"More gay SJW nonsense. Man you people ruin basically every game." 58 children and counting

60  2018-03-07 by xjapxn


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Overwatch was created as garbage SJW bait. I don't see how it's possible to ruin it.

You're actually probably right. I don't know why I bother. I guess I was bored.

thank you for your service

this is good for TF2coin

You mean Hat Simulator 2011? I think Valve has a total of 2 people who aren't modelers working on the game at this point.

Nope. I play the game and there's a lot of art in it. I'm against gay-ing every character ever because you're obsessed with who fictional characters want to have sex with. And then shoving that in everyone's face; specifically the developers.

Well someone doesn’t like having bussy shoves in their face.

This is in part because I think the devs like to pander and virtue signal, and I don't want the game to become Mass Effect: Andromeda. Any more than it already has anyway.

Incidentally, now “virtue signal” is a bad thing. As a phrase. It’s in the comments of this drama fest as well, but it’s the latest way to say an argument is invalid, because the phrase is bigoted or somesuch.

Well someone doesn’t like having bussy shoves in their face.

Who doesn't love that???? Smh fam😯

Tbh if you as a trad find the hill you want to die on is literal tumblr fan art of a dead video game, you deserve everything you’ve got coming.


hill you want to die on


dead video game


Overwatch is a laughing stock outside blizzard fanboys

Objectively correct statement

Why does seeing a piece of tumblr fetish art make you so mad? You have 5 minutes to respond or your wife / gf / mom fucks Jamal tonight


Did xhe stutter?


I'm against gay-ing every character ever because you're obsessed with who fictional characters want to have sex with.

do you realize that you're getting very upset in relation to who you think a fictional character should have sex with?

They're girls! If they're not doing gay things at each other then WHAT ARE THEY GOOD FOR!?

Cooking and cleaning and fucking black men

Yes. I'd never have mentioned it if you fucks didn't do it. LOL

It's pretty hilarious you are crying about some fanart then type out the words "fragile SJW self-conscienceness".

dead video game

I wish.

It's joined League as a containment game so the rest of us don't have to deal with them.

lmao this person is just labelling everyone they don't like as SJWs

Well, in the venn diagram of people I don't like, SJW's would be entirely engulfed in that circle.

Ok sure, the classical definition for SJW is an extreme feminist. Saying porn is from SJWs is just objectivly wrong, there are many things in the adult film industry which affect women negativly/are focussed on men.

I extend it to anyone who uses intersectional logic and tries to make everything in life about what niche group you fancy yourself in and how that group is marginalized or discriminated against. It's mostly fantasy, yet it's all that is talked about in the MSM.

I think porn is, in general, a bad thing for everyone involved. I'm not saying to ban it (I'm mostly libertarian), but just that it's not a great thing. But that was never the point I was really trying to make.

You should listen to that guy trying to educate you on biology and social issues, you seriously need the help

He didn't say anything useful or educational, lol.

He's tried to get you to be more specific about your problem with the images at large and all you've done is repeats "muh SJWs tho!!!1"

you also just flat out ignored this which would be useful

Unless you actually specify what your problem is and what you mean with SJW without assuming everyone knows what you are referring to, you're not going to get much out of this other than pissing people off. And that doesn't imply you've done something right.

I extend it to anyone who uses intersectional logic and tries to make everything in life about what niche group you fancy yourself in and how that group is marginalized or discriminated against.

Lol you're complaining about a video game you living satire

Get off th internet, apologize to your parents and play on a freeway

So, annoying christian mayos constantly whining about the "war on christmas" as SJWs?

Good to know.

The classic definition of SJW is an ideological bigot and simpleton who thinks they learned Divine Truth because their pastor-professor taught them inter-sectional theory.

Im 16 and this is edgy.

tbh I'm pretty tired of fag shit

lol, then stop looking at all that fag shit ya big gay


Lol how is this inoffensive, PG rated, completely non-sexual cat joke SJW? Is it because you just label everything you don't like SJW?

It's just one example of many. And not just on Reddit. And not just in Overwatch.

That's not an answer. Reread the comment and try again


How does it feel to be retarded?

Ouch. You got me good, bro.

Can’t you answer your own question?

No because I'm am not an Americuck

Just because all Americans are retarded doesn't mean that only Americans can be retards, retard.

Maybe you should stop caring about your bottom tier, no skill involved, fps for babies who don't play fps. If someone makes some gay tumblr art it doesn't make your decision to waste your time on one of the worst things blizzard has created any more of a mistake.

lmao imagine gatekeeping video games

Only losers and school shooters play video games

Hmm. I definitely am a looser then

lol that's not even close to an answer

Show us your butthole, bitch.

Uh... /u/shadowshown straight is the default my dude.

not in Greenwich Village, Chelsea. Checkmate straights

You made another thread for attention and sympathy and you're just getting dragged on it for totally different reasons. This is so damn funny.

REEEEEEE I hate SJWS!!! censor all dissenting opinions and ban controversial cultural art!!!!

tfw when conservatives forget that they invented SJW thought and are too fucking dumb to realize it..

Imagine caring about what shippers, who are probably lower on the totem pole of degeneracy than furries, think or do.

furry shippers tho

Polly Ester + Speedy Cerviche 4vr

In R34 everyone is pansexual and fucks anything that moves.

"Getting triggered by very sfw and tame LGBT+ fanart"

Is he like 15?

But also, let's not kid ourselves - post a picture of a stright overwatch pairing on tumblr and it also will get similar level of childish comments about "heteronormativity".

Seriously the overwatch fanbase is utterly retarded but that comic is what offended him?

You can pry my Genji x Tracer from my cold, dead hands

Not writing self-insert fanfic of you and your Overwatch harem

Where is your IQ at?


What the fuck? It's lesbians. It has nothing to do with the other four elements of this acronym. This is the kind of shit r/GenderCritical talks about.

Porn is from SJW's.

wtf I love SJWs now

newsflash: tumblr is mostly porn

this isn't, though

Yeah, SJW porn, and no eye bleach.

tumblr is mostly porn

But tumblr also put a fucking lockout on any "adult" tumblr accounts which you need an account to bypass, making the site shitty unless you're downloading using something like ripme

I thought it was from (((them)))?

Is this metal gear survive?

no, it's minecraft

ITT: SRDines not even trying to hide it.


your autistic incel kind is no longer welcome here, this place is officially taken over by normies with big cocks like me. Scram nerd

Honestly, I despise mannish red-heads even more than trannies.

you know she's not real, right


Place your bets, who would win in a fight? Someone who calls everything SJW, or someone who insists SJWs have never existed?

i'd imagine the former would run out of energy first

can we helicopter one and gulag the other so everyone wins

we already had that t_d vs fat guy boxing match. The fat guy won

Why so many idiots in here making the "lol SJWs don't real" argument" all of a sudden. What is happening to my dirtbag centrist subreddit?

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

Inshallah brozer.

is this a therapyfortherapy pasta? I swear I've seen it before

Yeah, he's in a perpetual state of REEing about how /r/drama is turning into /r/ShitRedditSays, /r/SubredditDrama, or some other sub. Here's the source for this particular pasta.

2 posts in the last month = "perpetual state" lol

imagine being such a faggot that you actually track what individual losers on /r/drama post. I don't even know who you are dude.

lol videogames

Looked like a pretty tame fan comic to me. I didn't see any agenda pushing.

Nice to see the Tumblr community that infested TF2 until it died made its way to Oveewatch.