Wtf I hate the Jews now

72  2018-03-08 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


/u/smoked_out_22, lol if you think that Jewish feminists don’t denounce how poorly African immigrants have been treated in Israel then you really don’t know what you’re talking about.

Israel is real?

I’m pretty sure

Have you ever seen Israel and America in the same room together? I wonder...

Israel is a colony of the US in the facts tho

mo money mo hammed

Yall wont denounce shit. Fuck out of here with this fake solidarity bullshit.

I'm surprised more black organizations are not working with palestine organizations to fight the Isreal disease.

Lol Soros reaction to this would be amazing.

Soros is critical of Israel

Come on, we all know he's a double agent who will eventually make Israel dominate the world with jewdo tantic sex rituals.

Jews control the MSM, so any news we do hear about them is deliberately designed to further their agenda.

Oy vey

Soros is the main funder of the New Israel Fund, an organization so cucked its logo is in Arabic.

Soros makes his money picking the bones off dead carcasses, so it's no wonder he is trying to destabilize Israel.

He started out as a teen when the Nazi's invaded his country by turning in other Jews to the Nazi's. Then after the Nazi's took those Jews off to the camps, Soros would pick through their left behind belongings and sell to other Jews - before he turned them over to the Nazi's.

He made his fortune by destabilizing countries around the world and making billions by shorting those countries' currencies.

How George Soros broke the Bank of Thailand

The Trade of the Century: When George Soros Broke the British Pound

How George Soros Made $4B In 2013: Short The Yen

Now Soros is going after crypto-currency.

Stop with the soros was a Nazi meme. That’s straight up retarded. He was 9 when the Nazis invaded Poland. Whatever he did to survive the ten month occupation of Hungary in 1944 he was 13 eventually turning 14. It’s fine to criticize him for what you think he’s done during his adult life but don’t be disingenuous.


What is your solution to the disease?

/u/BlackInTokyo88 is the 88 a reference to the one true God?

He’s gotta be a troll with that name and what I’ve seen from him in that thread

You can go through my post history to find the answer to this question.

You post in the asian incel sub


And you mod /r/dickgirls


Still, objectively better than being a perpetually butt-frustrated incel

There is no such thing as chick with dicks only dudes with tits.

There is no such thing as chick with dicks only dudes with tits.

So.. What's wrong with that?

On top of being a racist incel, you are also a transphobe, you must be real fun at parties.

Oh wait, incels don't get invited to those things

Did I hurt them wyt feel feels?



Dudes with boobs, man. At least make it rhyme.

Just own up and say your gay.

It doesn't matter if I'm gay or not big dude, you're an incel.

That's the real freak show these days, and deservedly so.

If one was a chick and wanted to peg a dude with boobs, does that make one gay, or hetero?

Asking for a friend.

O no I lost the bet that you weren't homophobic too

How surprising

That's not a rhyme, it's vocalic assonance -.-'

Potato, potahto.

How do you expect to be poetic austist laureate with an attitude like that?

Found the linguistic student!

I dropped out. Now I wait tables. Writing these bitter comments on reddit is the only way I can feel superior to anyone.

Can you give me a quick rundown on what "intersemiotics" means? A student I know told me she's doing her thesis on it so I want to impress her cos i'm pretty beta.

Oh man, I hate semiotics. It's a pretentious and ultimately meaningless mixup between the literary term intertextuality and semiotics from linguistics.

Intertextuality - All texts exist in a context of other texts. That means any one text must have some form of relationship with other texts.

For example Ulysses by James Joyce can't exist without the foundation laid out by The Odyssey by Homeros. The novel by James Joyce is constantly referencing/paying homage/drawing parallels to the earlier work.

Semiotics - The study of how we ascribe a particular meaning or description in relation to a particular thing. For example English speakers call a cat a "cat". A cat is a real thing that exists outside of our efforts to describe it, but the sounds that make out the word "cat" are completely arbitrary and there's no good reason to call those animals "cats" if it weren't for the fact that everyone agrees that it's a good idea. In Hindi they're called "billi", another completely arbitrary mixture of made up sounds. lol y tho? the semiotician asks himself.

So intersemiotics is the relation certain ascribed meanings of things (signs) have in relation to other signs and trying to map those out. Ulysses exists as a sign because it is the Latin name for Odysseus. An Odysée has become the word for a long journey because it's derived from the poem by Homeros

I think that's it anyway. Like intertextuality, but without the text and for any and all things ever. Mostly in art and narratives though.

I see, the study of the development of words in relation to their origins? Thank you bud, I will fist bump you if I get into her pants 👊 I'm curious to know, perhaps you have a view on this, is there a relationship between human physiognomy and semiotics? For example, are some languages more tonal or more rapidly spoken in part because of mouth/jaw shape or maybe structural differences in vocal chords? Japanese people struggle to pronounce certain letters in English, but not foreign-born Japanese people, does this have a biological basis?

the study of the development of words in relation to their origins?

Well, it's more like the development of our worldview in relation to words and the relation to their origins. Some of the ol' Greeks used to think there was an innate language and an innate descriptor for everything in the world. There is talk of some ancient Greeks isolating a set of twins and raising them without ever talking to them which led to them discovering that the Phrygian word for bread, bekos, was the innate signifée for the human concept of food since this was the sounds that first came out of those uncorrupted twins. This research has since been repudiated, of course.

It's also quite interesting that the word for a maternal figure seems to be some variation of mama in almost every language ever encountered. Is this because the sound mama is hitting some special nerve relating to motherhood within all humans or is it simply because mama is just very utilitarian, easy to pronounce for a baby and therefore unconsciously "approved" as the best word by most cultures?

Intersemiotics is about discovering how we shape our worldview using language. For example does this part of Vivaldi's four seasons really sound like spring to you? Does spring really have a sound that could be reproduced by an orchestra? And if you find yourself agreeing that this does sound like spring, is it because you've been conditioned to believe this is what spring sounds like because of incessant exposure to this particular interpretation of the sound of spring?

Why do we describe the minor chord as being sad or depressing anyway? It's just an arbitrary difference in Hz played in conjunction with each other. That shit is intersemiotics. Ask those questions and she'll cream her panties for sure fam.

I'm curious to know, perhaps you have a view on this, is there a relationship between human physiognomy and semiotics?

That's an interesting question and I don't think there's enough research on it. Thus far academics seem to agree that any difference in phonology is more related to language genealogy and loan words than physiognomy and "racial temperament".

Japanese people struggle to pronounce certain letters in English, but not foreign-born Japanese people, does this have a biological basis?

No, that's just because they're very unfamiliar with the sounds during their upbringing. Very few Americans can pronounce the <J> in José, but any Swedish person can despite never being in contact with a Spanish speaker. That's because Swedish has a <J> sound that is close to the Spanish one.

I will fist bump you if I get into her pants

Good luck! I live vicariously through you, brother :((

Wow not very intersectional of you, denouncing trans rights

Fuck intersectionality. Its just a term wypipo spread to make non-wyts feel they are apart of something.

Why are you such a transphobe? Trans black women are a very important part of black liberation. Don't be bigoted towards your fellows

I support anything that helps elevate black people.

Than why do you use derogatory language towards one of the most important groups in black liberation? Homophobia is an invention of wypipo and their cruel abrahamic religions (don't kid yourself into thinking Islam is anything different, Arabs have enslaved black Africans for thousands of years)

Arabs have not existed for thousands of years

Haven't heard this one before, explain?

Its quite simple. There was no pan arab identity until the time of Muhammed pbuh. The written language was created when the Quran came about. You said arabs have been enslaving black people for thousands of years and thats not really true. Not to mention that there were various black tribes of the arabs before the Islamic expansion and conquest. Arabs invaded Africa in the 8th century (iirc) and were able to capture what is known as north africa or the medditerranenan coast. They tried to take over everything south of the 23rd parallel but our armies stopped them. So then a "peaceful coexistance" occurred. Even then, the barbary slave trade is what caused the current issues in North Africa. Majority of the people called arabs are not descendant from the actual arabain tribes, they were simply the victims of conquest and adopted the arabic language.

It's weird that you ignore the fact that Arabs in the Arabian peninsula continue to enslave people including Africans today. Is this some form of mental gymnastics to justify the fact you practice a slavers religion? It nice in the house?

Awesome strawman, where did he say that he ignore it? This guy post videos of Arabs beating Black slaves on r/Africa to appeal their emotions.

Are you a Hotep?


What is your political ideology then?

transphobia alert

I'm only spittin truths.

whatever, you icky bigot

I'm sure a modertor will be on the case very soon.

There is no such thing as chick with dicks only dudes with tits.

You're an incel, menlet, asian nationalist, what the fuck do you know about being a man?

Ask your mother about that?

My mums a lesbian which just proves, yet again, that you're a bitch

I think you should go back to your own webspace. This is a trap subreddit for traps to spread to pan trapism and become more aware of our traps

Girls can have dicks too. Is that a problem?

Ain't a girl if they got a dick.

It's 2018 and you're still saying shit like that. What a transpose.

Really? Cuz you seem to be a compete bitch

Takes one to know one.


You can go through my post history to find the answer to this question.

Looking at your post history, it seems that you are obsessed with two things, thus I cannot tell which you worship more, wypipo or the Jews.


Go through thread and you will find my answer.

And is it a temporary solution or a more final one?

What took you so long


Race and ethnicity comes before gender. Every logical person knows this.

WTF u/LordAmos why are you calling the alt right "logical"?

Alt right means white people.

Wakanda means black people.

Pretty sure altrightards hate women as much as they hate other races tbh.

>implying black guys aren't just as big racists as the alt-right

There is a stronger in-group bias for your race than there is for your gender.

Though women have a stronger (gender) in-group bias than men.


Champion, reporting in.


jfl at totes


Race and ethnicity comes before gender

What does that even mean?

Every logical person knows this.

Then how do you know it?

But some black women think it's the other way around.


Ok, if I understand, each times there is invaders on the sub, it's because of r/Drama?