Body acceptance doesn’t accept reality.

58  2018-03-07 by InsaneHuckleberry


This is why we need mayocide.


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I don't know Snappy, there are fatties in all the colors of the rainbow.

But whites don't deserve human rights

Black women are far more likely to be fatty fatty mcfatties.

and whose fault is that? back in west africa they were maintaining supermodel weights

except royals, who were only kinda fat

I blame whitey and their welfare programs.

Who knew if you fed black women they’d turn into Yolanda the Butt?


Aren't you the same retard who was complaining about 'drama babies' pinging you?

What an honor, to be linked so many times here in one day.

Fucking fatties, these women are so fragile. "As a fat woman, I know that the medical industry hates me." Nobody hates you, some people are disgusted of course, but most people don't care about you.


Actually, fatter people have lower rates of some of the most common cancers. Fat tissue seems to play a protective role in a variety of conditions, including not only cancers, but survival and recovery from heart attacks, as well as minimising complications from diabetes.

u/Under_the_bluemoon I don't even know what to say to you. I just hope you stop drinking the "being fat is not bad lol" kool aid and realize how stupid you sound.

Sure, you linked some articles about heart attack and the BMI correlation. But read carefully: "higher BMI was associated with lower inhospital mortality risk". What do you think it's gonna happen when the person that had the surgery is out of the hospital?

Honestly, what are we doing here

O I hate them

But WTF, author?: “While no one can fault someone's journey towards a healthier lifestyle”

She’s not “journey[ing] towards a healthier lifestyle,” she’s shilling snake oil. She’s putting her fans’ health at risk for profit. What will it take to kill off this “thinner is healthier” myth? We already have scads of research demonstrating just how dangerous and damaging weight loss is, and still this continues.

We are laughing at a land whale dear friend.

Actually, fatter people have lower rates of some of the most common cancers. Fat tissue seems to play a protective role in a variety of conditions, including not only cancers, but survival and recovery from heart attacks, as well as minimising complications from diabetes.


They don't live long enough to get cancer.

What kind of idiot fatty medical journal did this hamplanet pull this info from?

you're more likely to survive a heart attack if you have a heart attack

It's true. They survive heart attacks and cancer more often because they have them at age 30 instead of 90.

Do not come here and conflate health with weight.

i mean, TECHNICALLY there are other factors at play

just so happens MOST heavy people are also fats


Do not come here and conflate health with weight. You don't automatically become "healthy" because your weight is a certain number.

No but the obese are all but guaranteed to be monstrously unhealthy

Health isn't related to weight at all it just is a coincidence that being offered obese automatically makes you not healthy.

/u/mizmoose how do you feel about the UK trying to improve the health of citizens by pointing out how bad obesity is?

/u/mizmoose honestly you are a piece of shit

Obesity is a sickness that has ruined a good part of the lives of way too many of my friends and family. It doesnt matter if society will suddenly see being obese as sexually attractive ( if that is possible ) or if we all play nice and never again think one bad word about fat people, the mere action of going up a fucking stair is one hundred times worse if you are fat.

Do you have any idea of how many people I know that told me that the best thing to have happen in their life was losing weight? do you think this improvement was only because society didnt look down on them anymore? fuck no, that might have been 20% of the reason on why their lifes improved, the rest was all related to health issues, to energy issues, to the self-esteem one gets from knowing they can control a vice and have developed discipline and self-mastery.

Honestly what a fucking lunatic. People shoudnt shit on fat people, but being fat is objectively bad and you shoudnt ever be ok with killing yourself slowly like this.

... did a lolcow just made me seriouspost a rant worthy of being pasta material?

Nah. I did't realize I was posting on /r/TheShitheap.

Bye bye, fat lovers!

Why do you like more people having cancer? I prefer a healthier population and first world governments and science agrees with my evidence based viewpoints.

Morality is on my side.

Dude, she literally qualifies for senior citizen discounts, has health issues, is absurdly obese and pushes for people to be as obese as her and stay that way. She passes off junk science that says losingv weight is dangerous. She spends her free time modding subs that foster a death cult.

You can't take her demented cultish viewpoints seriously. Plus she is ugly so nothing she says actually has merit anyway.


You really do need someone to read this to you, because you seem to be dumber than a shipping container full of rocks.

You can't be fat and healthy. Fact.

I'm sorry. I seem to have made the primary mistake on the internet.

Don't argue with morons.

Have fun jerking off to fat women, kiddies.

Have fun jerking off to fat women, kiddies.

Lol no thanks. Women are disgusting. Fat women are literally more disgusting than the Holocaust.

I'm just happy that the health problems from obesity normally cause people to die early, so we don't have to keep paying for their preventable health problems.

I dont give a shit, denying the objective fact that being fat rises the probability of being sick and unhealthy by an insane amount is enough.

Or denying the fact that quality of life is objectively superior if you are thin regardless of societal attitudes

Actually there isn't even a minor chace. They themselves also have, wait for it, health problems that obesity affects/causes.

If you are obese, you can't be healthy. Full stop.

That subreddit makes me sad. Lots of people clinging on to delusion because they've been lied to and told you can totally love being obese and there's nothing unhealthy about it. You just need more self love, possibly in the form of more sugary junk.

Though on a brighter note, Shallow Hal is now a super woke movie.

Illegalize elevators and escalators for one year.

The weak shall perish, the strong will thrive.

Thank God the problem is self-solving.

imagine being okay as a fat fucking cow

like put down the cake and go run lmao its not hard

Banning r/fph was a mistake

The saddest part is that if you focused on their lifestyle and eating habits instead of their weight they would still whine and say pigging out while being effectively sedentary is not an issue.

This is just the polar opposite of a Pro-Ana sub.

I have an eating disorder. I'm a Compulsive Overeater, and seeing this shit makes me angry. They are pulling mentally insecure people into a cult.

fat deniers are the worst.

Good thing is they will probably die of heart failure soon so we don't have to put up with them.


medical fatphobia is no more a thing than medical methphobia. Being fat is bad for you. Everyone knows this. It is a accepted medical fact


There is a LINK between obesity and certain cancers.

And there's a link between smoking and lung cancer


Fat tissue seems to play a protective role in a variety of conditions

But not heart disease which kills a fuckton of Amerifats every year

but survival and recovery from heart attacks

Heart attacks which you're much more likely to have because you're fat

as well as minimising complications from diabetes.

Which you're also more likely to have