A White girl in /r/OkCupid thinks "Mexican" is a slur.

135  2018-03-07 by aGolfHipster


He is white, and in an American city that has a decent population of Latinx people.

/u/PagodaMonster please don't use the term "latinx". It's culturally insensitive to my mother language. We already have a term for both genders and if you're not sure, the convention is to fall back to the masculine (as is also used with mixed gender groups). I don't want to have to ask you again, but please, be more sensitive

If I were into getting offended, I would be pretty mad at the fact that they act like "Latino" is a meaningful category.


No one in any fucking spanish speaking country uses Latinx and I would deeply appreciate it if you stupid hyper-sensitive asswipes would stop butchering our language and projecting your retarded politics onto us.


¿De donde eres?

No me creo ni por un segundo que seas de mexico

I will cut my dick off if this chick isnt a second generation inmigrant trying to have an identity lmao. I am yet to meet anyway from latino america to either use latinx or latin@ or to get offended at that dumb bullshit

What is it about America that makes any mention of their origin kryptonite for all second generation immigrants? I have cousins in South Africa, UK, Australia and Canada and they are all pretty normal yet the American ones are so obnoxiously American I sometimes get why 9/11 happened.

Second gens are occasionally torn between being American and where their parents came from because of American immigrant shit, especially if they're not white. That means you either get regular Americans or "THE GRORIOUS BLOOD OF MY FOREIGN ANCESTORS FLOWS THROUGH MY VEINS AND I AM THEIR SPEAKER IN THIS FOREIGN COUNTRY" types. You know, the ones that bitch about how you're not sucking off their country of origin in pop culture and make patchwork bullshit like "Azn idenitity" that would get you laughed at if you proposed it in their home country.

This also happens to biracial people, but replace "parents' country of origin" with "non-white parent's race".

I'm biracial and I don't get this at all, but I think it's because I've actually lived in both my parents countries growing up, so I could never develop a romanticised image of the culture.

I sometimes get why 9/11 happened.

9/11 happened because it was really really useful

It isn't even possible to pronounce "latinx" properly in Spanish. It would sound like "latinequis". /u/pagodamonster are you going to apologize or even acknowledge the privelige you must have to be able to try and dictate that some other culture bend to your sensibilities in a way that doesn't even respect them in the slightest?

They want people to say either latine or latinos y latinas

of course, no one will, because saying latino to describe the entire group is clearly not problematic at all

How do they say it in English, though? "la-TINKS"?


Sounds like a Roman-era prescription.

That's how I pronounce it in my head. I've never said it out loud because I am a normal weight and have had sex before.

Latinx? I think it's pronounced "im a living stereotype of SJW autism"

Just say fucking "Latin". That's already a word: e.g. "Most Latin people don't give a shit about this."

Latino Deportes

I was about to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that there is a bit of a different connotation between "Mexican" and "a Mexican" but adding X's to things puts me into a seething rage for reasons I don't understand


or even from a part of the US where there aren't many Latinx people

Only ignorant Americans say Latinx. Not only is Latinx a stupid attempt to Americanize Spanish, but it is completely unneeded as the word Latin already exists

Fuckin beaner needs to learn Inglés

Hey... you're not /u/Feepo

/u/Feepo would not know the Spanish word for "English", must less include an accent.

That thread just made me hungry for all sorts of ethnic foods.

they both seem pretty boring and stupid

It is okcupid, what do you expect

mostly the former

Only a white girl could appropriate another's culture then immediately accuse someone else of being a racist for asking about their nationality. Why are cumskins so desperate to play the victim all the time?

Also, serious question, but is this some kind of weird American thing where it's rude to ask if a person is from a place? Or is is just mayos trying way too hard not to be racist?

but is this some kind of weird American thing where it's rude to ask if a person is from a place?

Asking someone if they're mexican is pretty insulting, considering all beaners are short, obese, and disgusting.

I am brazilian and I am hot and fit and tall

what now?

You get shot.

Then you are not Mexican obviously.

Most people wouldn’t give a fuck and would just answer the question instead of acting like a complete retard

What's even worse is she said latinx as though that makes sense

Also, serious question, but is this some kind of weird American thing where it's rude to ask if a person is from a place? Or is is just mayos trying way too hard not to be racist?

It can be, you can make anything rude, but it's mostly the latter. The people who think it's a big deal are actually the ones with racist views.

It's rude to them because they believe all the stereotypes (from non-mayo countries at least). Then they get to pat themselves on the back for being a good mayo for standing up to non-existent oppression for the fragile brown person.

It's why we need mayocide.

Its the second one. I saw this post before it got xposted and most of the thread was people saying "you know you sound stupid and insane right?".

Or is is just mayos trying way too hard not to be racist?

It's this.

Shit like this is why Backpage is so popular

Real life Michael Scott over here..

How do you mess up guacamole?

Be white

Rules 1 & 2 Be white, don't be non-white

Mayos do love them some guac though (as long as you leave out any spicy or flavorful ingredients), so I can see the "Mexican" assumption being potentially suspect

The "mayos only like bland food" meme unironically triggers me.

After the "spices will literally kill you" guy we had here a month ago, I'll never stop

"Are you American?"

HOLY SHIT WTF BRO!1?1?11!?!!


11! = 39,916,800

No one asked you

Well there was a question mark after the 11!

Bad bot

Immigration and Customs Enforcement:

"Are you American?"

HOLY SHIT WTF BRO!1?1?11!?!!

What's the spread on the dude being really desperate or the girl being really hot for him to tolerate this level of stupidity?

well it's okcupid so neither of them are hot.

And both of them are desperate

Their both stupid

Yeah I mean who tf assumes ethnicity from a fucking food?

"I just got back from olive garden"

"You a Italian?!"

last time I went to olive garden I came out as a 70 year old protestant woman.

last time I went to olive garden it was entirely full of Mexicans

Oh did I say protestant? I meant prostitute.

Lol eDaters

She's fucking cray cray

Probably did him a favor tbh.

Im half mexican and if someone called me Latinx i would stick my shoes so far up xirs xussy they will feel it for a week.

so is it your half school shooter side or your half kidnap a rich person and massacre a village side that caused you to post this?

Probably the massacre one tbh

well dunk a lime in my corona and call me a 21 year old white chick, who coulda guessed that mexicans are violent against other mexicans?

Theres that famous latinx feistiness.

What if you had written "I screwed up my tater-tot hot dish"? Would it be okay for him to ask if you were from Minnesota?

Pls no bully ed

But yet I am the crazy one when I call crazy people like this SJW's 🙄

Oh My God, Karen, You Can’t Just Ask Someone If They're Mexican

Fuck, they are dense. The word Mexican is not racist, but assuming someone is "a" Mexican because they like guacamole is fucking retarded.

what a navaho

Well, it isn't a slur but other South Americans don't seem to like being known as Mexicans for some reason.

It's not a slur? If someone asks me that I will fuck their shit up