Finally found the courage to end it. farewell

61  2018-03-07 by DowntownWrongdoer


Fuck man. If you've done it, you could at least have pride in the fact that you were brave enough to go through.

Man, when a mod endorses suicide, you know your community is toxic.

That's not endorsing suicide lol.

Arguably it is. Taking pride in offing yourself? That’s pretty fucked famalam

tbh I’m not too broken up about the incel community romanticizing and embracing suicide

Eh, I’ve got this weird “life is sacred” thing. Seeing a mod tell a bunch of depressed guys that suicide = brave kinda rubs me the wrong way.

Yeah not to serious post or anything but it's sad that their own community has so little hope for its own people. Usually people with a shared community (obviously not /r/drama) are about helping each other or at least sharing their burdens. This isn't that, it's basically the internet equivalent of People's Temple.

And this is /r/braincels so he probably actually killed himself because of spending time there. What a waste

Haven't even lifestreamed it smh

They are scum but most of them are just young and dumb and still have a chance to turn their lives around.

still have a chance to turn their lives around.

But they won’t.

A small percentage that isn't completely retarded and get professional help will.

I've never done BDMS but I try and keep an open mind.

A small percentage that isn't completely retarded and get professional help will.

Which would mean leaving the incel community.

Kill Yourself Safe please.

I not only endorse it but fully support it for all incels and wizards {real and virginal]

Yeah but that's your kink who are we to kink shame?

If you've done it

This motherfucker was too lazy to get out the Ouija board and check? Shit, no wonder he's still a virgin with that work ethic.

-1 potential mass shooter.


Are you disappointed because you want dead kids or because you want mentally scarred survivors to be created in the hopes of a back up plan for when you break pimm?

I predicted the Florida shooter, and less incels available means my omniscience isn't as accurate

I hope you don't go through with it man. You're worth far more than you imagine. It does get better. I know. We'll get through with this together man. I hope you come back.

/u/gufestus2 I've reported your comment for not either hating on or blaming women for his suicide. In the future please remember what sub you're in.

Hey its the sub that likes pinging users of other subs. How you guys doing today?

We're doing well, probably since we don't circle jerk to blaming women for all our problems. How are you doing?

I'm doing OK too. Just came from an MRA meeting where we had a deep discussion on how males are oppressed by females in all walks of life and how they're indirectly responsible for all these mass shootings.

Did any of you realize your problems are largely varying degrees/types of mental illness, or are you not at the incipient self awareness stage?

Nah. We just drank mountain dew, ate some pizza and doritos and just decided that it was all wiminz fault anyway.

Can anyone provide evidence to the contrary? Case Closed!

This is why you should go your own way with other men.

You know, that is more logical and compelling than anything Bell Hooks ever said. 🤔🤔🤔🤔.... tell me more about this “Incel” philosophy.

Just came from an MRA meeting

Shouldn't have skipped those vaccines!

Doing OK. The cold spell here in northern England is fading so that's nice.

I liked the snow tbh

Me too.

Fuck you. Everyone got snow but me, I hate this place almost as much as I hate myself.

OK, question: since you live in northern England, why haven’t you tried to kill yourself?

I just remind myself that Scotland exists and suddenly things don't seem so bad here. Plus I'm hoping to move to America, one day.

Good comeback. Enjoy Americuck when you get here - you’ll eventually get used to the smell.

Not suicidal, for one.

A lot of the people in /r/Braincels actually hate /u/gufestus2 because they think he's being suspiciously too nice to the femoid mod there (/u/Board_Gaming).

You're telling me there's a girl who chooses to mod r/braincels!?

u/Board_Gaming why? Also how many diccpiks do you get in a day?

Its an IncelTears poster who hates incels. Idk why she (prob a he LARPing as a she tbh) mods it or is allowed to mod it, but I think that the incredibly thirsty actual intel mods are so mind boggled by actual interaction with women that when they see a woman they feel a duty to mod her.

He was also a Mod for less than a day lol,

How do you know things about other things and stuff?

How do you know things about other things and stuff?


Don't play coy!

If you're asking how I know about incels hating that guy, I occasionally check various subs (including /r/braincels, /r/circlebroke2, and /r/islam) for drama. I haven't been doing it as much lately though because I don't have as much free time.

If that's not what you were asking, then I'm not really sure what you were asking, because your original reply to me was worded pretty terribly.


Fuck man. If you've done it, you could at least have pride in the fact that you were brave enough to go through. I hope you found your happiness at last, if not here on earth, then somewhere.

If only all incels had this beautiful outlook on life 😂

So I was traveling around Southeast Asia a couple years ago with some friends I had made while studying abroad. One of the more questionable characters I was with was using tinder as a way to couch surf. He was a scrawny white guy who admitted to only dating Asian girls and bragged about “colonizing that Asian pussy” without thinking anything was wrong with it. He said he’d never had to pay for a hostel because he could just open tinder and find a bed in less than a minute.

Obviously this was gross behaviour, but I didn’t know how to call him out without causing drama. We were supposed to be traveling in a group of 4 and I didn’t want to ruin the trip for everyone else. I am also super non confrontational. In hindsight I wish I had at least said something.

You should be more like him.

but I didn’t know how to call him out without causing drama.

I'm sorry, I won't post here anymore.

You should kill yourself just to be sure.

Not every life is worth living, not every soul is worth saving.

At least he isn't suffering anymore. There's nothing sacred about a cruel life where no one will or can help you with your problems. There is no end goal nor is there a finish line in sight once you're 70 or above. Nobody has to live through shit.

The human mind and body is designed to stay alive (see: suicide statistics) and the moment you think of taking your life, your mind will play the kind of games with you, you won't believe were even possible. Lies and false hope, delusions, anything to not let that brain die.

Going against one's nature and killing yourself takes balls. It takes bigger balls to live through shit but some people don't see the point in growing them that big if they feel they are destined to be failures and many people are, in the real world.

Forced suffering is cruelty. If one can't help anyone, one should refrain from commenting on why their choice to die was wrong.

oof, a serious post. goddamn.

Ugh am I about to upvote an Ed post?

This is worse than agreeing with one of the Trumpkins.

You make a good argument. Please take this upvote. Keep yourself safe. Ed.


have a picture of a cute bunny ED

You deserve it.

Chill the fuck out. It was only a mod position.


༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

Nah it's on all fours

Did I miss something? Did everyone get upset over nothing or did I misread?


It's something I've thought a lot about. Of course I understand that suicide is not a solution but what do we own on this earth but our own bodies? It seems that society and the state has even deemed that ownership to be null as well.

I mean, dude bussy lmao.

lol, killing yourself always hurt people. Be it their familly or even the people that are forced to deal with your dead body. Hell, he made me sad by offing himself.

Everyone matter to someone else. Some not very much, sure, but they still matter.

Everyone matter to someone else.

Not mayos

Killing yourself takes balls, but it’s also stupid. No problem is unsolvable and there’s always a way forward

Lol tell that to chronically ill people or someone who lost their whole family

Hey Edward, you keeping yourself safe?

Suicide or but a hooker for $120.


or murder-suicide fuck sesh for 120$

Where the fuck you been for the past few months?

If it hadn't been for /u/comedicsans this palace would have gone to shit without you.

I have a pretty palace.

After some uhhhh shady talks and deals that fell through my main account has been getting stalked by a Greek man who wants me to snuff him after he succeeds in drugging, kidnapping, raping, and eating several little girls in his hometown. (there's more detail but really it's quite fucked up)

When I realized he was a little above my level of crazy I backed out and it raised his suspicions that I was either a brazilian serial killer that has so far not been caught (incorrect) or a cop (also incorrect) or someone who does not want to be involved in anything high profile so I can keep living my perfectly enjoyable current life (ding ding ding), but since I led him on it's been his mission to try and dox me and hunt me down and try to kill me.

So I've been not online as much lately!

He left a message in some form of code on one of my last submissions a few months after we last talked. So that kinda freaked me out, ya know?

Would telling him about the whole trap thing make him less motivated to violently sodomize and murder you, or more?

Even, I'd think

Is there a incel version for people that have your weird kink but don’t get to indulge it? Like, gurocel or whatever?

I dunno lol

Well technically it's just the promise of 120 bucks for that.

They say buying hookers still makes them incel, because it’s bought and paid for sex.

Source: too many months spent in the black hole

It's not like you are being forced to be there, fam.

This is kind of fucked out of fucked. Really don't get why these desperate basketcases don't just go for a prostitute?

Confidence for many is simply faking it till you make it anyway.

Maybe this should be my mantra and I too can make Kermit Patreon shekels once day...

From the former FAQ of /r/incels:

What is an incel? An incel, short for involuntary celibate, is someone who tries to find romantic relationships without success and is very pessimistic about his chances. The most common definition to be considered incel is that you are at least 20 and have to go at least six months without a romantic partner. Many incels are late 20s and 30s men (and older) who have never had a partner. If you go to a prostitute, you can still be incel because you are unable to obtain a romantic relationship or at least casual sex where the other person is genuinely interested in you, as being incel is not just about a lack of sex. Being incel also does not mean one feels they are owed or entitled to love, sex, relationships - it is simply the perpetual state of the lack of them when they occur so naturally and frequently to the majority of people.

They call incels who see escorts "escortcels".

They call incels who see escorts "escortcels"They call incels who see escorts "escortcels"They call incels who see escorts "escortcels"They call incels who see escorts "escortcels"They call incels who see escorts "escortcels"They call incels who see escorts "escortcels"They call incels who see escorts "escortcels"They call incels who see escorts "escortcels".

What did you mean by this?


TIL, thanks.

I remember a while back someone said they want a relationship with sex. They bitch about sex to the point where they can't form a relationship. They usually have a terrible attitude because they fell like sex and a relationship is something they're entitled to. They want to take the easy way and blame everyone else for their own failures and have a terribly arrogant view that nothing is wrong with them.


Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.


something something pasta

anything that promotes white suicide is good. no?


Imagine being this buttblasted about not getting attention from girls

Being an antisocial uggo poor black manlet dealing with other shit we dont know about

lol he killed himself for being a virgin


Objectively and rationally 19 is way too early to give up.

Fuck, he is/was 19? That's way too young to give up. Fuck that shitty community for convincing teens that their lives are ruined because they can't get laid before they even finish college.

Zero chance he did it, they are all way to limp to do anything in life. He's stroking to his pity posts from a new account

Zero chance he did it, they are all way to limp to do anything in life

That's what they said about Elliot Rodger (pbuh).

No, I think his dad was aware he could do something bad.

the people in these comments aren't much better tbh

take a winchester to your cranium if you can't take it anymore


It’s okay, I still love you 💕

i like this format. take a louisville to your anus. take a timberland to your windpipe. take a callaway to your testicles.

Take a Hi-Point to your dingus

hah take a f150 to your church group

From the OP:

Thank you to the old sub and this one for making it bearable for a time, but I'm going to be twenty in a month and I'm still a virgin. I'm not waiting for 25 or 30. I made a pledge and i intend to keep it.

I think it's kind of hard for someone to attempt suicide if they don't already want to do it to some extent. The community does dig vulnerable people into a deeper hole, but there are a lot of other factors at play that push people to suicide in situations like this.

Even when you want to kill yourself, it's often hard to push yourself over the edge. Communities like /r/SanctionedSuicide are filled with people who are sitting on their methods, but can't bring themselves to try and attempt suicide (amongst others, like people who don't have access to a decent method, or can't kill themselves for other reasons). Some eventually go through with it, and some don't. From those that do, there are many people who end up failing and survive, so /u/Stagetail might still be alive.

A community might not be the sole factor as to why somebody commits suicide, but it sure can help. If there are two groups of depressed people, and one joins a community that says 'yeah you're absolutely fucked if you're not fucking women left and right at 18' and another that says 'yeah, you're a little bit behind, but there's a chance that things will get better', how better off do you think one group will be over the other? Communities like braincells are terrible for teens. The tenants suggest that anybody who doesn't fit into their idea of a 'chad' is doomed, regardless of how young they are, and state that life doesn't get much better for them even if they happen to get laid. The incel community tells them the worst and doesn't offer them any suggestions or hope for self-improvement.

Oh, I totally agree that communities like /r/Braincels can exacerbate mental health problems. I didn't mean to detract from your point, I was basically trying to say that multiple factors come together to drive people to this point (which is obvious, I guess).

Oh yeah, in that case you're totally right.

Communities like braincells are terrible for teens

The internet is terrible for teens

No way to make all this awful influence disappear from the internet nowadays

Call me a ludite but I honestly believe that in many ways the internet has made shit way worse than before. Where are this kids parents? friends?

Human beings are social animals, the internet is not a substitute for the real thing. No one can live this alone.

Call me a ludite but I honestly believe that in many ways the internet has made shit way worse than before.

You're right. Even if this kid wouldn't have had much support before, now the lack of support means that he can easily find a community that validates his horrible feelings about himself and tells him things will never change.

the internet is not a substitute for the real thing. No one can live this alone.

I guess we'll see the effects of numerous people living like this soon enough. :(

I am way too old-school about some things and I am honestly grateful for that.

I dont see an easy solution if you are a parent though. Is it even feasible to take away your kids internet nowadays? I guess is more important to teach moderation and so on.

I guess we'll see the effects of numerous people living like this soon enough. :(

Why? do you think is on a rise?

Is it even feasible to take away your kids internet nowadays?

Get the kids to watch videos on filter bubbles/echo chambers until they get it? Should hopefully give them a better chance of knowing when they are dealing with any form of extreme internet ideological stupidity. Hopefully this would help shield their minds from Internet cancer.

We don't, snally.

/u/Incelvester you should really find the courage you think you lack. You can do it!!

At some point the edge on this sub gets a bit " teenager yelling nigger on xbox live " kind of ridiculous

>at some point

Did you think r/drama was going to be any other way? You seem like you're shocked by these revelations that there are people out there with fundamentally different values and capacities for empathy, and still others who like to pretend they disregard these things in order to feel better about themselves.


/u/amazing-tony its called survival of the fittest, you're not entitled to sex nor does anyone care that you're too much of a loser to get laid. You clearly are a slob, so why don't you try and raise yourself up, nobody wants to descend to your embarrassing level

Sex is a human right so I am entitled to it.

Amen, brother. If we let feminism "win", they'll try to control men by throwing all men in prisons and using them only for breeding.

Then some other culture will start a war against the country, most likely the muslim people because they are the most patriarchical and power-hungry around, and they'll win, because woman don't have enough ability to defend themselves, and they don't even understand the importance of an army (they'd abandon the army most likely). Then this other culture would subdue the feminists and we would be at a patriarchy.

If no other culture attacked, they would most likely be able to keep themselves alife (it's not hard with todays tools), and having enough babies would be easy to achieve too. But anyway, they'd not be able to force all men into prisons, because men would win in a fight. The pendulum would swing back, and women would be subdued.

I don't want to be killed or imprisoned. Because most men feel the same, feminism can't win. Even most women disagree with the goals of feminsim.

There is just no way feminism can win, that's why we can't let them win, because it's impossible. Feminism can only be successfull, if they have mens support, which they do right now. But since they can't reach their goals with mens support, they can't win.

Go to the gaybar and get some!

I agree.


Now bend over

Yah no it's not. It's also fairly easy to get unless you're completely worthless


being called a nigger, a loser, a manlet, and a creep for simply being who you are

/u/eva_unit_hung was this your fun little way of calling out for help from us?

you can't get rid of me that easy bb

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

On som real shit

My dad believes this is real.

Someone reported this, right?

No, they allow the “im committing suicide” posts.

They also allow everyone to encourage suicide, although this was a first that I’ve seen, where there was more positive “please don’t do it” comments, rather than “go you, do it!” comments.

u killed this man. Hope ur happy

You are ignorant.

I know you’re happy.

Ignorance is bliss.

lol your pitbull killed a kid. Kinda fucked up....🤓

[citation needed]

Look, junior, your bullshit may fly with other “normies”, but I’m not one of them.

Fuck off back to the hell hole you came from, and while you’re at it, learn how to beat your own dick so that it’s actually pleasant for you.

You need to. For the foreseeable future, that’s how you’re orgasming.

hnm, u must have been driven mad by guilt. Ur pitbull is so dangerous we need an immediate canine lethal injection

He'll live on in our hearts. :'(

Weird way to spell micropenis.


I'm like 90% sure this isn't real but that 10% is makin' me sad

What a pussy.

If he actually pledged to fucking off himself because he couldn't get any pussy by 20 then I no longer feel bad for him.

stay safe


once more