't agree with you that doesn't make him a nazi.

Liberals smh

Typical. Unable to defend your ridiculous position.

Koreans are a largely very agreeable people.

I dunno. Those roof koreans don't look like they're fucking around. Also the norks don't sound agreeable in general.

Roof koreans love paying customers.

agreeable until they start talking about black people. if the KKK had yellow robes, them koreans would join en masse, trust me

the KKK doesn’t have yellow robes? I thought those Louisiana ones had all the colors by now

that's piss

We can't ping? Wtf is the point in this sub if I can't bait lolcows

You can't be mean in a comment including a ping. You can bait the lolcow then insult them. Honestly seems to work better that way (some don't see it coming).

Most don't see it coming. It's better this way.

oh thank god

/u/relaxlu hey you - are you saying that korean people who were angry about the riots are nazis? lol


THEN I DEMAND YOU PUT THAT IN YOUR GAY STICKY. Also, if you are going to ban anyone, ban those dumb faggots who post sublime lyrics. If I wanted to listen to a drunk mayo retard bum talk about stupid shit, I would go to /r/vegan


Wanna be my partner in the race war?

Is that what you call your weekly paint ball matches?

Yeah but only cus we don't have coloreds here


is really getting around lately. What's going on?

How does it feel to be a product of mainstream media tricking you into believing that punching “nazis” is a good thing and not at all contributing to the division in this country. Care to comment?

You did not answer my question, why are you being disingenuous?


ur makin me sad here friendo

Nooo, why though?

Cause you didn't answer his q

Please stop posting these threatening GIFs. I'm so terrified that you're going to punch me, you've got me literally shaking rn.

mainstream media


Are you saying that Nazis are a good thing?

poor bait 1/10

yeah I dropped the ball on that one

Are you saying they aren't?

Of course they are

They had some good ideas.


All of them

What's your opinion on why you're so much weaker physically than your peers?

I lose to often during free rolling.

Imagine being an unironic /r/pics mod.

"Hahaha! Today I saw countless photos saying trump is dumb then five women who were all addicted to drugs/cancer and then got better!" - Said by a fat man who lives alone in a house full of cats.

Being addicted to cancer... Probably the worst addiction anybody ever had

Being addicted to cancer... Probably the worst addiction anybody ever had

He does it for free

Does he though?

Breaking: /u/relaxu confirmed shareblue shill.


That or russian paid shill.

Is there a difference?

Not in the behavior. Just in the content.

No kidding. Thanks for Trump, /u/relaxu

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Juicy drama

Single word responses from mod

Pick one, SRDines.

all srdines are faggets

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. /r/drama users are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. How sad.

around blackslu never /u/relaxlu

/u/relaxlu But you locked the thread. Now how are the racists going to get b& by an over zealous tardguard?

That would require me to use r/pics for anything other than "My wife after cancer/weight loss update" content.

Did you not see the mod mail option? Do I have to do everything around here?

my waifu pillow was fat but then lost a lot of weight can I post the before and after in pics?

Unfortunately, /r/incels is banned.

Of course you think its unfortunate, its was a great place for you to congregate with your own kind, sexually frustrated, unattractive beta males no woman(or man) wants.

cancer/weight loss

I've gotta steal a picture and post it to /r/pics with a title like "thanks to cancer my fat wife is now fuckable".

Americans: "We need guns to defend ourselves from tyranny and criminals."

Roof Koreans defend their property

Also Americans:"Yeah um fuck the Roof Koreans what fuckign shitlords"

It's so unfair to dindus because koreans actually aim, and don't just shoot every random place they can.

Libbies hate guns and just America in general. Pay them no mind.

not hating Amurrica

get with the times grandpa

/u/relaxlu why does people defending themselves from rioters make you so rustled? Why do you hate Koreans?

Nice b8 m8.

Lolcows are disappointing these days smh. What bait, you got asked a question lol... if i wanted to bait you I’d just post some lame counter virtue signal gif

Huh? Are you having an imaginary conversation with someone else but replying to me?


2randum4me. Confirmation bias all mods are bugmen.

/u/relaxlu taking a page out of Google's book and being racist against our Asian friends.

What's your problem, bub?

My problem is whether I should drink a coffee or a red bull. Thoughts?

sugar cree red bull wont stain your teeth or clothes like convfefe does

Coffee. Red Bull is too much this early

Have you ever tried making coffee using Red Bull instead of water?

I wanna be awake not dead.

That's why we have two kidneys. It usually doesn't fuck up both at the same time.

You should fucking chug down some bleach

Ah, a participant of the tide pod challenge.

Yeah, you.


You don't deserve to be a r/pics mod.

gooks in the trees.

I always said vietnamese and koreans were the ultimate tag team against mobs. Koreans shoot from the rooftops while the viets digs tunnels and attack from below.


Want to know how I know you’re literally twelve?

While this picture alone is interesting as hell I believe the discipline and communication between the korean community is even more outstanding.

This wasn't some guys working at a shop running upstairs to protect it, this was people being deployed throughout the city after people in the community got together and saw this outcome. I got this from a documentary I think is on netflix, I could be off a bit. I just remember it being very focused and controlled.

I was 10 during the riots and lived in LA and remember a lot. Mostly the fire and smoke stays in the memory but my old man packing way to much heat everywhere he went was also an interesting shift in our family.

We had friends, whole families, come stay at our place because they lived WAY to close to the shit and had to many little kids. We all thought it was a party at first heh.

Look at this blantant racist garbage! Reddit is just so shameful.