r/conspiracy panics over chemtrails.

6  2018-03-08 by Deity_Of_Darkness


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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all fucked regardless. It circulates into the air you breathe, crops, ground water, tap water, cook with it, the foods covered in it, we breathe it daily, etc.

I have an interesting story. I saved up and took a year off to backpack frugal style couch surfing at hostels and w friends, and when I was in Norway, I stayed in a cabin for a week near the ocean, fairly remote, lots of wildlife around, you can see whales pop up for air, sea lions etc. It was the best I ever felt breathing that air and my health was impeccable that week. I eventually noticed there were zero chemtrails being sprayed where I was

Three questions for you:

  1. This is a chart of the prevailing winds of the world. Literally the entire eastern seaboard of the US funnels its air into Norway. How did the air in Norway not get chemtrails?

  2. Please demonstrate how airplanes could possible saturate the entirety of the air supply on Earth with harmful chemicals and please explain how they could do this on nearly every commercial flight without ever getting caught.

  3. Where do you live? I can imagine you leaving Boston for a week and being shocked at how fresh the air is. I live in the Western United States, I don't have to go but one or two hours away from the city I live in to be completely alone in the desert or woods with incredible fresh air.

u/jaredschaffer27 thanks for hijacking my comment. I think its super gay because its hardly any drama, but still pretty entertaining

This is a chart of the prevailing winds of the world. Literally the entire eastern seaboard of the US funnels its air into Norway. How did the air in Norway not get chemtrails?

Did you forget rain, dust, air pressure, salt content air saturation over the oceans, condensation, humidity, and all the other factors involved in the air? Or do you really and actually believe that something from the U.S. which is airborne, would travel 100% unaffected all the way to Norway?

Please demonstrate how airplanes could possible saturate the entirety of the air supply on Earth with harmful chemicals and please explain how they could do this on nearly every commercial flight without ever getting caught.

Misnomer. I never not once said commercial airlines are producing chemtrails. Your question here is a big huge sloppy fail and laughable. I have a youtube channel with videos of the Chemtrail planes, and they are never commercial ones. They have no labels or markings on them anywhere besides some serial numbers that are hard to make out sometimes even with a telescope

Where do you live?

I dont dox myself, but from my post history, it owuldnt be hard to deduce I am in a major city in very close to a major airport, one which has been voted busiest in the world in previous years

I can imagine you leaving Boston for a week and being shocked at how fresh the air is. I live in the Western United States, I don't have to go but one or two hours away from the city I live in to be completely alone in the desert or woods with incredible fresh air.

Good for you.

If you would have read some more of my comments, there were other factors in Norway, including access to a natural spring, and 100% organic locally grown/produced foods. You missed a shit ton of context that really makes your 3 questions useless here

Nigga u retarded.

So basically just like your English, got it

Such vitriol toward POC. Aren't you gnostics supposed to be empathetic and paganistic and shit?

Such vitriol toward POC.

vitriol? Where? I'm just having fun, just getting started, relax buddy. Have a drink, a smoke, whatever gets your panties in a knot. All is well.

Aren't you gnostics supposed to be empathetic and paganistic and shit?

There are no rules on what someone is supposed to be. Those rules exist merely as an assumption in your own mind. Some consider Zen as "gnosis" and the original zen masters where some blunt, say it is, types with zero mercy. If you want though, you can imagine these words wrapped in gold leaf and sprinkled with powdered sugar just for you, if you prefer.

So where to the tantric orgies to kill the Hyperborean ghosts come in?

Learn to have an OBE via disciplined rigor, and see for yourself.

Why not just trip on a shitload of mushrooms like a normal degenerate?

I mean of course, why not? You got some?

Or do you really and actually believe that something from the U.S. which is airborne, would travel 100% unaffected all the way to Norway?

The Northern Atlantic airstream has notoriously fast winds. Are you saying that of all the chemtrails you allege were released over the years at 30k feet in winds that are 100mph and more blowing directly towards Norway, none of them ever got there? Or that the jews, I mean New World Order doesn't send chemtrail planes over the incredibly busy North Atlantic route? Also, presumably none of the chemtrails released over Oslo or Copenagen ever managed to get near where you were to infect your organic foods and springs.

I have a youtube channel

I'm sure you do. I don't know if I've met a conspiracist who doesn't.

with videos of the Chemtrail planes, and they are never commercial ones. They have no labels or markings on them anywhere besides some serial numbers that are hard to make out sometimes even with a telescope

Ah, super secret planes or planes that nobody can verify the contents of. Gotcha.

I dont dox myself, but from my post history, it owuldnt be hard to deduce I am in a major city in very close to a major airport, one which has been voted busiest in the world in previous years

Wow, so you went on vacation from Chicago or New York to a small Norwegian village and had some lettuce and it was like super fresh and that's your "interesting" takeaway? Like wow, I can't believe it.

The Northern Atlantic airstream has notoriously fast winds.

So what? Do you even know what Chemtrails consist of and what they are designed to do? If its meant for cloud seeding and the chems sprayed instantly attach to various atmospheric molecules, and only exist in their inert states for X amount of time until they from into clouds, then your speed theory is pointless.

You would have to understand the chem composition of chemtrails to know whether or not they would still have whatever effects they have weeks and thousands of miles later.

Dude you are missing so much science here its pretty ridiculous

Are you saying that of all the chemtrails you allege were released over the years at 30k feet in winds that are 100mph and more blowing directly towards Norway, none of them ever got there?


Or that the jews, I mean New World Order

You got a source on the NWO being jews?

New World Order doesn't send chemtrail planes over the incredibly busy North Atlantic route?

You tell me

Also, presumably none of the chemtrails released over Oslo or Copenagen ever managed to get near where you were to infect your organic foods and springs.


I'm sure you do. I don't know if I've met a conspiracist who doesn't.

Cool to know, also your post here is backfiring, comes with the territory when you try to come at a critical thinker.

Ah, super secret planes or planes that nobody can verify the contents of. Gotcha.

yup, they are unmarked.


You know, why dont you see for yourself. Get yourself a cam w lens with a decent zoom and start checking out yourself. I used to by a pussy skeptic who laughed at others instead of seeing for myself. It would do you some good maybe?

Wow, so you went on vacation from Chicago or New York to a small Norwegian village and had some lettuce and it was like super fresh and that's your "interesting" takeaway? Like wow, I can't believe it.

Nope. Took a year off, backpacked through India, into the Himalayas for a few months, after that Japan for 5 months at a monastery, after that East Europe for 4 months and Norway was 2 of those months in a friends family cabin that was offered to me to stay it out in the wilderness there.

I have since been back to Himalayas and Norway 3 times for similar trips, and get the same effects each time with my health.

You sure do assume a lot and they have been wrong each time here. I learned as a critical thinker, never to assume things about others, it creates a false bias construct in your mind which limits you and gives you a massive disadvantage in any debate or discussion.

I mean aside from the long ass seriouspost,

You know, why dont you see for yourself. Get yourself a cam w lens with a decent zoom and start checking out yourself. I used to by a pussy skeptic who laughed at others instead of seeing for myself. It would do you some good maybe?

I learned as a critical thinker,

Dude you are missing so much science here its pretty ridiculous

One thing that amazes me is that conspiracists are always talking about the sheeple and the people with their eyes closed and whatnot, but they always say shit exactly like this. They say the exact same things, and when they speak them, with the exact same cadence. It's almost completely indistinguishable from baby boomer conservatives, SJWs, etc.

One thing that amazes me is that conspiracists are always talking about the sheeple

Okay, so now we are going into redirection. Your whole OP fell apart, so now we have to go into the sheeple thing. Okay, I'll play.

Did I ever once call you sheeple? Did you ever actually check your skies for chem trails and zoom in any of them?

and the people with their eyes closed and whatnot,

Wait, do you think everyone has their eyes open and is highly conscious and aware of what's going on? Do you also everyone is of equal intelligence? Does a 5 year old comprehend quantum physics?

but they always say shit exactly like this.

Maybe dont play yourself then?

They say the exact same things, and when they speak them, with the exact same cadence.

Who is "we"? lol

It's almost completely indistinguishable from baby boomer conservatives, SJWs, etc.

lol, so basically everyone sounds indistinguishable from you, because you just mentioned a large group of people who make up a large portion of everyone.

You would have to understand the chem composition of chemtrails to know whether or not they would still have whatever effects they have weeks and thousands of miles later.

What are the chem composition of contrails?

What are the chem composition of contrails?

No one knows for sure, that's why there is a ton of context missing. For example, if its designed to immediately form clouds and becomes no longer active after its purpose has been fulfilled after, say X hours, then a cloud of this stuff being blown to Norway wouln't matter

Here's one example:

Over the past decade, independent testing of Chemtrails around the country has shown a dangerous, extremely poisonous brew that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers. Barium can be compared to the toxicity of arsenic.(4) Barium is known to adversely affect the heart. Aluminum has a history of damaging brain function. Independent researchers and labs continue to show off-the-scale levels of these poisons. A few “anonymous” officials have acknowledged this on-going aerosol spraying.(5)

Numerous tests have been done to verify that these poisons are off the scale in their toxicity. They are documented in our water, in our soil, and in our air. For more than 10 years, researcher Clifford Carnicom has been valiantly and systematically reporting on the various detrimental aspects of these aerosols –and what they are doing to our entire environment, as well as our blood.(6) Various “sky watch” groups also have been carefully documenting and diligently reporting about these daily assaults.(7)


You do know that this is all fantasy, right?

excellent exit strategy.

Yes, of course, its all fantasy. Was it ever anything else?

Your citing globalresearch.ca. Youre either an idiot or you think i am. Either way i highly encourage you to take a gun, put the barrel in your mouth and fire a bullet through the roof of your mouth so it comes out of the top of your head. I sincerely hope you take this advice you dumb motherfucker, lol.

Youre citing globalresearch.ca.

yup, as an idea, a possibility, something to look into and if you have rebuttals for whats there, you can post them here. Instead, what d you do? It literally, "OMG LOL, hur dur dur he linked globalresearch hur dur dur, i not going to read or do rebuttal because i only trust fake news cnn hur dur dur."

How about some US GOV docs admitting to chemtrails?


Youre either an idiot or you think i am.

I think you are, but I'd rather not assume. If you open up the page, read it, and can provide any sources which are rebuttals, then I dont think you're an idiot. If you can't, then you are dumb AF

Either way i highly encourage you to take a gun, put the barrel in your mouth and fire a bullet through the roof of your mouth so it comes out of the top of your head. I sincerely hope you take this advice you dumb motherfucker, lol.

I would never do that. I would rather live til 120 with the satisfaction of knowing that you exist in a very unhappy state of existence, not understanding yourself, why you do the things you do, and that you're just a mouth breather. Those things you wish upon others, often end up coming true in your own life.

Did you ever stop to think that the only way to break out of this simulated world we live is to commit suicide? How many people have told you to kill yourself? Not many. Ever wonder why? Because theres not many of us. I really cant say more than that, ive already broken enough rules to get myself deresoluted. Good bye, and good luck.

Did you ever stop to think that the only way to break out of this simulated world we live is to commit suicide?

Sure I have. There's actually a group of gnostics, the Cathars, who, when they were old or sick, and close to death, would hurry up the process by refusing food/water.

There's also a Buddhist practice similar to this. Regardless, its not suicide, but a speeding up of the natural process about to happen anyway. When this body is old, I will also be doing this.

However suicide done intentionally as an escape, still is an identification with ego that 'I am the one escaping," and according to a number philosophies is not the true escape, but ego death is

How many people have told you to kill yourself?

Thus far, just you

Because theres not many of us. I really cant say more than that, ive already broken enough rules to get myself deresoluted.

Whoevere this "us" is, there's clearly an imbalance in your psychology if a lost debate means you need to tell the winner to kill themselves. Hopefully you evolve to a much mature state beyond having to say such things to people.

Citing globalresearch AND pretending you won a debate that never occurred. How is it possible to be as delusional as you are and why have you not followed the excellent advice that i risked my life to give you?

Citing globalresearch AND pretending you won a debate that never occurred.

I was citing that source, as a possibility of what may make up the chemtrail compositions, and not one time did you refute it. Did you know that's part of debate, to actually refute a source? And Did you do that here?

No you did not, and in a professional debate, if you simply say, "hur dur dur dur its global research lmfao, hur dur," you would lose the debate if there are no actual refute/rebuttals

How is it possible to be as delusional as you are and why have you not followed the excellent advice that i risked my life to give you?

Hit me with some rebuttals, and at the very least, I'll call it draw. Until them you've lost

Stoics and existentialists agree that meaning in life doesn't come from outside; it is constructed by you. Therefore, the answer to Camus' question on whether to commit suicide or have coffee is also entirely yours.


Stoics and existentialists agree that meaning in life doesn't come from outside; it is constructed by you. Therefore, the answer to Camus' question on whether to commit suicide or have coffee is also entirely yours.

Sure I agree, and as can be seen in many psychological and philosophical breakdowns covering projectionism, the projector often themselves suffers that which they wish upon others


I really hope you don't kill yourself, but Darwinism is going to play out regardless, and so, I wouldn't necessarily be sad to see you do it. In the grand scheme of things, you don't really matter

I really think youre missing the forest for the trees here.

plenty of trees in the forest are perfect to hang some rope if you decide to end yourself. I hope you don't, but I'm guessing you still might

no u

You first so you can show me how its done, then afterwards I promise I will go second

Your programming wont let you and im already on the continuum, lol. Youll stay on repeat until you do.

Your programming wont let you

Ive already died via ego death, there's only consciousness left with a body that will day of its own accord

Youll stay on repeat until you do.

That's all programming

Youre like a little baby to me.

Youre like a little baby to me.

That's the point, babies aren't brainwashed yet. It gives me flexibility in debates to see all angles including the limits from which you operate.

To me, you are a mouth breather. There is not much there of substance or genuineness. You're better off following a hive mind telling you what you should be thinking and doing, and being to scared to break away from that is the motivation for your behavior.

Its pleasantly entertaining, especially the part where you become aware and sentient that this is so, but still don't do anything about it. That's my life's satisfaction

I agree, your diaper does need changed. I can tell because of the smell and the way you are crying about it.

people like you are usually pedos and into stuff like eating the shit out of a diaper, so I'm not surprised you've gone there

I had almost forgot your guilt ridden preoccupation with child porn. They will catch you one day.

Nice projection.

I'm in tune with my own conscience, and know when something is wrong. I doubt you have the same filter, so its highly likely you're into some crazy shit

Tell me about the crazy shit im into. Get it all out.

you tell me, you're the one who knows

I am just the screen you project your deviancies onto tho.

So am I

You must be very degenerate to need two screens to project onto.

Whatever you think I am, exists only in your own mind, its imagined.

Imagine that

I am the figment of your imagination. You cant hide forever. Remember my advice and set yourself free.

Remember my advice and set yourself free.

If someone who isn't me, offered you 10k, would you do it?

Lol, thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

I mean when you're dumb, people are gonna talk down to you and try to speak your language so you can understand

You think im talking down to you?

The other way around, but its funny you would think this, that's why I left the comment open purposefully, to be entertained by your answer.

How can I fly like an eagle when I'm surrounded by Turkeys?

I am just a lolcow to you. My sole purpose is your amusement.

you're doing a fine a job, now vibrate for me foot stool

I think maybe white people are genetically unable to understand projection.

What does white people have to do with chemtrail? Also I didn't know you were a racist, but then again, the lower the intelligence and economic status, the greater chance of racism

Im pretty sure the chemtrails are causing white people to play the video games that cause them to become school shooters. Why else white people be shooting up all the schools?

Man you sure an angry racist. Do you think shooting up a school filled with white people is a good idea?

Do you think shooting up a school filled with white people is a good idea?

I wouldnt be telling white people to stop shooting up all the schools if i thought that.

Ok got it. When are you gonna do it? Also are you gonna periscope it?

You must be white

You must be really low IQ.

My EJ score is 2112. Yours is probably, like, 2 or lower.

What if vehicles are putting chemicals in the atmosphere that is preventing sun rays from escaping into space all to increase the world's temperature?