Autistic leftists on /leftypol/ (the 8ch board for leftists too afraid to post on /pol/) debate if killing white people in cold blood and seizing their property is a good thing or not

17  2018-03-07 by RaiseRedux


There needs to be an internet exclusively for people over 21.

Is 21 too young, you think? I'm thinking 25 personally

I'm hoping the repeal of Net Neutrality will create a premium internet that costs like $300 a month. People like u/Ed_butteredtoast won't be able to afford it with their SSI allowance, and restaurants and libraries will also only have the shit tiered version. This will eliminate most children and unemployed dirtbags.

Well obviously

Ugh, can we be done with S.A. drama? It's lime been 4 days already and it is stale

Leftypol lol.

Are white nationLists against this or no, because isn't the deaths of millions of blacks and more proof they're right be something they want?