Being gay is not allowed.

3  2018-03-08 by [deleted]



Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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I just want to throw r/nonmonogamy, r/polyamory, and r/bipoly in there too in case you’re worried about never having sex or relationships with women again. Being a third for an already established couple of bi men is many women’s dream.

You know this fat broad is wet as hell being like "YES! MY ANIME FANTASY COMES TO LIFE!"

Holy fuck that is insane. All kidding aside, this kind of dgeneracy will kill us all.

No, this type of degeneracy will usher in a new era of human excellence as the weak of will are carried away by the currents of their own sinful nature into eternal damanation and unending torment.

So God exists and hes ok with all of...this...?

Not quite sure about that famalam

But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.

Isaiah 59:2

Amen 🙏

Lets ask our resident prostitute /u/MxMaegen to expand on societal norms, and how they pertain to moral ambiguity related to unabated promiscuity.

dat post history...

From knitting to anal. Truly a modern day DaVinci.

Glad you enjoyed it

I mean I don't subscribe to this sub but you can me for sex

I see you've read Camille Paglia as well. Kudos.

Do you genuinely believe it's not possible to like more than one gender?Like. . . I like girls and boys? I fuck both?how is this hard to understand?

How is it hard to believe in absolutes, or that gay people often have sex with the opposite sex?

When a man makes love to a man, he is called homosexual. When hes with a girl, its heterosexual. There is no "in-between". Its jus lt a gay dude/girl that will fuck the opposite sex. Not that theres anything wrong with that!

It isnt that confusing.

it's a sexual orientation. I find people of the same and different sex as me to be attractive. It's bisexual. It's not that confusing.

So your own personal anecdote is all that matters? You gay lmao


Bisexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior toward both males and females, or romantic or sexual attraction to people of any sex or gender identity; this latter aspect is sometimes alternatively termed pansexuality.

The term bisexuality is mainly used in the context of human attraction to denote romantic or sexual feelings toward both men and women, and the concept is one of the three main classifications of sexual orientation along with heterosexuality and homosexuality, all of which exist on the heterosexual–homosexual continuum. A bisexual identity does not necessarily equate to equal sexual attraction to both sexes; commonly, people who have a distinct but not exclusive sexual preference for one sex over the other also identify themselves as bisexual.

Bisexuality has been observed in various human societies and elsewhere in the animal kingdom throughout recorded history.

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I mean your own studies suggest science hasnt proved it yet? When Im home later Ill link you studies showing bisexuality in males is due to increased sexual competition and a loss of partners.

You gay 😇

I'm so glad you apprently know more about my attraction than I do, get fucked dear.

You literally described and dictated your attractions to me? Are you suffering from some sort of mental illness? Or maybe you left your glasses on the desk and couldnt read? Its ok babe. Ill read to you at night ❤

Bahahahaha!!!! I bet you $50, honestly, that if you let me talk to an ex of yours they would agree with this assessment!

20 min.