"Stranger Things" Think Tank Debates Veganism, Posting About Daddy, And Who Among Them Is The REAL FCC Shill

45  2018-03-08 by glorica


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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stranger things is garbage 80s-90s nostalgia bait for millennials who never actually lived during the 80s and 90s

I disagree.

disagreeing with me is offensive, i'm literally shaking rn

Shit taste.

Anime is the gateway towards inceldom


And you are already waist deep in it so why worry about it.

I’m not an incel

Yes you are

Don’t you have to be a virgin to be an incel?

According to their sidebar no.

What sub?

That incel braincel sub, no? I saw it being discussed in another thread here.

Found it from their sub.

Incel: Involuntary celibate; someone who, for various reasons, cannot enter into a sexual and/or romantic relationship even though they desire such a thing.

I'm not involuntarily celibate.

Why do you have to get pedantic about things.

That's what incels do

Actually, you should check out this in depth discussion:

Is it possible to be incel and still have sex?

I thought the first season was pretty cool, but season 2 was utter garbage.

Should've been an anthology show if they wanted to make more than one season, instead they turned Eleven into even more of a superhero and going by that Chicago episode I am not optimistic about season 3.

Born in the early 80s, grew up in the 90s. Stranger Things is an amazing show. Eat a weiner.

it's for 2000s kids who found their big brothers vcr player and landbefore time tapes


Fucking millenials.

In three weeks, I'll be out in the woods for 10 days. No cell phone service, no internet of any kind. I won't have to hear a single thing about politics for over a week. I hope to God I return to civilization and see the heads of people who try to inject politics into everything on pikes

but life is politics and our country's leader is voldemort

Thanks for making us aware, you're like a modern day Thoreau

Thoreau lived in a cabin on his property so sit and moan about roasties and ran back to his house to have mommy do his laundry. He was the proto-tendieposter.





wtf I love Thoreau now

Hey I'll have you know I have a solar panel on my van, my own propane stove, and I bought them with real bucks and not NEET bucks. Don't vanshame me, asshole.

Well I'm sorry for being excited about things. That's what I get for opening up again, for daring to love...

Didn't you hear that Trump burned down the EPA??? There will be no words for you to even escape to!

your last sentence, but so unironically it hurts.

Virgin Stranger Things vs Chad Dark